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"Integrative Science”: The Death-Knell of Scientific Materialism?
various ^ | various | vanity with much help

Posted on 07/05/2003 4:20:08 PM PDT by betty boop

“Integrative Science”: The Death-Knell of Scientific Materialism?

A Meditation Excerpting from:
Toward an Integrative Science,” Menas Kefatos and Mihai Drãgãnescu;
The Fundamental Principles of the Universe and the Origin of Physical Laws,” Attila Grandpierre;
The Dynamics of Time and Timelessness: Philosophy, Physics and Prospects for Our Life,” Attila Grandpierre.

Kafatos is University Professor of Interdisciplinary Science, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA.
Drãgãnescu is affiliated with the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
Grandpierre is chief research assistant of the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

BEFORE WE EMBARK ON THIS “MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR,” we need some clarifications:

RE: Scientific Materialism: Harvard Genetics Professor Richard Lewontin (a Marxist, as Grandpierre takes pains to point out) writes:

We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute….

In other words, matter in its motions is assumed to be (against all reason, if need be) the ultimate basis of Reality. The corollary to this is that nothing can exist that is not explainable on the basis of purely material causes arising within normal space-time. All phenomena of life can be explained by physical laws governing electromagnetism, gravity, chemistry, and quantum fields. Anything not explicable on that basis is held a priori not to exist. Consciousness is not any kind of natural principle in its own right, but is merely the epiphenomenon of the electrochemical activity of a (more or less random) succession of brain states.

RE: Integrative Science: According to Kefatos and Drãgãnescu (et al.), consciousness is “the last great frontier of science.” The “integrative science” of which they speak is both structural (“Standard Model” quantum mechanics; i.e., quantum theory as “renormalized” for Einsteinian Relativity) and phenomenological (having to do with qualia; i.e., subjective experience, sensations, feelings, thoughts — that is, with consciousness itself). It also involves information science and mathematics, particularly set theory and, given discoverable symmetries at all levels of nature, geometry. The newly-perceived urgency of the consciousness problem is to some extent a by-product of the measurement problem of quantum mechanics; that is, the problem of the observer.

Kefatos and Drãgãnescu write:

The non-locality of quantum processes in the universe is a strong argument for an underlying deep reality out of space and time (Kafatos, Nadeau, 1990, 1999, Kafatos 1998, Kafatos 1999): 

“Quantum theory states that whatever is meant by the word reality, it has to be non-local and counter to the view of local, realistic classical theories. The experimental evidence is revealed by the Aspect and Gisin experiments [...] and imply a non-local, undivided reality which reveals itself in the physical universe through non-local correlations and which can be studied through complementary constructs or views of the universe. Quantum theory and its implications open, therefore, the door for the thesis that the universe itself may be conscious (although this statement cannot be proven by the usual scientific method which separates object from subject or the observed from the observer).” — Kafatos (1999).

It is evident that the structural science has arrived at the frontier of a deep reality, which is outside of space and time (Drãgãnescu, 1979, 1985), and has opened the doors of a realm of reality in which phenomenological processes become predominant. This level of reality is the source of all that is phenomenological, and also is the source of the deep energy used and formed by phenomenological information into strings, membranes or elementary particles. 

The structural science that remained purely structural (with its prequantum or classical domain, then with the quantum domain of the Standard Theory and followed with the quantum domain of Supersymmetry and Strings) until it reached the frontiers of deep reality, will be transformed entirely into a structural-phenomenological science because of a gnoseological wave, produced by some knowledge of deep reality. The phenomenological is always present in all reality of the universe either in a closed or an intro-open way. 

When it is closed (the structural is hiding the phenomenological), in a very good first approximation, the reality may be treated as structural, but in a second approximation the phenomenological has to be taken into account. The classical physics, in a second approximation will admit phenomenological processes, because these are always present in the substrate of all things in a holistic way. 

When it is intro-open (the phenomenological is directly available through the structural), the structural approximation is not anymore possible, and this, we believe, is the case for trying to understand mind and consciousness. 

