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Freepers call to action re. Terri Schindler-Schiavo. Make a complaint against Judge Greer:
Various ^ | August 28, 2003

Posted on 08/28/2003 5:20:42 AM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl

Freepers, we may be able to help Terri:

I made some phone calls today and have the ULTIMATE PHONE CALL for registering a Complaint against Judge Greer. I can't reveal my sources but this is the phone number for a few pay grades above J. Greer.

Call the: Judicial Qualifications Commission at

#1-850-488-1581. I am complaining to them tomorrow that J. Greer isn't God, that he's been in the husband's corner since Day One, he doesn't care a wit about Terri's parents or her husband's attempt at medical neglect, and I'd like to know if Greer can be recalled or impeached.

HE SHOULD HAVE OR COULD HAVE HONORED GOV. BUSH'S REQUEST TO ASSIGN A GUARDIAN AD LITEM to represent Terri's interest instead of once again, taking the side of the husband. Judge Greer is from the Sixth Circuit Court, Pinellas County.

Oh, and ping everybody you can think of.

72 posted on 08/27/2003 5:06 PM EDT by floriduh voter

From summer:

" a separate thread asking people to call this phone number FV provided. This could get a guardian appointed if the judge is tossed off the case for BIAS."


8 Jeb Bush intervenes for Schindler-Schiavo -   WND | 8/26

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has asked a judge to delay setting a date for removal of a feeding tube sustaining the life of a brain-disabled woman, Terri Schindler-Schiavo.

In a letter, Bush asked Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George W. Greer yesterday to keep her alive until a court-appointed guardian can "independently investigate the circumstances of this case and provide the court with an unbiased view that considers the best interests of Mrs. Schiavo."

8 From JEB to FR: Full text of Gov Bush's letter to Judge Greer re: Terri Schiavo. Email from Gov Bush to summer, for FR | 8/27

 ----- Original Message -----
From: [Governor Bush's office]
To: [summer's email]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:06 AM
Subject: Letter regarding Terri Schiavo

> August 26, 2003

> The Honorable George W. Greer
> Judge, Sixth Judicial Circuit
> 315 Court Street, Room 484
> Clearwater, Florida 33756

Dear Judge Greer:

> I appreciate the challenging legal and ethical issues before you in the case > of Terri Schiavo. As I have expressed over the course of the past several > weeks, our system of government has committed these decisions to the > judicial branch, and we must respect that process. Consistent with this > principle, I normally would not address a letter to a judge in a pending > legal proceeding. However, my office has received over 27,000 emails > reflecting understandable concern for the well being of Terri Schiavo. > Given that there is no procedural avenue available for these views to be > expressed to you in the normal course of the proceedings, I feel compelled > to write in the hopes that you will give serious consideration to > re-appointment of a guardian ad litem for Mrs. Schiavo before permitting the > removal of her feeding tube or other actions calculated to end her life.

> This case represents the disturbing result of a severe family disagreement > in extremely trying circumstances. Emotions are high, accusations abound, > and at the heart of this public and private maelstrom is a young woman > incapable of speaking for herself.

> I am disturbed by new rumors about the guardian's actions related to the > current care of Mrs. Schiavo. It has come to my attention that Mrs. Schiavo > has contracted a life threatening illness, and that she may be denied > appropriate treatment. If true, this indicates a decision by her caregivers > to initiate an "exit protocol" that may include withholding treatment from > Mrs. Schiavo until her death, which would render this Court's ultimate > decision moot. While the issue of Mrs. Schiavo's care is still before the > Court, I urge you to ensure that no act of omission or commission be allowed > to adversely affect Mrs. Schiavo's health before the September 11th hearing > you have set. No one involved should be permitted to circumvent due process > or the Court's authority in order to achieve personal objectives in this > case.

> Even discounting these rumors, there are a number of factual disputes > regarding Mrs. Schiavo's medical condition, past and current care and > therapy, and her prognosis. Given the contradictory positions of her > guardian and other family members, I respectfully ask that you re-appoint a > qualified guardian ad litem to independently investigate the circumstances > of this case, and provide the Court an unbiased view that considers only the > best interests of Mrs. Schiavo.

