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New York Post ^ | 9/04/03 | GERSH KUNTZMAN

Posted on 09/04/2003 12:33:34 AM PDT by kattracks

Edited on 05/26/2004 5:16:24 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]

September 4, 2003 -- As a violent thunderstorm flickered and dimmed the lights in Florida's execution chamber, a former minister was put to death last night for murdering an abortion doctor.

Paul Hill used his last breaths to call upon right-to-lifers to continue the fight - by any means necessary.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: paulhill
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To: bitcon
The word used in Exodus 20:13 "Thou shalt not Kill"is the hebrew word "ratsach". It means to kill or murder.
41 posted on 09/04/2003 3:24:08 AM PDT by Moosefart
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To: MEG33
Right! This is why God ordained govermental authority.

In the book of Judges, it was a period where there was no king in Israel. And it says "Every man did what was right in their own eyes." Results in chaos.
42 posted on 09/04/2003 3:25:19 AM PDT by AmericaUnited
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To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
Why do you think the majority of Christian/Baptist/etc. ministers and theologians, who are staunchly anti-abortion, don't agree with your ( or Hill's ) position?
43 posted on 09/04/2003 3:31:46 AM PDT by AmericaUnited
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To: Aunt Enna
Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

The problem with your position is that it takes no real accounting of the facts of this case. Please answer directly the following questions:

1. Do you agree that any human being has the natural right to self defense?

2. Does that right to self defense include the right to use force in the defense of life?

3. If you agree that people do have a right to use force in the defense of life, then do you agree that one may use force in the defense of the life of another, innocent person?

(I'm really hoping you've answered "yes" thus far, as I'd hate to think that any American would deny any of that).

4. Do you agree that the human fetus is a human person, deserving of all the rights recognized for all others?

5. If you do believe that the fetus is a human being with rights on par with those of others, then do you believe that one may use force to defend them when their lives are threatened?

6. If not, why not?

44 posted on 09/04/2003 3:33:26 AM PDT by Heartbreak of Psoriasis
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To: AmericaUnited
Why do you think the majority of Christian/Baptist/etc. ministers and theologians, who are staunchly anti-abortion, don't agree with your ( or Hill's ) position?

I don't know why that is.

Why do you suppose it is?

45 posted on 09/04/2003 3:35:18 AM PDT by Heartbreak of Psoriasis
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To: AmericaUnited
God has ordained governmental authority to exact justice.

The scripture verses that I think refer to the principle for government and also for the protection of life are:

Genesis 9:5-6
"And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting...And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting of his fellow man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man."

In this case it only worked one way, with Paul Hill being executed by the government. In the case of the killing of the unborn children, the government's position is opposite that of God's position. Who is going to stop the genocide and get justice for the babies killed?

46 posted on 09/04/2003 3:38:48 AM PDT by Hyacinth Bucket
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To: Moosefart
Thanks for the correction. Don't know why I thought it was Greek but I did.
47 posted on 09/04/2003 3:45:06 AM PDT by bitcon
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To: KC_Conspirator
The hypocrisy of the liberal left in not protesting this execution is truly sickening. Perhaps if Hill was a rapist/serial killer, a mass murderer or any other kind of murdering scum, they would have been there weeping and wringing their hands in self righteous despair. Hill was made an example of in this case to appease the baby klllers, while other denizens of death row, far more deserving of execution continue to avoid final justice. I think a life sentence would have been far more appropriate in this case, when you consider the blood on the hands of the "doctor".
48 posted on 09/04/2003 3:48:22 AM PDT by TAIPAN22001 (a little perspective is in order)
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To: Hyacinth Bucket
Who is going to stop the genocide and get justice for the babies killed?

Certainly not people who take the law into their own hands like Hill!

49 posted on 09/04/2003 3:48:59 AM PDT by AmericaUnited
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To: 7th_Sephiroth
Does an abortion mill across the street "freak you out" as well?
50 posted on 09/04/2003 3:53:06 AM PDT by TAIPAN22001 (a little perspective is in order)
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To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
Excellent post. Sooner or later, the pro-life movement is going to have to face a daunting moral dilemma:

1. If a fetus is a human being, then standing outside an abortion clinic with a sign and a bullhorn is a dreadfully inadequate response to the problem.