The “important forms of consciousness” that Kefatos and Drãgãnescu want to take into consideration are, broadly speaking, the following:

(1) natural human consciousness (related to mind and life);
(2) artificial, supposedly human-like consciousness (to be eventually obtained if some structures of hardware develop quantum phenomena similar to those of the human mind); and
(3) Fundamental Consciousness of existence (I kid you not: That prospect ought to give Richard Lewontin the heeby-jeebies, but probably won’t, since apparently he is determined to rule it out on a priori grounds).

More practically speaking, the phenomena of mind and consciousness are seen by these men as relating to:

(1) understanding the foundations of quantum physics;
(2) the explanation of biological evolution and life in general;
(3) the existence of intelligent robots and the possibility of conscious robots;
(4) the cosmology of the universe and the sense that it, perhaps, is related to the Fundamental Consciousness;
(5) the underlying deep reality as a basis for the Fundamental Consciousness and as a source for minds and consciousness in the universe.

They go on to say:

The structural-phenomenological theories consider the phenomenal experience as a fundamental phenomenon, which cannot be explained by contemporary physics, either classical or quantum. These theories may be: b1) dualistic, considering that the phenomenal experience is transcendental; b2) intrinsic, considering that the phenomenological properties are inherent in the nature of quantum phenomena, for instance, at the level of the quantum wave function; b3) extrinsic, considering that an extra-ingredient, outside all the physical ingredients known today, is necessary for explaining phenomenal experience....

Dualistic theories (b1) cannot be retained in modern-day science. Such theories are showing that important aspects of mind and consciousness cannot be explained by contemporary science. 

Some structural-phenomenological theories consider that quantum processes in the brain inherently involve ‘experience’ phenomena, whereas others propose a quantum physics rooted in the deepest layer of existence where the source (the extra-ingredient) of the phenomenological senses may be found.... 

The existence of such a deep source was proposed many years ago by Bohm (1980, 1985) — see also Bohm & Hiley (1993), Peat (1999) — and Drãgãnescu (1979, 1985). David Bohm named ‘active information,’ the deep information, considered by him not to be of the digital form, but related to the nature of senses. Today, a great number of scientists from domains like physics, chemistry and information science are recognizing not only mental ‘experience’ as a scientific truth, but they consider that such a manifestation is a general phenomenon of existence.....

In their own environment (informatter) the generation of phenomenological senses cannot be described formally, it is a non-formal process, although a general frame of tendencies for such phenomena are perhaps present. This process of non-formal processing might explain the phenomena of intuition and [creativity] of the mind and consciousness.

Continuing the explication of Kefatos and Drãgãnescu, quote:

“There are two contrary principles today that are haunting the community of scientists:

“A) The structural science is sufficient to explain all nature,... life, mind and consciousness.

“B) The structural science is not sufficient, and is incomplete for explaining all existence,... life, mind and consciousness....

“The inertia of structural science is very great, and many scientists are declaring in an open way that they believe firmly in principle A [e.g., Lewontin, Dawkins, Pinker, Dennett, et al.]. They hope, for instance, that the living cell or the brain will be completely modeled in the frame of the structural science on digital computers, because physical law is amenable to computer simulation and biological structures are derived from physical law....

“We predict that science will renounce principle A for principle B due primarily to the difficulties enountered in the explanation of mind and consciousness.... The problem of consciousness leads...not only to the last frontier, mostly unexplored, of science, but also to perhaps the most important frontier for mankind in the 21st century....”

Kefatos and Drãgãnescu note that “integrative science” would bring new ways of doing science:

-- based on foundational principles that cut across different levels;
-- able to address the phenomenological realms;
-- start from the whole to study the parts;
-- to find connections from all fields of human experience (e.g., perennial philosophies, metaphysics, etc.) to explore and enlarge scientific frontiers (as expressed in foundational principles);
-- returning to structural approaches to make concrete suggestions for new theories, which are based on phenomenological realms but in turn provide structural solutions;
-- prescribing general approaches from where current structural theories can be derived (e.g., category theory of mathematics as the common underlying language of physical/mental/deep reality realms);
-- it will not insist on separating object from subject.