> It is a fine balance between Mrs. Schiavo's right to privacy and her right > to life, both of which are co-equal in our Constitution. To err on one side > is to prolong her existence, perhaps against her wishes, and continue the > debate. To err on the other is an irrevocable act that affords no > remediation. I respectfully ask that you give Mrs. Schiavo's family the > opportunity to present any new evidence as to her wishes. Evidence as to > her wishes should be reweighed as often as necessary to take into account > the effect of any new evidence, that is, to determine whether "clear and > convincing evidence" still exists that Mrs. Schiavo would now choose > withdrawal of life-prolonging procedures. While this process may delay the > surrogate's exercise of Mrs. Schiavo's privacy rights, it is necessary to > avoid denying her right to life. I urge you to err on the side of > conservative judgment to ensure that all facts can be uncovered and > considered before her life is terminated.

> I appreciate your compassion for Mrs. Schiavo's plight, and that of the > family members locked in dispute in these tragic circumstances. In light of > the ongoing contention related to so many issues in this case, I hope you > will consider appointing a guardian ad litem to ensure that the ultimate > decision is based on facts presented clearly, unclouded and uncolored by > personal interests of litigants.

> Sincerely,

> Jeb Bush

> cc: Patricia Fields Anderson, Esq.
> George J. Felos, Esq.

(WND article excerpts, cont.:) "On Friday, the Florida Supreme Court refused to intervene in the case, clearing the way for a Sept. 11 hearing in which Greer would set a date for removal of the feeding tube.

Terri's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler of Gulf Port, Fla., have been locked in a decade-long legal battle with their son-in-law over the care and custody of their daughter, who suffered massive brain damage when she collapsed at her home 13 years ago under unexplained circumstances at the age of 26.

***The bitter dispute over Terri's lack of care became a major euthanasia battle five years ago when her husband Michael Schiavo petitioned the court for permission to have her feeding tube removed, claiming she is in a persistent vegetative state and would not want to be kept alive "artificially." The Schindlers and a number of doctors and therapists believe she could be rehabilitated, but the courts have consistently sided with Schiavo and his lawyer, right-to-die advocate George Felos.


The article is on

Florida Judge Rejects Governor's Bid to Help Terri Schiavo
By Jeff Johnson Congressional Bureau Chief
August 27, 2003

Capitol Hill ( - Florida Circuit Judge George Greer Tuesday rejected a plea from Governor Jeb Bush to appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the best interests of Terri Schindler Schiavo, a 39-year-old disabled woman who suffered a brain injury in 1990 under questionable circumstances. Bush had intervened Monday after receiving 27,000 email messages asking for his help on Terri's behalf.

"I read [Gov. Bush's letter] because it came from the governor and I respect his position," Greer told the Tampa Tribune. "Beyond that, it is going in the file."

As previously reported, Bush wrote Greer Monday asking him not to remove the disabled woman's feeding tube until a new guardian ad litem could "independently investigate" her condition. In the letter, Bush referenced the "fine balance between Mrs. Schiavo's right to privacy and her right to life," which Bush noted are co-equal under the Constitution.

"To err on one side is to prolong her existence, perhaps against her wishes and to continue the debate," Bush wrote. "To err on the other is an irrevocable act that affords no remediation."

But Greer told the Associated Press that he no longer has a choice in the matter.

"Frankly, I think I'm operating under a mandate from the 2nd District Court of Appeals," Greer said, "and frankly I don't think I can stray from that mandate."

In that same interview, however, the judge contradicted his own assessment of the limitation on his authority by stating that he was "not inclined" to appoint a guardian ad litem.

Michael Schiavo called Gov. Bush's intervention on behalf of Terri "crazy."

"The governor has deliberately twisted the facts in this case in an apparent effort to kowtow to his right-to-life political supporters," Schiavo told Tampa Tribune reporter David Sommer. "This has nothing to do with him. He should stay out of it."

Schiavo - who, for five years, has been seeking judicial approval to end his wife's life by denying her nutrition and hydration - also accused Terri's parents of manipulating their Catholic faith to keep their daughter alive.

"I believe in God and so did (?) Terri," Schiavo said, speaking of his still living wife in the past tense, "but they are out to push it on people... suddenly they are on a religious kick."

Judge refuses motion for hearing to set 'death date'

Greer also denied a motion Tuesday to hold an immediate hearing to set a date for the removal of Terri's nutrition and hydration tube. The hearing will be held, as previously announced, on Sept. 11. At that hearing, Greer will also rule on whether Schiavo may legally prohibit Terri's priest from visiting her.

Schiavo's attorney, George Felos, had also petitioned the court Monday to prohibit doctors from caring for Terri's current fever, labored breathing, vomiting, diarrhea and a "substantial infection."

