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USA Today/CNN/Gallup Polls Results (GWB back at 60% job approval)
USA Today ^
| August 7, 2003
| USA Today
Posted on 08/07/2003 7:25:55 PM PDT by DrDeb
Edited on 04/13/2004 1:41:02 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Front Page News; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: approvalratings; gallup; polls; presidentbush
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To: DrDeb
McAwful was cackling over Bush's falling numbers just yesterday.
posted on
08/07/2003 7:54:58 PM PDT
Roscoe Karns
(algore invented the cordless extension cord.)
To: DrDeb
Hi Deb,
Did you notice that only 36% think GW "deserves to be reelected". 42% think the country would probably be better off with someone else.
To: ohioWfan; DrDeb
Thanks for the Ping!
Deb, great work as always. I've been so busy this week, I've barely watched any news or any other televsion for that matter. Certainly haven't had time to surf the web until tonight. Came here first, of course!
posted on
08/07/2003 8:01:12 PM PDT
(If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much. Donald Rumsfeld)
To: DrDeb
Perhaps you will want to point out that QUINNIPIAC, Marist, and (of course) the NY Times also oversample Democrats and urban dwellers. We've seen this over and over when they do the NY races--and then, of course, the loud echo-chamber of the press tries to validate the results with constant repetition (frequency always substituting for truth in the media).
Thank you so much for posting yours!
posted on
08/07/2003 8:03:38 PM PDT
(Almost as if he likes it...)
To: ConsistentLibertarian
"Did you notice that only 36% think GW "deserves to be reelected". 42% think the country would probably be better off with someone else."
Please cite your source (URL included)!
posted on
08/07/2003 8:04:25 PM PDT
To: DrDeb
Someone tell Dick "Chicken Little" Morris that the 'polling' sky is NOT falling, at least not on the President!] The local ABC radio station has been hammering Dubya's 53% Quinnipiac numbers all day, insinuating that everyone hates Dubya. Now late July and especially August are awful times to poll since so many Republican families are on vacation (as well as Congress). Dick Morris knows this and should know better.
To: ohioWfan
Thanks for 'pinging' -- I'm off to bed now so that I can be well-rested for our lunch tomorrow!!
posted on
08/07/2003 8:05:37 PM PDT
To: Fledermaus

Something else to consider is that the media is now in a tough spot. Not only has the Jayson Blair scandals tarnished them all, but now they are faced with an imminent election in California...which makes it tough for them to perpetrate their Iraqi quagmire nonsense.
And if they don't hammer at Bush every single day, then he goes up in the polls every single day.
posted on
08/07/2003 8:07:47 PM PDT
(Media bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
To: ohioWfan; DrDeb
Mooo !!!
These stats look better than clover to me ...
To: DrDeb
No problem! I'm headed to bed myself for the same reason!
See you tomorrow!
posted on
08/07/2003 8:13:23 PM PDT
(Have you prayed for your President today?)
To: DrDeb
"Please cite your source (URL included)! "
Hi Deb,
I'm surprised you asked. The source is one you yourself cite! See the FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll: In fact, it's the very first statistic reported. How could you have possibly missed it?
Maybe FOX News keeps these numbers off the air because they want to spin things for Bush? I don't know; I don't have a TV.
To: DrDeb
I forget, is USAToday/CNN/Gallup poll one of the polls we believe?
posted on
08/07/2003 8:14:49 PM PDT
Doe Eyes
To: ConsistentLibertarian
Please reply to DrDebs #25 or your credabality is shot.
posted on
08/07/2003 8:15:43 PM PDT
(Current odds on Hillary running in 04......2-1)
To: ConsistentLibertarian
My, you are a sarcastic fellow, aren't you?
Those 'deserve to be reelected' numbers are misleading because many people think it's too early to have made up their minds yet.
The 60% approval rating at this stage of his term is what counts......and it's remarkable.
posted on
08/07/2003 8:16:09 PM PDT
(Have you prayed for your President today?)
To: prairiebreeze
I must respectfully disagree since all Americans have been conditioned to react to poll numbers. Whatever happened to "gut instinct"? I see on this board a "gut reaction" such as, "this is just plain wrong". No need to dress it up.
The Factor ran some video of "GayDay" at DisneyWorld tonight. Even on MUTE, it was clear what was happening and that it was wrong.
President Bush has the will and the guts to fight for all Americans. I don't need a poll to tell me that a certain percentage of Americans disapprove. To them I say, Great News! My son is USMC, and since nobody came to the door today, I surmise that he is still out there protecting your right to be a loonie leftwing wingnut! That's just my take on the "distaff" side of the poll. Most of you take my meaning.
To: Doe Eyes
"I forget, is USAToday/CNN/Gallup poll one of the polls we believe?"
How about FOX News polls? Do we believe those?
To: ConsistentLibertarian
"I don't have a TV."Maybe you could tap on the wall at the prison.
posted on
08/07/2003 8:19:06 PM PDT
(Current odds on Hillary running in 04......2-1)
To: ConsistentLibertarian
Did you notice that only 36% think GW "deserves to be reelected". 42% think the country would probably be better off with someone else. Where do you get these numbers? -- you're putting them on a couple of threads, your source and link, please.
posted on
08/07/2003 8:19:40 PM PDT
(New slogan for the environmentalist whackos: "Its for the Landscape")
To: ohioWfan
"Those 'deserve to be reelected' numbers are misleading because many people think it's too early to have made up their minds yet."
According to FOX News, 13% said it depends and 9% weren't sure.
So that gives us something to work with. We just need about 2/3rds of people who think it's too early to have made up their minds yet to make up their minds in favor of Bush.
I think if we're out of Iraq before 2004 and Iraq is a stable, pro-western democracy, and the we're back in black with federal surpluses to pay down the trillions in federal debt and build up the Social Security fund so its solvent when baby boomers retire, and employment statistics improve and Powell is willing to serve a second term and the inquiry about what was known by the Whitehouse before 9/11 stays sealed, I think we'll be competitive.
To: DrDeb
These poll numbers can't be true. Bush lied about the uranium/Niger thing!!! Iraq is a quagmire!!!
posted on
08/07/2003 8:23:24 PM PDT
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