The cross-disciplinary approach of integrative science is also evident in the work of Attila Grandpierre. A specialist in solar physics, he asks the pregnant question: Is biology reducible to physics? And answers with a resounding: NO! On Grandpierre’s speculation, the foundational universal laws boil down to three categories: the physical, the biological (psychological) and the noetic (logic [mathematics], reason).

As his speculative conjecture goes, the latter two cannot be derived from the first of these. And the reason for that is the most basic law of physics is the principle of least action — more familiarly known to philosophers as the Law of Parsimony. Following Ervin Bauer, who Grandpierre identifies as the greatest biological thinker of our era, he says that there is a  fundamental principle of biological life that exists as a countering force against the laws of physics, and that the two types of law express in tension:

By my evaluation, the most thorough, systematic, insightful foundational work of theoretical biology, which is at the same time also explicitly articulated in mathematical formulations is that of Ervin Bauer (1920, 1935/1967). It is hard to evaluate the real significance of his work, and its marginal influence to the present-day science seems to be rooted largely in historical circumstances and in the ignorance of dominant materialism. Ervin Bauer was born (1890) and educated in Hungary. He ha[d] been working in the most productive period of his life (1925–1937) in Soviet Union, in Moscow and Leningrad. He became arrested and jailed in prison in 1937 and died as a victim of Stalin’s massacres in 1942 (Tokin, 1963/1965, 11–26). 

In his main work “Theoretical Biology” (1935/1967) he formulated the key requirements of living systems. The first requirement is that “the living system is able to change in a constant environment, it has potential energies available to work”. His second requirement tells that a living system acts against the physical and chemical laws and modifies its inner conditions. His third, all-inclusive requirement of living systems tells that “The work made by the living system, within any environmental conditions, acts against the realisation of that equilibrium which would set up on the basis of the initial conditions of the system in the given environment by the physical and chemical laws” (Bauer, 1967, 44). This third requirement does not contradict to the laws of physics since the living system has some internal equipment, the use of which may modify the final state reached from the same initial state in the same environment. “The fundamental and general law of the living systems is the work made against the equilibrium, a work made on the constituents of the system itself” (ibid., 48). 

...Bauer formulates the universal law of biology in the following form: “The living and only the living systems are never in equilibrium, and, supported by their free energy reservoir, they are continuously invest[ing] work against the realisation of the equilibrium which should occur within the given outer conditions on the basis of the physical and chemical laws” (ibid., 51). 

“One of the most spectacular and substantial difference[s] between machines and living systems is that in the case of machines the source of the work is not related to any significant structural changes. The systemic forces of machines ... work only if the constituents of the machine are taken into motion by energy sources which are outer to these constituents. The inner states of the constituents of a machine remain practically constant.  The task of the constituents of a machine is to convert some kind of energy into work. In contrast, in the living systems the energy of the internal build-up, of the structure of the living matter is transformed into work. The energy of the food is not transformed into work, but to the maintenance and renewal of their internal structure and inner states. Therefore, the living systems are not power machines” (ibid., 64). The fundamental principle of biology acts against the changes which would set up in the system on the basis of the Le Chatelier-Braun principle (ibid., 59). The Bauer-principle recognises the problem of the forces acting at the internal boundary surfaces as the central problem of biology....