"Given the imminence of the ward's death, further treatment (other than comfort care) for the ward's infection and other medical problems is unnecessary, unwarranted, inappropriate and futile," Felos said in an emergency motion, adding that Terri, "should be put back in hospice and receive comfort care and die in a peaceful setting."

Greer denied that motion, as well.

55 posted on 08/27/2003 5:29 PM EDT by yhwhsman ("Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small..." -Sir Winston Churchill)

Michael Schiavo is using "privacy" as an excuse for denying Terri every contact from the outside world, even flowers. "One sign of the case's nastiness is the Schindlers' complaint that Schiavo limits their visits with their daughter. They also say he has refused to allow doctors to examine her, refused her antibiotics and needed dental work, refused to replace a broken wheelchair so she could be taken outdoors and refused the delivery of flowers from a friend to her room on her birthday."

"Her teeth are fine; she doesn't eat," Michael Schiavo said. "Why take her to a gynecologist? She was supposed to die months ago. I don't want her room filled with flowers from strangers or right-to-life activists. Even though she is vegetative she has a right to privacy."

17 posted on 08/27/2003 10:14 AM EDT by I still care


I thought Gov Bush very eloquently made his case here, in this part:

To err on one side is to prolong her existence, perhaps against her wishes, and continue the debate. To err on the other is an irrevocable act that affords no remediation.

18 posted on 08/27/2003 10:14 AM EDT by summer


..this judge is going to look really bad if this part is ignored by the judge:

Even discounting these rumors, there are a number of factual disputes > regarding Mrs. Schiavo's medical condition, past and current care and > therapy, and her prognosis. Given the contradictory positions of her > guardian and other family members

21 posted on 08/27/2003 10:17 AM EDT by summer


HE SHOULD HAVE OR COULD HAVE HONORED GOV. BUSH'S REQUEST TO ASSIGN A GUARDIAN AD LITEM to represent Terri's interest instead of once again, taking the side of the husband. Judge Greer is from the Sixth Circuit Court, Pinellas County.

That is one thing that floors me .. This Judge should have long ago appointed an independent Guardian Ad Litem and not left her husband as her sole guardian .. especially since there are questions about her husband with abuse and the fractured bones that were reveled in xrays of Terry.

Everything I have read .. this Judge seems hell bent on having her killed

73 posted on 08/28/2003 2:45 AM EDT by Mo1 (


I know that Mr. Schiavo has tried to ban Terri's mother and family and priest from seeing her.

But, I don't know how a court could prevent doctors from ordering therapy, speach therapy (which is often actually swallowing therapy) and most especially oral nutrition.

27 posted on 08/26/2003 7:34 PM EDT by hocndoc (Choice is the # 1 killer in the US)


Judge Greer has been with the husband since day one. A guardian ad litem would have been fair for Terri and her parents. Her parents love her but they are treated as the enemy. I'm ashamed this is happening in Pinellas County.

31 posted on 08/26/2003 7:41 PM EDT by floriduh voter

Judge Greer will not appoint a guardian ad litem. I have phone numbers from the phone book for the Clearwater Courthouse and all the guardianship phone numbers. He husband held a presser today and was very flippant about Jeb's letter and called the emailers a "bunch of right to lifers."

Hubby is looking a little nervous but with a pal like Judge Greer who is no Judge Moore, Terri has until the September 11 hearing to decide the date her starvation begins.

Here are the phone numbers: courthouse - 727-464-3000, guardianship numbers: 727-582-7563, 727-582-7771, and 727-464-8700. We can at least call as friends of Terri and voice our concerns.

25 posted on 08/26/2003 7:34 PM EDT by floriduh voter

Freepers, please call the Juducial Qualification Commission regarding Judge Greer:  1-850-488-1581.


Contact friends, thank those have been fighting on Terri's behalf, including Glenn Beck, Lars Larson, CNS, WND, and Bill O'Reilly.

*** Terri Schindler Schiavo's website - background and news updates: ***

8 Terri Schiavo's website Media Contacts

Governor Jeb Bush (R)
Office of The Governor
Florida Capitol Building, PL-05
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
(850) 488-7146
(850) 488-4441

The Honorable(?) George W. Greer
6th Judicial Circuit
315 Court Street, Room 484
Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 464-3933

Attorney General Charlie Crist
Office of Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
(850) 487-1963
Fax: (850) 487-2564

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: ada; california; catholiclist; constitution; deathbystarvation; euthanasia; felony; felos; floridasuncoast; floridian; frontpage; governor; greer; hemlocksociety; hospice; legalmurder; schiavo; schindler; suncoast; suncoasthospice; suncoastsoftware; terri; terrischiavo
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To: windchime
This is the same woman who was outraged by the boar-killing stunt by a disc jockey from the same radio station referenced in the link on post #5115.

