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Recall Supporters Violently Attacked
by Gray Davis Thugs (Update) ^
| 12 August 2003
| Howard Kaloogian
Posted on 08/12/2003 10:21:39 AM PDT by CounterCounterCulture
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To: CounterCounterCulture
Most union members are brain dead when it comes to politics!
I was in the Laborer's for almost 20 years and had to look at a Clinton/Gore poster whenever I went to pay dues!
Never coukd remember to bring some darts!
This stunt sounds like something the Teamsters would pull.
To: hobbes1
Union THUGS! Gee hobbes, put us all in one basket!
As a laborer I used to sabotage the Ironworkers Clinton/Gore stickers that they plastered all over the job site.
Now most of them ARE loudmouth prima-donnas who think the job revolves around them!
To: kellynla
Davis is foul, he's a lying, labor-market Protectionist from Hell!
The pub.sector labor unions say JUMP, he says How High? The taxpayers get to bend over, pay out the big obscene bucks, for min.-wage-deserving jObs - like prison guards, bus drivers!!!
Why should a BUS DRIVER make $60,000 -- what a bio-tech lab researcher MAKES?! Bus Driving - is High-school student WORK! THey should be earning $2 an Hour!!!!!
Unions, they HOSE EVERYBODY! They walk away Laughing, funneling 1% of state paychecks to the DNC out of union dues... & the cycle continues. We need to privatize this nonsense Now!!!
posted on
08/12/2003 7:42:22 PM PDT
( >>>>> Collective Bargaining is for communists.... Privatize Calif. ! <<<<<<<<<)
To: CounterCounterCulture
"And the thugs wear steel-toed shoes. Hard to defend against that."
When activated by the wearer, 80,000 volts of low
amperage electric current pulses just below the surface shell of the entire jacket. This
exo-electric armor prevents any person from unauthorized contact with the wearer's body.
posted on
08/12/2003 7:43:06 PM PDT
(Keep doing what you always do and you'll keep getting what you always get)
To: 4Liberty
Prison guards who only have to have a GED to get a job make 100K a year. The prison guards union has given Davis over a MILLION DOLLARS over the past four years. In return Davis gave them a 33% raise right before the November election...nice work if you can get it! LOL Just remember what I have been telling you guys. Only McClintock has a plan to balance the budget and do so without raising taxes and/or fees. Check out his website! and find out his position and solutions to many other problems in Sacramento.
posted on
08/12/2003 7:48:06 PM PDT
("C" 1/5 1st Mar. Div. An Hoa, Viet Nam '69 & '70 Semper Fi)
To: kellynla; Sean Hannity; billoreilly; rush
This deserves another look.
posted on
08/12/2003 8:23:40 PM PDT
To: jjm2111
Make it so the signs are very easy to take off the handles. It will be hard for the thugs to get too close when you have a six foot stick in your hands.w/Hanbos & Bo, Japanese stick art...or flame-treated Hickory Ax every time.... :)
posted on
08/12/2003 8:30:45 PM PDT
(Just because you're paranoid,doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. :)
To: mvpel
The reason the Nazi brownshirts fought with the Communists in Germany prior to Hitler's rise is because they were competing for the same people as members, as Hayek pointed out 25 years...and A. Hilter was a Communist before he join the NAZI (German National Socialist) its' natural that the union thugs beat-up their foes...they are the Liberals' Black/Brownshirts..after all these years, the tactics don't change much...1930s'-Brornshirts = 2000s'-'Union oganiziners'
posted on
08/12/2003 8:50:14 PM PDT
(Just because you're paranoid,doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. :)
To: Republic
What deserves another look?
posted on
08/12/2003 9:07:34 PM PDT
("C" 1/5 1st Mar. Div. An Hoa, Viet Nam '69 & '70 Semper Fi)
To: CounterCounterCulture
The peace loving left, nothing but a bunch of lawless thugs who would do Hitler's SS proud. My God these people are totally out of control. There is going to be another civil war in this country someday I am afraid.
posted on
08/12/2003 9:12:28 PM PDT
(The left have blood on their hands.)
To: CounterCounterCulture
Above: Recall Gray Davis Committee supporter, Shawn Cubbage wearing a baseball cap is attacked by union thugs wearing dark NO ON RECALL t-shirts paid for by the State Building & Construction Trades Council. Another Recall Gray Davis supporter, Donald Lacomb, is immediately behind Cubbage and had attempted to help protect Mr. Cubbage but was then assaulted himself.