2. If a fetus is not a human being, then standing outside an abortion clinic with a sign and a bullhorn is a waste of time.

51 posted on 09/04/2003 3:54:47 AM PDT by Alberta's Child ("To freedom, Australia, horses . . . and women!" -- Lieutenant Handcock, "Breaker Morant")
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To: bitcon
The New Testament was written in Greek. The Old Testament was written in a form of Hebrew.
52 posted on 09/04/2003 3:56:48 AM PDT by magslinger (Never ascribe to malice that which can adequatly be described by incompetence.)
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To: AmericaUnited
My question: Who is going to stop the genocide and get justice for the babies killed?

Your answer: Certainly not people who take the law into their own hands like Hill!

I hope you're not saying that when faced with an issue that puts the government's position at odds with God's position that man's laws should supercede God's laws.

53 posted on 09/04/2003 3:58:41 AM PDT by Hyacinth Bucket
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To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
I was so offended by your "gurney raised to the level of the Cross" statement that I dared not address it.
54 posted on 09/04/2003 4:02:50 AM PDT by MEG33
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To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
My answers:
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. yes
The question now is how to stop abortion and abortionists in a way that is consistent with what God will have me do.
55 posted on 09/04/2003 4:03:47 AM PDT by Hyacinth Bucket
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To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
Why do you think the majority of Christian/Baptist/etc. ministers and theologians, who are staunchly anti-abortion, don't agree with your ( or Hill's ) position?

You need to seriously think about this. When your views are opposite of 99.999% of those who God has placed over you, maybe your position/view is wrong, not theirs.

56 posted on 09/04/2003 4:04:27 AM PDT by AmericaUnited
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To: kattracks
God's ways are high above our ways. Too often, our justice looks foolish to God.

I believe this man will be rewarded in heaven, even though such a sentiment is politically incorrect, and even sacireligious to some.

57 posted on 09/04/2003 4:05:38 AM PDT by joyful1
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To: Momma Lou
Hill actually killed one abortion doctor,a retired military man,and shot the man's wife.I would not choose him as a martyr to a worthy cause.
58 posted on 09/04/2003 4:11:09 AM PDT by MEG33
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To: Hyacinth Bucket; All
"I hope you're not saying that when faced with an issue that puts the government's position at odds with God's position that man's laws should supercede God's laws."

Why not? Man's laws apply equally to everyone, and must be followed or legal sanction results. All citizens are treated equally before it.

God's laws, on the other hand, apply only to those who subscribe to whatever particular religion whence they spring. They also have no means of Earthly enforcement. Thousands of different religions exist and are represented in America. However, in a Republic, only laws agreed upon by the majority have any hope of having effect.

A Christian's laws mean nothing to the muslim; his mean nothing to the animist. Man's laws, however, apply equally to all, and are agreed upon by majority vote in our system.

Whatever religious laws one believes in, their obeyance is strictly voluntary. The nation's laws, on the other hand, are not only enforceable but mandatory.

Paul Hill violated those laws. He murdered two people, and said that he would have killed more, including police officers, if they got in his way. He NEVER appeared sad about being "forced to take action"; instead he reveled and gloried in it. He had snide grin right up until the end, enjoying his perverse notoriety.

This places him solidly in the company of OTHER losers who sought such Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, and Usama bin Laden. he just had a different excuse, one which some misguided souls were more than happy to indulge.

59 posted on 09/04/2003 4:11:23 AM PDT by Long Cut (Even in Summertime, Iceland is COLD!)
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To: Alberta's Child
1. If a fetus is a human being, then standing outside an abortion clinic with a sign and a bullhorn is a dreadfully inadequate response to the problem.
2. If a fetus is not a human being, then standing outside an abortion clinic with a sign and a bullhorn is a waste of time.

Excellent post. It's another way of breaking down the moral dilemma that Heartbreak P. has been trying so logically and eloquently to lay out for us here.

60 posted on 09/04/2003 4:14:13 AM PDT by Hyacinth Bucket
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