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Mark Steyn: The Gubernator?
The Sunday Telegraph (U.K.) ^ | 08/10/03 | Mark Steyn

Posted on 08/09/2003 5:43:47 PM PDT by Pokey78

Profile: Arnold Schwarzenegger

The best scene in The Last Action Hero (1993) was a clip from Laurence Olivier's Hamlet. Arnold Schwarzenegger, edited into the 1948 monochrome and taking dear Larry's role as the eponymous ditherer, starts off the soliloquy, cuts it short and opens fire on the castle, all the while puffing on his stogie. As the unseen narrator puts it, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark - and Hamlet is takin' out the trash!"

A week ago, it looked as if the roles had been reversed. The conventional wisdom was that Ah-nuld wasn't man enough for California politics. Instead of saying "Hasta la vista, Gray Davis!" and blowing the punk out of the Governor's office, he was nancying around in doublet and hose whimpering, "To be or not to be, that is the question". He'd been scared off. His Kennedy wife didn't want him to run, and, besides, too many people had too much dirt on too many of the sexual perks your big-time Hollywood star avails himself of over the years. He was going to wiggle out, no doubt promising that "Ah'll be back, maybe next election, or the one after, if my wife will let me."

And so not for the first time the experts underestimated Schwarzenegger. On Wednesday's Tonight Show, he announced that he was in. Something is rotten in the State of California - and Arnie is takin' out the trash! Collyvurnja, here he comes!

Whether or not he'll win, nobody can say for certain: the rules of the recall election are as whimsical as a sudden-death gameshow round. The standard line is that it's a "circus", but pre-Arnie it was more of a freak show, filled by various unsatisfying midgets: the pornographer Larry Flynt; the diminutive ex-sitcom-player Gary Coleman; a bounty hunter from Sacramento; the extravagantly-endowed self-proclaimed "Love Goddess" Angelyne (she's a one-woman circus, if only in the sense that she has a big top); and the wannabe celebrity, obscure populist and rumoured fourth Gabor sister Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington, best remembered in Britain (if at all) as Bernard Levin's ex-squeeze. But no matter how many little clowns pour out of the miniature car, it is the entry of the muscleman that has made this a circus worth seeing.

Whatever happens, he has played his opening hand at a crowded table brilliantly. Arnold has wanted to be Governor of California for two decades, but October 7 represents his best shot. For one thing, there's no primary election in a recall campaign. In a normal election, Arnie wouldn't stand a chance of getting his watered-down "moderate Republicanism" past the death-before-electability crowd who dominate GOP primaries in California. He's unsound on almost everything that matters to them. On the other hand, that supposedly puts him closer to the average voter. As the commentator Andrew Sullivan put it, "Yay! A pro-gay, pro-choice, hard-ass Republican!"

Yet you don't have to be anti-abortion or unenthusiastic about gay marriage to question the hardness of Arnold's ass. When candidates run as "fiscally conservative but socially liberal", the former invariably buckles under the attendant costs of the latter. Arnold is married to Maria Shriver - a niece of Jack, Bobby and Ted Kennedy, and a daughter of George McGovern's running mate - and, as in many mixed marriages, the Democrat seems to have the upper hand ideologically.

But even a RINO - Republican In Name Only - can drive Democrats crazy, and, in desperation to find an attack angle, Dem operatives are currently testing three themes:

1. Arnold is a Nazi.

Okay, Arnold's not a Nazi. He was born in the Austrian town of Thal, but not until 1947, and thus was technically unable to join the Nazi Party no matter how much he may have wanted to. But he certainly has family ties to the Nazis. His wife's grandfather, Joe Kennedy, was one of America's most prominent Nazi sympathisers.

Oh, wait. That's not the Nazi family ties the Dems had in mind? No, as Katie Couric put it on NBC's Today Show, "He's the son of a Nazi Party member. He said he was prejudiced, before overcoming those feelings by working with the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Los Angeles, and the dean of the centre said an investigation of Schwarzenegger's late father, conducted at the actor's request, found no evidence of war crimes."

Sorry, folks, you'll have to do better than that. The more you bring up the "son of a Nazi" line, the more you remind voters of what Arnold is: an immigrant who escaped and transcended his past. You can't saddle a man who chose to be American with the baggage he left behind in the old country.