Now Definition 2 and 3 is very useful when evaluating the level of biology if it represents or not an autonomous ontological level irreducible to the physical principle. If new threats emerge on the development or complexification of a system, these emergent characteristics may still belong to the realm of physics. Emergent materialism is a monist ontology based on the belief that physical principles may trigger processes that determine the development of emergent processes, including the living processes, too. With the use of Definitions 1, 2 and 3 I show here that the concept of emergent materialism in the biological context is based on a false belief. The material behaviour (Definition 2) tends towards the physical equilibrium. The biological behaviour is governed by the life-principle (Definition 3) which acts just against the material behaviour. It can do this only by a proper modification of the boundary conditions of the physical laws. The biological modification of the (internal) boundary conditions of (living) organism is behind the realm of physics. The biological activity acts on the degrees of freedom that are not active in the material behaviour. Therefore, we found a gap between the realms of physics and biology. If the biological principle is active, because the conditions of its activity (a certain amount of complexity, suitable material structures, energies etc.) are present, it realises a thorough and systematic modification of internal boundary conditions of living organisms. In comparison, in an abstracted organism in which the biological principle is not active, the same internal boundary conditions would be not modified, and so the organism should fall towards physical equilibrium [i.e., physical death from the standpoint of the organism]. In principle, it would be possible to fill the gap with processes in which the biological modification is not realised in a rate necessary to govern the physical processes. In practice, such intermediate processes are strongly localised in space and time, and the ontological gap is maintained by the continuous and separate actions of the physical and biological principles. This formulation offers us an unprecedented insight into the ultimate constituent of reality. Using the newly found formulation of the ultimate principle of matter, our Definition 1 may be formulated in a more exact manner: 

Definition 1': any existent is regarded as an “ultimate reality”, if it is based on a universal and ontologically irreducible ultimate principle
Now if biology is based on an ultimate principle different and independent from the physical principle, this should mean that biology is not reducible to physics. If the principle of life did not exist as a separate and independent principle from physics, then the accidentally starting biological processes would, after a short period, quickly decline towards the state of equilibrium, towards physical “equilibrium death” (here we generalise the concept of “heat death” including not only thermodynamic equilibrium). But as long as biological laws are irreducible to physical ones, the tendency towards physical equilibrium due to the balancing tendencies of the different physico-chemical gradients cannot prevail, for they are overruled by the impulses arising from the principle of life. The main point is that the biological impulses [have] a nature which elicits, maintains, organise and cohere the processes which may otherwise set up only stochastically, transiently, unorganisedly and incoherently when physical principles are exclusive.

The essential novelty of the biological phenomenon therefore consists in following a different principle, which is able to govern the biological phenomena even when the physical principles keep their universal validity. Until a process leads to a result that is highly improbable by the laws of physics, it may be still a physical process. But when many such extremely improbable random process is elicited, and these extremely improbable events are co-ordinated in a way that together they follow a different ultimate principle which makes these processes a stable, long lifetime, lawful process, then we met with a substantial novelty which cannot be reduced to a lower level principle.

An analogy may serve to shed light to the way of how biology acts when compared to physics. It is like Aikido: while preserving the will of the attacker and modifying it using only the least possible energy, we get a result that is directly the opposite of the will of the attacking opponent. It is clear that the ever-conspicuous difference between living beings and seemingly inanimate entities lies in the ability of the former to be spontaneously active, to alter their inner physical conditions according to a higher organising principle in such a way that the physical laws will launch processes in them with an opposite direction to that of the “death direction” of the equilibrium which is valid for physical systems. This is the Aikido principle of life. A fighter practising the art of Aikido does not strive after defending himself by raw physical force, instead he uses his skill and intelligence to add a small power impulse, from the right position, to the impetus of his opponent’s attack, thus making the impetus of the attacker miss its mark. Instead of using his strength in trying to stop a hand coming at him, he makes its motion faster by applying some little technique: he pulls on it. Thus, applying little force, he is able to suddenly upset the balance of the attack, to change it, and with this to create a situation advantageous for him. 

