Posted on 08/31/2003 4:28:20 AM PDT by Mia T
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When Alex kills a woman during a rape, Alex is sent to prison.
A risible and repulsive result;
While Alex is conditioned in prison with aversion therapy,
In the end,
We will have set apart clinton as the hero
The REAL "Living History" -- clintoplasmodial slime
"Free Republic is one of those groups obsessed with the Clinton era."
Word's out: Protest at Hillary's tonight
You will need QuickTime Player to view the Broaddrick clintonRAPE interview. Most browsers already contain this plug-in.
The Broaddrick clintonRAPE interview is a large file, but will start playing immediately, i.e., will stream, in all browsers except Internet Explorer (IE).
IE users can also get the Broaddrick clintonRAPE movie to stream by opening QuickTime Player, selecting "open URL in new player" and pasting in the Broaddrick clintonRAPE movie URL:
Burn CDs of the Broaddrick clintonRAPE interview and hand them out at FReeps; hand them out on campuses; hand them out everywhere.
Printing the CD or a label -- or even a cd sleeve or insert -- with the above graphic would enhance the impact, in my view. |
A corrupt demagogue who is an idiot but thinks she is a genius is more dangerous than either tthe brilliant demagogue or the idiot demagogue who knows he's an idiot.
J. Bradford DeLong, clinton Administration veteran and BERKELEY PROFESSOR had it about right: "Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life." "My two cents' worth--and I think it is the two cents' worth of everybody who worked for the Clinton Administration health care reform effort of 1993-1994--is that Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life. Heading up health-care reform was the only major administrative job she has ever tried to do. And she was a complete flop at it. She had neither the grasp of policy substance, the managerial skills, nor the political smarts to do the job she was then given. And she wasn't smart enough to realize that she was in over her head and had to get out of the Health Care Czar role quickly.... there is no reason to think that she would be anything but an abysmal president" J. Bradford DeLong
professor of economics at Berkeley
veteran of the Clinton Administration
WASHINGTON- February 22. Sen. KnowNothing Victim Clinton held her premiere press conference today on Capitol Hill, ostensibly to answer questions about the peddling of White House pardons by her brother and her campaign treasurer. Notably absent among the press queries were any about her own involvement not only in those pardons, but in the larger universe of sold pardons--the incipient clinton scandal du jour--Pardongate. KnowNothing's brother, Hugh Rodham, secured two of the 141 clinton midnight pardons, one for a cocaine kingpin and the other for a snake-oil swindler. Rodham netted a quick $400,000 for his "work" according to various rodhams and clintons and their assorted lawyers. KnowNothing's campaign treasurer, William Cunningham III, himself a law partner of longtime KnowNothing adviser Harold Ickes, helped obtain last-minute pardons for two convicted felons. ![]() LA FAMIGLIA Displaying a willingness to throw her brother (along with her husband) to the wolves, Sen. Victim Clinton was quick to make a distinction between her big, bad brother's pardon "work" and that of her campaign treasurer, "a fine lawyer and a fine man." The "family" connection of brother Rodham to Clinton rendered Rodham's "work" offensive, whereas the campaign treasurer Cunningham's connection to the senator and her campaign coffers made his securing of two pardons in record time a sterling example of highminded, effective public service. KnowNothing is apparently not the best of thinkers. If the "family" connection makes lobbying for cocaine-kingpin and snake-oil-swindler pardons unsavory for brother Rodham, then the "family" connection makes lobbying for the Hasidim 4 (see Keating 5) pardons even more distasteful for the wife, First Lady and senator-elect. Moreover, pardons for votes is arguably a greater offense than pardons for cash. EFFECTIVELY PLEADS 5TH BY INVOKING SPOUSAL PRIVILEGE KnowNothing specifically declined to answer when asked whether she discussed the pardons with her husband, effectively pleading the 5th. Turning aside questions about the pardon decisions her husband had made, she told reporters they should address those issues with him and his staff. She refused to say whether he should agree to appear voluntarily before congressional committees investigating the pardons. Interestingly, no one asked her whether she would agree to appear voluntarily before those same congressional committees. I DIDN'T HAVE SEX WITH THAT PARDON "I did not have any involvement in the pardons that were granted or not granted," insisted Sen. KnowNothing, seeming to forget her presence at the New-Square/Oval-Office schmooze that secured pardons for the four Hasidic felons who set up a phony school in Brooklyn to swindle the government out of millions