2. Arnold is unqualified.

Yes, he's not a professional politician. And that's a disadvantage? The professional politicians are the ones who got California into this mess. This is a "throw the bum out" election, so the successful challenger will be the one who looks least like the bum. Gray Davis has been on the public payroll his entire adult life: he represents the full-time political class. Arnold represents the other California: entrepreneurial energy, wit and invention, the California that understands that if Hollywood and Silicon Valley were run by "qualified" people like Davis we'd still be watching flickering silents and you'd need union-approved quill-feathers to send e-mail.

Arnold made his first business investment at 19, using savings from his bodybuilding contests to buy a failed Munich gym. He turned it around. The first really big money he made in America in the early 1970s came when he and a fellow bodybuilder started a bricklaying business. He's one of a very few actors who was a millionaire before he ever acted. And, if you think it's no big deal being the world's highest-paid movie star, you try it - with a guttural German accent so thick you can barely do dialogue and a body frame so large you're too goofy for playing love scenes. From his gym to his mail-order company to his masonry business to his shopping malls, Schwarzenegger has shown a consistent knack for exploiting the fullest financial value from even his most modest successes. Who would you say best embodies the spirit of California? The guy who has made all his own money? Or the fellows who've squandered everybody else's?

3. Arnold's had too many women.

Arnold has been married to Maria Shriver for 17 human years, which in celebrity years is the equivalent of a Diamond Jubilee. Any dirt Democrats dig up is going to have to be nuclear. When you've been a popular celebrity for 20 years, the only way you can be damaged is with something that's dramatically inconsistent with what the public thinks it knows about you. "Womanising" won't cut it, not for a movie star. If it's oral sex with a starlet in his trailer, the public will shrug. If it's beating up a pre-op transsexual hooker, you're in business. But in a two-month campaign anyone who wants to take him down is going to have to move fast.

Ever since he became a US citizen in 1983, Arnold has taken care, in his marriage and business interests, to remain politically viable. This is his window of opportunity: he's the man who seems most in tune with the moment. Is it likely that Californians have got themselves all whipped up with the Recall Fever just to install another rent-a-hack like Lieutenant-Governor Cruz Bustamante? Or will they figure, what the hell, let's go all the way and take a flyer on Arnie? Everything about this race - from the compressed schedule to the multiple candidates - favours him. "It's the most difficult decision I've made in my entire life, except the one I made in 1978 when I decided to get a bikini wax," he told NBC's Jay Leno, stealing Arianna Huffington's best line. Arnold waxes, everybody else wanes. Hasta la vista, Grayby.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: calgov2002; marksteyn; marksteynlist; schwarzenegger
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To: Wolfstar
Look, I'm not much for wringing hands. This is the type of political earthquake that hits California every so often, and normal political analysis is out the window. Props 13 and 187 are previous examples.

I don't think Bustamante is gonna win, but if he does, we'll make some sweet lemonade out of it. He'll be the LaRaza face of the Dems, and the GOP will be forced to finally confront that.

Quit worrying, really. We've now entered the phase of the game where, as in the Middle East, "stability" for it's own sake is no longer an acceptable policy.

161 posted on 08/10/2003 12:34:00 PM PDT by Sabertooth (Where does Arnold stand on Mexico's matricula consular ID cards for Illegal Aliens?)
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To: Pokey78
162 posted on 08/10/2003 2:04:11 PM PDT by GOPJ
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To: Pokey78
Bingo Mark Steyn!

Go Arnold!
163 posted on 08/10/2003 2:13:25 PM PDT by Rummyfan
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To: Luis Gonzalez

164 posted on 08/10/2003 3:59:49 PM PDT by Victoria Delsoul (Arnold is the man who seems most in tune with the moment. --Mark Steyn)
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To: Hildy; Howlin
I think it's ungracious to speculate about how upset Rush is about being out-of-the-loop with "this" White House. I seem to recall that before President Bush was elected, he and Karl Rove were more than happy to talk to him. In fact, Rush was criticized more than a little on this forum for being so easily charmed by the Bush campaign. Also I recall that Rush was unstinting in his support for Bush in 2000. But now, suddenly, we're supposed to take pleasure in the notion that he's "ill" with resentment about being ignored. OK.

