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Al Franken is an irrelevant sissy
World Net Daily ^
| 9/29/03
| Vox Day
Posted on 09/29/2003 6:48:54 AM PDT by Tribune7
Al Franken is standing up for the manhood of the Democratic Party. The task falls to him, it seems, since he is one of the last white men remaining in that collection of hypersensitive racists, outdated labor unions, infanticidal feminists and globalist socialists not named Kennedy.
Al Franken is more than a former comedian, he has now devolved into a media parasite worthy of note. His latest best-seller, "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," is in much the same vein as his previous book on Rush Limbaugh, showing him to be a literary mosquito dependent upon sucking blood from the efforts of others.
This is not to say that the book is entirely useless. Mr. Franken does an admirable job of exposing some of the more risible gaffes, exaggerations and, yes, lies of several current media stars. Nevertheless, like an increasing number of Americans, I'll take the quasi-conservative blowhard O'Reilly over the moribund leftist cadavers at CNN, despite his purple pen. So, too, with regard to Sean Hannity, although his failure to grasp the proper calculation of percentage differences is almost as cringe-inducing as O'Reilly's fiction.
But Franken's critiques are, for the most part, irrelevant. It is particularly so with regard to the case of leftist media bias put forth by my favorite columnist, Ann Coulter. Indeed, if Franken were an exterminator, one can easily imagine the scenario proceeding thusly:
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TOPICS: Culture/Society; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: alfranken; bookreview; irrelevant; sissy
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This guy wants to fight Al Franken
posted on
09/29/2003 6:48:55 AM PDT
To: Tribune7
AF is going to turn off vast numbers of the reviled moderates.
posted on
09/29/2003 6:54:34 AM PDT
(The islamofascists and the democrats are trying to destroy this country)
To: Tribune7
Al Franken is more than a former comedian... He gives him waaaaaaay too much credit! Comedians are supposed to be funny. Al Franken never was.
posted on
09/29/2003 6:55:00 AM PDT
( :))
To: Tribune7
Franken has never put forth an original idea.
posted on
09/29/2003 6:55:34 AM PDT
To: Tribune7
And I'm calling you out fight-club rules. Any time, anywhere, although I'm amenable to waiting until you finish your book tour. After all, it's hard to do a reading with your jaw wired shut. Franken doesn't really want to fight anybody. He is more like his limp wristed Saturday Night Live character than he is willing to admit.
He is just lashing out. Call him on his blustering and he will skip away in a huff.
posted on
09/29/2003 7:03:40 AM PDT
To: Tribune7
A typical liberal, Franken has no ideas. He only knows what he doesn't like and what he doesn't like are ideas that are effective. Effective ideas expose the Left for what it is... a group dedicated to amassing power, not for the betterment of anyone's life, but simply because it feels good to be in power.
These are the real parasites of nations.
To: jellybean
Al Franken is a comedian like Michael Moore is a documentary producer.
posted on
09/29/2003 7:45:18 AM PDT
To: Tribune7
Alf Franken was on CSPAN last night talking to some group. He was babbling about Hannity living up Gingrich's ass for a number of years. I didn't understand the whole thing (it wasn't funny, but it didn't seem like it was supposed to be funny) and clicked off when it was clear to me that Alf must have snorted a whole lot within the past hour. And, I guess dems NEVER have to take a urine test.
posted on
09/29/2003 7:46:20 AM PDT
Al Franken claims to be a satirist.
posted on
09/29/2003 7:48:08 AM PDT
To: Tribune7
I'd like to see him call out Ann Coulter.She would beat him like the b*tch he is,leave him crying on the ground with an atomic wedgie.
To: finnman69
I'm waiting for the book ,"Al Franken is a Bucktoothed Sissy Moron". I'd buy it. Hell, I may write it.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
posted on
09/29/2003 8:32:28 AM PDT
wku man
("I'm not a hero...I just like hitting people in the head!" Nelson Munz)
To: Tribune7
Think about it folks...
Franken is nothing more than a Democrat junk yard dog....
And, "Democrat" is the defining disqualifier from intelligent life.
Semper Fi
posted on
09/29/2003 9:14:38 AM PDT
river rat
(War works......It brings Peace... Give war a chance to destroy Jihadists...)
To: Strider
"He is more like his limp wristed Saturday Night Live character..."
I'm good enough, I'm thmart enough, so, doggone it! Why don't people like me?
posted on
09/29/2003 9:25:10 AM PDT
("As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!!!")
To: Tribune7
My money's on Day.
posted on
09/29/2003 9:29:27 AM PDT
("BOOM! Here comes the BOOM! Ready or Not! Ha Ha! How ja like me now!" -- POD)
To: Tribune7
He is not!!! He's a buck toothed moron!
To: Consort
Al Franken claims to be a satirist
Satire is what closes on Broadway on Saturday after a Friday premiere.
To: Strider
Franken doesn't really want to fight anybody. Oh, I want to see 'em fight.
Actually, I bet you Franken would agree to fight Lowery who can't be described as tought guy.
posted on
09/29/2003 10:17:38 AM PDT
To: jmaroneps37
"Buck Tooth Moron"
Irrelevant Sissy
"Buck Tooth Moron"
Irrelevant Sissy
"Buck Tooth Moron"
Make a great beer commercial.
posted on
09/29/2003 10:19:08 AM PDT
To: river rat
"Democrat" is the defining disqualifier from intelligent life. True
posted on
09/29/2003 10:19:50 AM PDT
To: Temple Owl
posted on
09/29/2003 10:20:10 AM PDT
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