Well there ya go! The Peter Singer movement.

Kinda like here in the Pacific Northwest. The papers are all telling us how Good Isabel was for the earth and the environment, you see. She cleaned the lakes.
Worth a few human lives, no doubt, to get those lakes clean. They seem to imply this, at least.

5,121 posted on 09/21/2003 3:27:43 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: windchime; phenn
Neither of you should be the least bit surprised.

Dr. Walker, an associate professor and head of the school's division of medical ethics and humanities

These are the enemy. These are the death culturists. She is the smack-dead-center propoganda spreader for the right to kill movement.

5,122 posted on 09/21/2003 3:29:32 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
5,123 posted on 09/21/2003 3:38:55 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: windchime; kimmie7
debates here, per the previous posting, among the medical professionals

It is not over yet, look at these physicians speaking out!!!

"My colleagues and I followed a cohort of 27 persons who remained in the locked-in state for more than one year.2 Their five-year survival rate was 81 percent. The cohort includes a person who remains alive 18 years after injury.2 I am aware of a few patients with this syndrome who died only after they chose not to be treated for treatable medical conditions. I suspect many of the patients in the studies cited by the Multi-Society Task Force may have died as a result of conscious or subconscious neglect by care givers or a decision by their families not to have them treated."

Anyway it all right there on the page, the debates Wesley speaks of in his book as taking place outside the public eye.

5,124 posted on 09/21/2003 3:49:10 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
Here Is the link for the writing they were writing letters about in the previous link.
5,125 posted on 09/21/2003 3:50:54 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
part two here
5,126 posted on 09/21/2003 3:55:07 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
If you do decide to email her, ask her if she wouldn't want someone just like Pat Anderson defending her life. Calling Ms. Anderson a "crusader" is ridiculous. She's a woman doing her job to every extent of her abilities.

Personally, I would someone like Ms. Anderson in my corner if I ever needed help. Being driven doesn't make you a "crusader". It makes you a professional.

5,127 posted on 09/21/2003 4:35:59 AM PDT by phenn (
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To: phenn
Ms. Anderson took them down good in that hearing, it was incredible to read. I still would like a transcript of her speeches.

I was thinking more about asking her how someone with no cognition as they claim, can follow directions in the video.

Their amateur neurology is such a joke. First I am trying to find a link I saw somewhere in the last few weeks on the net. It had comparisons of brains scans of two of the more famous victims of euthanasia. I think one was Tony Bland perhaps and the other either Quinlan or Cruzan. After I find it I will tell you why I wanted it again.

What is most alarming is the apparent return to the early years of PVS patients requiring no pain meds to be starved and dehydrated from the good doctor in the story.

I am reading these sadists subbing in for healthcare....and I am thinking. (Get me out of this country before it is too late!)My God, have mercy, if that neuro in the story is not a Hitler precursor, I don't know what is.

5,128 posted on 09/21/2003 5:05:43 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: phenn; All
tony bland here

"It is also evident that his brain was not a liquified mass, as some commentators had suggested."

Sound familiar???

5,129 posted on 09/21/2003 5:09:09 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: sarasmom
It is so obvious that she would be able to communicate. She can definitely be rehabilitated. I have even seen where computer technology has been made where someone can communicate just by eye movement and some kind of motion tracker where the eyes control picking out letters or phrases, etc. but in Terri's case it is my belief that she could be taught to talk and to eat and just as said before she would be able to communicate if she wanted to live or die.. The fabricated assertions of Michasel and his brother, etc. that they heard Terri say she wouldn't want to live on life support, or "artificially" would be nullified. Why is it that Greer does not want Terri to be able to tell what she wants? Too late now he already ruled and it's going to take criminal charges against him or another court (Federal) to let Terri live. Perhaps a sit in could be organized? Most don't know of Terri's plight. People should picket the hospice? People should picket the Legislature? People should picket the governors residence? Whatever but something needs to be done.
5,130 posted on 09/21/2003 5:09:25 AM PDT by pc93 (Terri is a human being. Judge Greer "I know that." Blood is on his hands & other elected officials)
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To: kimmie7
Make a new one and we can refer back to this one.
5,131 posted on 09/21/2003 5:12:12 AM PDT by pc93 (Terri is a human being. Judge Greer "I know that." Blood is on his hands & other elected officials)
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To: phenn
Calling Ms. Anderson a "crusader" is ridiculous