I showed that pic, among others, to a liberal on a usenet newsgroup. His response was: "I dont see any acts of violence."
posted on
08/12/2003 9:33:42 PM PDT
(You are the audience. I am the author. I outrank you! -Franz Liebkind, The Producers)
To: CounterCounterCulture
TWO liberals claimed Fox must've staged it.
posted on
08/12/2003 9:59:12 PM PDT
(You are the audience. I am the author. I outrank you! -Franz Liebkind, The Producers)
To: CounterCounterCulture
posted on
08/12/2003 10:24:08 PM PDT
(To see pictures of Jayne's quilt:
To: Impeach98
You wrote: "Glad you all got this thread going! I have a list of questions from FReeper Comwatch that need to be addressed."
THANK YOU for at least considering my concerns! (ours actually, because our whole PDN team sticks up for our own, even if we make mistakes) Thanks for responding where Shawn and David have not. Ignoring one of the eleven alledged Recall instigators (which we are NOT) on the Liberal's List, is not a good way to garner future support.
I listed the police Incident Reports to make it easier for you, victims or your legal council to get police data. As I pointed out (when asked) on KFBK tonight, every victim has remedies at their disposal under the rule of law. Citizen's arrests should have been made on the spot. It's a felony for a California peace officer to refuse your arrest (Penal Code Section 142) and if your supporters (including me and PDN members) march into Jan Scully's office to urge the DA's prosecution of the identified offender(s) it won't get scrubbed.
You lose evidence as each day goes by. Who went to the Sheraton to check their security cameras and angles? Same for the Convention Center... they have cameras that view J Street in both directions. SPD has in car cameras and when the overheads come on, so does the camera... may have clearer video of faces (for identification) than the media and an unobstructed view. Anyone ask?
My offer to go before the City Council tonight was real... I just didn't see anything more in Howard Kaloogian's email and links today to sway me one way or the other. I have the same tapes and we've watch them carefully.
There's even a charge I have used for an adult in the presence of a minor child who exhibits conduct like we saw (twice) in the video... but here's the rub and what's confusing: It appears a union rep steps in and blast that adult's conduct, making it look like he was one of ours. Help us I.D. that adult and what he was say with a witness, and I'll help you get those charges pressed. Been there, done it and got the conviction!
I'm not trying to throw cold water on your claims... I just know what your team did wrong and can make sure it won't happen again if you want help. You guys have been used to the swift back up of CHP on the protected Capitol grounds. (Remember Bob Mulholland)
The City's streets have totally different rules of engagement, no matter what all the keyboard warriors that live elsewhere have to say. It's real easy to say what you'll do in a street brawl from the comfort of your couch and you're not swinging to defend yourself and friend or worse, a loved one. One thing however I won't bend on... THIS WAS NO PLACE FOR A 7 YEAR OLD WITHOUT POLICE PROTECTION. (You could have had it but you didn't ask or even give SPD any advance heads up) Come On... we laugh at the folly of the "Human Shields" yet think protesting known thugs who work picket lines where violence is the rule of the day, is an appropriate place for a minor child?
If you want to see a mob assault, stop by the bunker and I'll show you plenty of video happening every weekend in Old Sac and downtown as dozens of cops run from one fight to the next. Again... it's evidence that's needed and we'll help all we can. I want to see these thugs hung out to dry if you can make the case I've laid out at You know me dude... I don't take this lightly nor do I want to see your hard work turned into a tool for the thugs. I hope to review the three calls I listed myself later this week. Right now, the police still consider it a "non-event" compared to their day to day calls for service in the same turf. Trust me, SPD makes arrests when protesters cross the line... just ask any pro-life or pro-choice activist in this city. Ex-Chief Venegas isn't around any more to tell cops to lay off UFW and union thugs who also show up for Davis events. Most of the cops who work downtown have put in some military service and they tend to know from where our passion derive. Nuff said? Include them in your planning next time.
posted on
08/12/2003 10:36:37 PM PDT
(You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!)
To: comwatch
Thank you for your help and constructiveness.
And, yes, I wouldn't take a 7-year-old child to an event like this.
To: CounterCounterCulture
It appears as though Davis is Saddams long lost brother or something. He wants to keep his rule, and will brutalize anyone he feels is a trator to his dictatorship.
posted on
08/13/2003 7:29:16 AM PDT
concerned about politics
("He who controls communications rules the world." - Adolf Hitler)
To: smiley
Hitler's brownshirts did the same thing...nothing new...
To: Chad Fairbanks
Don't you hate it when that happens.........
posted on
08/13/2003 10:17:21 AM PDT
Dan from Michigan
("This ain't no place for a nervous person." - Mickey Redmond)
To: Chad Fairbanks
Chad, I always knew I liked you.
posted on
08/13/2003 11:02:29 AM PDT
Cathryn Crawford
(Traficant is a real conservative who will stomp out the socialist rats but good!)
To: Dan from Michigan
I don't hate it when that happens. :D
posted on
08/13/2003 11:03:16 AM PDT
Cathryn Crawford
(Traficant is a real conservative who will stomp out the socialist rats but good!)
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