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Orrin Hatch addresses immigrants(Illegal aliens)
Salt Lake Tribune ^
| 9/52003
| Christopher Smith
Posted on 09/05/2003 5:51:28 PM PDT by 4.1O dana super trac pak
WASHINGTON--Speaking at a rally of young undocumented immigrants who are urging Congress to allow them to attend public colleges at in-state tuition prices, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the country will "benefit enormously" by opening college classes to the children of people who entered the U.S. illegaly.
"We can choose either to keep these talented young people underground or we can choose to give them a chance to contribute to the United States," Hatch said at a Capitol Hill news conference Thursday to urge support of his "DREAM Act," the Development, Relief, and Education For Alien Minors Act.
The Bill sponsored by the Utah Republican and Sen. Dick Durban, D-Ill., would repeal a section of federal law preventing states from granting in-state tuition rates to non-U.S citizens who do not have proof they entered the country legally.
It also would grant pemanent U.S. residency status to immigrants who came to the United States prior to the age 16, have lived in the country at least five years, are "of good moral character" and earn a college degree, complete at least two years of college, serve in the U.S. miltary or perform community service.
One of Congress' most outspoken critics of granting benefits of U.S. citizenship to undocumented immigrants, Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Col., told a political magazine recently that both parties in Congress have been co-opted by a "cult of multiculturalism."
"There is no greater gap betWeen what the people of this country want and what the Congress is going to give them than there is on the issue of immigration...."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; US: Utah
KEYWORDS: 225; durbin; illegal; illegals; republicanturncoats; rinos
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To: Lizavetta
I expected this from the leftist extremist Dick Durbin, who is a major socialist, and is opposed to ANYTHING that is pro-American ot pro-Constitution (he is a rabid anti-gunner, for instance); but I am mildly surprised at Hatch. I used to have some respect for the man, but that began to fade when he shamefully refused to stand up to that viper Patrick Leahy when the latter took a dump on the Constitution and waged a coup on the Judiciary Committee.
To: BluH2o
There was a time when being an American citizen meant something, and there was pride in the distinction. Now, American citizenship is meaningless. I curse and despise all the politicians and elitists who have cheapened my country to the point that it is now a tawdry carnival.
To: Lijahsbubbe
We need a real American leader, one who puts America first. It's obvious none of the ones we have now fit the bill. I am quickly losing my allegiance to the Republican party. I am growing more and more convinced that BOTH parties care not a bit about the future of our republic, and neither gives a damn that thye have been instrumental in destroying the greatest experiment in human freedom. A pox on both their houses! The Pubs will not get another dime from me!
To: 4.1O dana super trac pak
Most long time politicians in D.C. are New World Order, Free Trade, pimps and traitors. They all need to be turned out to pasture.
To: Imagine; 4.1O dana super trac pak
Agree to the points but I would add a couple of refinements.
To your second point I would also require dental paragraphs.
To point five and six if after seizing all available assets within the US and reducing to Zero any foreign aid payments to offset the cost; the DoD shall be authorized to begin seizing any assets anywhere of the offending country at anytime, with any method deemed necessary to accomplish the mission without loss of US life.
posted on
09/06/2003 8:35:16 AM PDT
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: grania
Here's the only hope I see. GWB gets defeated.
That's the first step. Any replacement wouldn't be worse. The necessary element is that he and the Republicans need to be made to understand WHY he's thrown out of office. He's too far left, too politically correct globalist, and too incompetent.
posted on
09/06/2003 8:38:47 AM PDT
To: BluH2o
A belated welcome to the U.S. to you and thank you for serving in the Corp.
Politicians have gone to great lengths in recent years to cheapen the honor of becoming a U.S. citizen legitimately.
They've been pimping out America like she was a two-bit whore in a Mexican border town.
To: JimVT
Is that information online somewhere? I'd like the URL if you have it. Thanks.
To: 4integrity
Next week, I'm at meeting with people from RNC... Please tell them that many of us will no longer donate to the RNC because of this very issue, their pandering to Mexico. The Republicans have sold us out, no different from the Dims.
To: ought-six
I can't imagine how soldiers fighting for our country feel. Do they have a country to feel allegiance for?
How about Hatch and these other dinks make sure anyone over here illegally puts their ass on the line like our citizens do. Fight for us before you get one dime.
My grandfather (like many others) came over here from Russia legally, and was in the army in no time. He didn't speak English when he came here and the government didn't give him a thing, except a life of freedom.
That isn't good enough for these illegal freaks. One of my children works at a college, and the illegals, and immigrants come in expecting and demanding to receive services and are rude about it. They know the score before they get here. And that includes Somalian, Mexican, Hmong, and Arab.
To: DumpsterDiver
posted on
09/06/2003 9:17:42 AM PDT
To: Jeff Head
I totally agree! He has left planet earth!
To: 4.1O dana super trac pak
Something needs to be said about the childish acronyms of laws like the D.R.E.A.M and P.A.T.R.I.O.T acts. They drip with contempt for the American people in general, and Republican voters in particular (the Repubs have a particular liking for this sort of thing). They really think that you "flyover country" red-zone types are a bunch of boobs who can be sold a big, steaming, pile of sh*t as long as they wrap it in a bright, pretty, ribbon. And they are justified in thinking so. Gawd how they must laugh at you rubes when they D.R.E.A.M. these things up. I'm guessing that most of these acronyms are cooked up in a bar after work, the classic venue of con men everywhere.
Confidence swindlers. That con men above just popped out, but the more I think of it, the better it sounds. These men are supposed to be your champions, there to broadly carry out your political wishes, you should be able to trust them, but they treat you like a mark. What's more, they are supposed to be your employees. What would happen to an employee caught trying to blow smoke up the boss's posterior in this manner? He would probably be fired for dishonesty, for starts. And for insubordination, for not giving the respect that is due to his employer.
posted on
09/06/2003 10:47:44 AM PDT
To: FITZ; JimVT; steplock
I don't think there really is anything wrong with the term wetback, actually I think FITZ nailed it, but I've seen alot of illegal alien threads get jumped by trolls for less, and I really, really can't stand them. Really.
To: JimVT
A BTTT for JimVT.
To: 4integrity
I'd really be interested in hearing about that meetimg. Anyone we know gonna be there?
To: logician2u
To: Imagine; grania; ought-six
To: 4.1O dana super trac pak
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