I will be blunt with you Pam. Is Ms. Anderson a Catholic? If she is not then the family she is representing are. If this is not a subtle slur toward Catholics, then I am not getting enough sleep. :-)

5,132 posted on 09/21/2003 5:14:13 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: phenn
Look at this, for example.

What is the public record that he has read? Has he seen her medical records?

""I don't think it is widely appreciated just how damaged her brain is," said Walker, an internist, who has followed the case closely by reading the public record."

This is a huge joke, Pam. He is an internist, not a neuro, and he states his facts based on the same things the rest of us have read.

Now go find an internist anywhere near you, take in a stack of newspaper writings, and ask the internist to tell you exactly what is going on in Terri's brain.

Any decent physician is going to say they don't know and wouldn't dare to say so based on, of all the non-scientific things in the world, newspaper articles.

And this from the writer who scorns the rest of us for being non-scientific? Lord have mercy.

This is nothing more than a propaganda piece from the death state.

If you see a man that appears to be drunk heading your direction on the sidewalk, do not be surprised when you get closer and the man is really and truly drunk.

evil is as evil does. Wesley says the academics are completely lost. I believe him.

5,133 posted on 09/21/2003 5:20:49 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: freeparoundtheclock
The objective is to make the largest impacts by whatever legal actions, etc. to get not only the maximum public awareness but action on the part of the public through proper use of communicating Terri's plight with words of such specificity that there leaves no room for abuse of them and only someone who doesn't care will use the wrong words in describing Terri's situation. The technological,
physiological aspects of rehabilitation aspect certainly can't be denied. Greer already ruled. As I stated before it is going to take something else for Terri to live and I am sure that the Schindlers attorney's are working every aspect but that doesn't mean others cannot take actions as well. The special session in the legislature, etc. sounds like a very good idea. It is not out of their jurisdiction, etc. everything has to be worded and presented right or actions taken that get the notice of the public and our reps., etc.
5,134 posted on 09/21/2003 5:23:21 AM PDT by pc93 (Terri is a human being. Judge Greer "I know that." Blood is on his hands & other elected officials)
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To: phenn
Additionally it appears that Ms. Anderson agrees with Wesley here.

"If you ask me," she said of bioethics departments like the one Walker runs at USF, "they ought to be called departments of death."

What we should do is to begin coining names for these killers, ourselves. And then get them out into the public.

5,135 posted on 09/21/2003 5:23:25 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
I kind of picked up on that as well. Ms. Anderson has publicly said that she is not a Catholic. I'm not entirely certain what her faith is, but I know that she views killing people as wrong. Since this is not a case of allowing a terminal patient to die naturally and is, instead, a case of aggressively pursuing someone's death, it's easy to see why people of all denominations consider this murder.

The husband's attorney, George Felos, has publicly stated (MANY times) that people who support Terri's right to a safe and natural life are "right-wing, religious fanatics".

I went to a site called Beliefnet and looked up euthanasia and the attitudes of it from what some might consider "alternative" belief systems.

Buddhists, Hindus, Urantiaists, Wiccans and even Agnostics consider it wrong for varying reasons. So much for us "fanatics".

Terri was and is a practicing Catholic. She was very supportive of NOT hurrying the death of her own grandmother and even coaxed her parents into spending every spare dime they had to medically assist the family dog as opposed to having him euthanized. Her family believes that the combination of her personal faith and her actions in these two situations would make any "death wish" her husband alleges completely and utterly out of character.

5,136 posted on 09/21/2003 5:25:53 AM PDT by phenn (
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To: MarMema
Terri didn't sign a living will nor did she not want to live, that was made up by Michael, etc.
5,137 posted on 09/21/2003 5:28:14 AM PDT by pc93 (Terri is a human being. Judge Greer "I know that." Blood is on his hands & other elected officials)
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To: pc93; kimmie7
You know, to be honest with you, none of those facts of the case make one iota of difference in the big picture.