And regarding the "Florida is a big joke" line: why are we a joke? Florida voters put G.W. over the top in 2000 and have twice elected his brother to the governorship by landslide margins.

165 posted on 08/10/2003 4:01:44 PM PDT by WarrenC
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To: WarrenC
I'm not interested in whether it's ungracious or not; I find it ungracious the way Rush treats this sitting president.

And the Florida line was in return for AAABest's continual attacks on California.

It's not just Republicans down there, is it?
166 posted on 08/10/2003 4:06:32 PM PDT by Howlin (If we don't post, will he exist?)
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To: Howlin
Ok - so you and AAABest have the same opinions, just about different states. Got it.
167 posted on 08/10/2003 4:22:14 PM PDT by WarrenC
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To: WarrenC
I don't THINK that about Florida; I love Florida; I was trying to make a point to AAA; obviously it missed.
168 posted on 08/10/2003 4:22:47 PM PDT by Howlin (If we don't post, will he exist?)
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To: WarrenC
I should have signed my last post to you

Howlin, from NC, home of the National Hollering Contest.

169 posted on 08/10/2003 4:23:19 PM PDT by Howlin (If we don't post, will he exist?)
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To: Howlin
LOL :>)
170 posted on 08/10/2003 4:41:03 PM PDT by WarrenC
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To: Howlin
Where do you live in NC? That's one of the places I'm thinking of moving to!
171 posted on 08/10/2003 4:54:41 PM PDT by Hildy
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To: Hildy
Raleigh. We've only lived here two years, but we love it!!! 2 hours to the beach, 3 to the mountains!
172 posted on 08/10/2003 4:59:42 PM PDT by Howlin (If we don't post, will he exist?)
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To: Howlin
Hey it me, or do we spend WAY too much time here on FR?
173 posted on 08/10/2003 5:15:20 PM PDT by Hildy
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To: Hildy
It's been raining here for MONTHS.......I got time. :-)
174 posted on 08/10/2003 5:28:36 PM PDT by Howlin (If we don't post, will he exist?)
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To: Pokey78
As the commentator Andrew Sullivan put it, "Yay! A pro-gay, pro-choice, hard-ass Republican!"

Reasons enough for voting for someone else other than Ah-nuld.

175 posted on 08/10/2003 5:37:36 PM PDT by A2J
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To: PhiKapMom
You would vote for Clinton if he changed parties. Arnold is a joke but he is a republican and thats all that matters to you.

Rhinos are the curse of America.

176 posted on 08/10/2003 5:46:36 PM PDT by Afronaut
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To: Bob; Pokey78; shaggy eel; Byron_the_Aussie; Trapper John
<< But he certainly has family ties to the Nazis. His wife's grandfather, Joe Kennedy, was one of America's most prominent Nazi sympathisers.

Ya just gotta love this guy!! >>

I do.

If anyone with even the half a brain requisite to recognizing others' genius ever harbored doubts as to Mark Steyne's -- that line surely removed them -- AND he's a refugee Canadian! Wow.

Thanks for the Ping, Pokes!
177 posted on 08/10/2003 10:54:01 PM PDT by Brian Allen ( Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God - Thomas Jefferson)
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To: Afronaut
It's been as wonderful thread; I've enjoyed all your comments, even when I differ.
I think Rino becomes a offensive term.
Most of Conservative attitudes fix on social issues. These must change by persuasion, over time, not ever by Government fiat.
178 posted on 08/11/2003 5:19:40 PM PDT by born yesterday
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To: gatorbait
CA Pubs must expose Bustamonte's Aztlan vision for all to see. CA voters will not look kindly on the reconquista agenda. The GOP must attack, this is a 2 month war for the future.

Cruz is toast if the GOP has any huevos.
179 posted on 08/11/2003 10:28:50 PM PDT by moodyskeptic
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To: moodyskeptic
Excuse me, where exactly is Aztlan?
180 posted on 08/13/2003 9:28:04 PM PDT by reagandemocrat
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