The Aikido principle of life is similar to the art of yachting. There, too, great changes can be achieved by investing small forces. As the yachtsman, standing on board the little ship, makes a minute move to shift his weight from one foot to the other, the ship sensitively changes its course. Shifting one’s weight requires little energy, yet its effect is amplified by the shift occurring in the balance of the hull. Control is not exerted on the direct surface physical level, but on the level of balance; it is achieved via altering balance in a favourable direction that against much larger forces, the effect of very small forces prevails. However, being able to alter balance in a favourable direction presupposes a profound (explicit or implicit) knowledge of contributing factors, also the attitude and ability to rise above direct physical relations, as well as the ability to independently bring about the desired change. If life is capable of maintaining another “equilibrium of life”, by a process the direction of which is contrary to the one pointing towards the physical equilibrium, then the precondition of life is the ability to survey, to analyse, and to spontaneously, independently and appropriately control all the relevant physical and biological states. Thus, indeed, life cannot be traced back to the general effect of the “death magnet” of physical equilibrium and mere blind chance that are the organisation factors available for physics. The principle of life has to be acknowledged as an ultimate principle which is at least as important as the basic physical principle, and which involves just the same extent of “objectivity” as the physical principle. If it is a basic feature of life that it is capable of displaying Aikido-effects, then life has to be essentially different from the inanimateness of physics, just as the principle of the behaviour of the self-defending Aikido disciple is different from the attacker’s one. Thus in the relationship of the laws of life and those of physics, two different parties are engaged in combat, and the domain of phenomena of two essentially different basic principles are connected. Practising the art of Aikido is possible only when someone recognise[s] and learn[s] the principle and practice of Aikido. Now regarding the origin of the principle of Aikido, it results from the study of the art of fight. Regarding the origin of the principle of biology, it cannot result from the physical laws by a physical principle, since the ultimate principle of physics acts just the contrary to the life principle. Therefore, the life principle shows up as an independent ultimate principle above the realm of physics. [Boldface added]

In his paper on Time — easily the most challenging of the three papers cited here for the intelligent non-specialist, but worth engaging all the same [and which was presented at a NATO science conference in 2002] — Grandpierre speculates on Soul as a first principle:

“Analysing the concept of ‘soul’ it is found ... that in some ancient high culture the soul is conceptualised as the ultimate driving factor of life. The Dictionary of Hungarian Language ... determines the concept of the soul as the following: ‘1. <By a primitive> concept the soul is the hypothesised, more-or-less material ultimate carrier of life phenomena, which departs the body at the moment of death’. At the same time, a closer scrutiny reveals that this allegedly ‘primitive’ conceptualisation is related to the deepest scientific concept of mankind, which is the concept of ‘first principles’. Eisler ... stated that soul appeared as a (first) principle at the special kind of animism of ancient Greek philosophers.

“Scientific research attempts to reveal facts and deeper relations. Science begins when we search the laws behind the phenomena. Now laws may be regarded as deeper level relations behind the immediate, brute facts. Although laws help us to explain and predict phenomena, they may be regarded as being only the first steps on the way to find the most clear and most transparent truth possible, which is the ultimate aim of science. Therefore, the real basis of science is related to the laws behind the laws, and to find the ultimate law which is able to explain all the laws intermediate between empirical facts and mental understanding. Now the concept that developed the notion of ultimate and universal laws, the first principles, may be regarded as the highest point of scientific conceptualisation. Therefore, soul as a universal first principle, as an ontological principle is a scientifically remarkable concept from which one can expect fundamental insights into ... Nature.” [Boldface added]

I'll spill the beans on Grandpierre, though you’ll have to read his paper(s) to follow the scientific basis and reasoning for his “solar/‘soul-ar’” hypothesis: In the end, this solar physicist speculates that the final cause of our universe and all life in it is extra-cosmic — completely outside of space and time. This is the same Fundamental Consciousness about which both Kefatos and Drãgãnescu  also speculate.

This is a “new kind of science,” indeed. May it prosper!

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: consciousness; materialism; quantumtheory; soul
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To: cornelis
Meaningful, to be sure. Perhaps truthful. Poetic all the same.

So what's better than poetry and music to consummate a marriage of Soul and Spirit? In my mind and heart, the Holy Scriptures capture both perfectly, in both frames of reference....