In the book (Forced Exit) there was a woman who did sign a living will, then she became ill and changed her mind and the hospital or whatever went after her, her insurance plan backed out on paying and lo and behold - try not to be too shocked - the court was so corrupt that the guardian ad litem they assigned her was a member of a pro-death group.
Are you thinking Ooops? No I think maybe they knew exactly what they were doing. In story after story in this book, which Kimmie will soon confirm, the judges and more are so obviously out to kill people that soon you will wonder if you should just lie back and let them do it and get it over with.

5,138 posted on 09/21/2003 5:51:30 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: phenn; Ragtime Cowgirl
I haven't read anywhere near all the posts on this or other Terri threads.
Do you know about Joni Erickson Tada's involvement with Terri's fight?

Thirty-nine year old Terri Schiavo may not live to see her 40th birthday. She is not terminally ill, and she is not in prison sitting on death row. Terri simply has a sever disability. This should entitle her to the best of care, but instead, a judge on the 6th judicial circuit in Florida has ordered medical personnel to with hold food and water until she dies.

What I have seen of Terri Schiavo tells me a lot. I have seen her smile and turn her head. She can respond to her environment. Nurses have indicated under Affidavit that Terri has responded to them, and can even swallow food. Video tapes clearly show that she knows what’s going on around her. In one video, her mother kisses her on the cheek and Terri smiles, clearly happy that her mother is with her.

Despite clear financial and personal conflicts of interest, the judge repeatedly sided with Terri’s husband who insisted that food and water be removed from his disabled wife. The judge sided with the husband and against Terri’s father, mother and siblings who want to care for her for the rest of her life. But the man who will benefit financially from his wife’s death had sole say over how she was treated and cared for – or denied care.

Time is now, indeed, running out. Unless Gov. Bush in the state of Florida formally intervenes into the case, this woman with a disability will spend 10-14 days dying of starvation and dehydration.

This wrenches my heart, as an American, as a Christian, and as another woman with a disability. In our work at Joni and Friends, we see hundreds of people like Terri. We see as many, if not more, family members who care for and support those who are severely disabled within their fold. These people come to our Family Retreats all the time and they are the most encouraging, inspiring individuals to be around. The Bible says that God has decreed an appointed time for a man to die... it’s not the responsibility of a judge from the 6th circuit court; it’s God’s timing. A person with a disability – no matter how impaired mentally or physically – possesses just as much right to live as anyone else. In fact, it is the healthy society that takes great pains to safeguard the rights of people like Terri, to protect the weak and vulnerable.

But when we don’t, when we allow greed and self-interest to call the shots, when the weakest and most exposed among us is in jeopardy of having the plug pulled, then watch out the rest of us, those who think we are strong. Take heed, lest you fall... fall into the hands of a liberal court.

Friend, join me in calling Gov. Jeb Bush at 850/488-7146 to ask him to do everything he can to help Terri Schiavo stay alive.

From Joni and Friends website, found by clicking this pic:
5,139 posted on 09/21/2003 6:05:57 AM PDT by .30Carbine
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To: kimmie7; Deo volente
Your post 5082:
"ADOLF HITLER Berlin, 1 September 1939
Reichsleiter Bouhler and Dr. med. Brandt are instructed to broaden the powers of physicians designated by name, who will decide whether those who have - as far as can be humanly determined - incurable illnesses can, after the most careful evaluation, be granted a mercy death. /signed/ Adolf Hitler"

only partially reflects its' original introduction to this thread by Deo volente in her post 4630:

"After posting my attempt at satire, post # 4628, I felt a little guilt, in implying any similarity between Jeb and you-know-who. After all, it's a favorite ploy of the President's liberal detractors to make this wicked comparison. So, to atone, I did a quick search with the help of my research assistant, Mr. Google. And this jumped right out at me. Took my breath away, in fact.

"Berlin, 1 Sept. 1939
Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. Med. Brandt are charged with the responsibility of enlarging the competence of certain physicians, designated by name, so that patients who, on the basis of human judgment, are considered incurable, can be granted mercy death after a discerning diagnosis.

A. Hitler "

Her post provides a complete quote, and is even more telling in that she provided FReepers with the source of her research.

A reading of that link makes you wonder how much of the evil promulgated by Hitler was transferred to the United States. It is a matter of fact that an army of scientists and medical researcher found a new home in America courtesy of the federal government.

One might reasonably ask if America is continuing Hitler's Master Plan.

Who won WWII???

5,140 posted on 09/21/2003 6:29:46 AM PDT by Robert Drobot
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