intended for the poor. ![]() RESURRECTING RUFF KnowNothing noted that her"best memory" was that she never spoke to her brother or to Mr. Cunningham about the pardons. With variations of "I don't have a memory" and "my best memory, and avoiding the more obvious "I don't recall" and "my best recollection," KnowNothing reprised the Ruffian standard used during the clinton years to commit perjury without penalty. I GET LETTERS ...or more precisely, envelopes. During her denials of involvement in any of the pardons, KnowNothing made the curious claim: "People handed me envelopes, I passed them on [and never opened a single one. Honest.]" I AM VICTIM Reprising the role of victim that enabled her to win a senate seat in spite of low poll numbers, high personal negatives and consistent public failures, the senator peppered her answers about big, bad Hugh (understanding that the subtext was big, bad Bill) with "saddened" and "disappointed" and "heartbroken" and "shocked." UTTER CONTEMPT FOR THE PEOPLE This session today was cut short by a staffer when reporters appeared dissatisfied by Senator KnowNothing's lack of candor. In the end, this press conference full of poses, poll-tested phrases and prevarication was just another display of the clintons' utter contempt for the people. Bill Clinton committed the same error last Sunday in his shameless, lie-filled New York Times Pardongate Apologia. The clintons' fundamental error: They are too arrogant and dim-witted to understand that the demagogic process in this fiberoptic age isn't about counting spun heads; it's about not discounting circumambient brains. ![]()
The Flash animation requires Flash Player 6, which you can download HERE |
If she runs in '04--(BTW, no one seems to notice the clinton Complex-Question Fallacy Scheme at work here) -- it will be in the form of a last-minute draft, an attempt to circumvent the probing of adversaries, of which she has many....
OTOH, I am sure the clintons are hedging their bets and plotting to bypass the press with another Letterman-larryking cozy clintonoid interviews of the colmes kind -- "listening tour" farce.
This whole deal is classic approach-avoidance conflict. And HE probably wants her to run NOW more than she does. You know, the rapist's lack of restraint....
hehe ! Is this one more like it ? ...
Hillary Confesses We're not making this one up, folks. In a video snippet you can play for yourself on the NY1 News Web site (www.ny1.com1), Hillary Rodham Clinton accuses the Bush White House of "a cover-up at the highest level." "What transpired in the White House?" an angry Mrs. Clinton asked this week from the steps of New York's City Hall. "I know a little bit about how White Houses work. I know somebody picked up a phone, somebody got on a computer, somebody sent an e-mail, somebody called for a meeting, somebody, probably under instructions from somebody further up the chain, told the EPA, 'Don't tell the people of New York the truth,' and I want to know who that is." Mrs. Clinton's cover-up accusation was prompted by a report from the Environmental Protection Agency's inspector general, which says the Bush Administration prodded the EPA to issue reassuring reports about the air quality in Lower Manhattan after September 11. She's not buying the argument that, in the chaotic aftermath of that day, no one really knew what was going on with air quality. Maybe the first couple of days, Mrs. Clinton allows. "But a week later, two weeks later, two months later, six months later? Give me a break. They knew, and they didn't tell us the truth," she says. This, of course, comes from the same woman who as First Lady thought it understandable that her long-subpoenaed records could suddenly materialize in a room right next to her White House study. "I think people need to understand that there are millions of pieces of paper in the White House," she told Barbara Walters at the time, "and for more than two years now people have been diligently searching." Recall that she also dismisses the collection of hundreds of FBI files of Bush and Reagan appointees as a "bureaucratic snafu" by innocent newcomers "who did not recognize the mistake." And who can forget her classic disavowal of any responsibility for the sacking of staffers in the White House Travel Office? We suppose Mrs. Clinton's explanations have to be taken on faith. So if the honorable junior Senator from New York now wants to argue that she knows a cover-up when she sees it, because she knows all about how these things work, who are we to argue? |
Yep ...just like ORKIN is obsessed with rooting out and getting rid of a different variety of cockroaches
Just listened to Sunday morning Tim Russert tell TODAY Show...without equivication, that Hillary will not run in 2004. Late last week, Chris Mathews quoting Howard Fineman agreed. These DC insiders seem absolutely certain Hillary will not run in 2004, and when you think of it...when has Hillary ever done anything "for the good of the party"?
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