Other theories are current these days, however.

Oh there's so much more you wrote, cornelis. I'm so glad to hear from you. But the challenge you lay down cannot be "dispatched" in the next 30 miniutes or so (by far). And thus I plead for a continuance, until tomorrow, meanwhile to catch some needed ZZZZZZs....

So for now: Good night old friend.

661 posted on 07/14/2003 8:18:28 PM PDT by betty boop (We can have either human dignity or unfettered liberty, but not both. -- Dean Clancy)
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To: Alamo-Girl
I didn't say that it was something you were not supposed to hear. I said that consonance vs dissonance isn't an acoustical phenomenon. You can hear the difference but it is a learned thing.

You might listen to medieval or renaissance or Balinese gamelin or Chinese or Indian or Arabic-Hebrew-Persian-Arabic sources to get an idea of how things are learned.

One might think of consonance as "rest" and dissonance as "movement" in a musical sense. It's a matter of expectation from the audience. One can have both consonance and dissonance in purely rhythmic piece. Some of Philidor's drum solos are still available.
662 posted on 07/14/2003 8:45:03 PM PDT by Doctor Stochastic (Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
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To: unspun; Hank Kerchief
Thinktwice in post 654 ... I can't, for instance, imagine God granting any afterlife happiness to people that intentionally avoid the use of His most precious gift -- reason.

unspun in post 655 ... That would certainly be one dreadful sin. I believe forgiveness for even this is offered, however.

And with that, I'll add to my post 656 that ...

Unspun's statement in post 655 is philosophically profound for a much more important reason than that mentioned in post 656 ...

No religion, to my knowledge, holds the intentional avoidance of reason to be sinful.

The fact of the matter is that volitional belief in religious absurdities entails the intentional avoidance of reason.

663 posted on 07/14/2003 8:58:20 PM PDT by thinktwice
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To: Doctor Stochastic
Thank you so much for the information and the endorsements! With my terrible hearing, I've always just played what sounded pleasant to me. I doubt if I have the ability to truly appreciate the works you mention, but I will try.
664 posted on 07/14/2003 9:19:40 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: thinktwice; Hank Kerchief; Admin Moderator; betty boop
No religion, to my knowledge, holds the intentional avoidance of reason to be sinful.

The Bible speaks of sins in words interpreted as sin (missing the mark), iniquity (willing evil), and rebellion (pre-meditated strategy and tactics agaist God). All are called sin. This includes any failure to: 

Mark 12:30
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'[ 12:30 Deut. 6:4,5]
(Whole Chapter: Mark 12 In context: Mark 12:29-31)

The fact of the matter is that volitional belief in religious absurdities entails the intentional avoidance of reason.

Whether intentional or by mistake, one shouldn't believe absurdities of any kind.

thinktwice and Hank Kerchief (cc: Admin Moderator): I don't believe that is a forum intended for railing against the tenets of belief in Jesus Christ.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  It would be a shame (surely not for Christians) for this thread to be further abused by libelous (unfounded and malicious) attacks upon people's reasonable and faithful respect for such things as in the Trinity as related by the Bible, for sin and the universal need of salvation, etc.  While you may believe what you may, I don't believe it is necessary to respond to further antiChrist calumny here, nor do I see any room for that in a forum that stands for upholding the intentions of the founders of the US Constitution, signed "in the year of our Lord," 1787 and which affectively reaffirms and is based upon the self-evident truth that we are endowed with our natural rights by our Creator.

betty boop: Thank you again for this thought provoking examination of Integrative Science.  I do believe you are doing well to explore the overwhelming inferences of nature regarding its structure and design, including the subtle mathematics of intention, (though theorists will tend to zealously extend their theories).

665 posted on 07/14/2003 10:00:31 PM PDT by unspun ("Do everything in love." | No I don't look anything like her but I do like to hear "Unspun w/ AnnaZ")
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To: unspun; thinktwice; betty boop
thinktwice and Hank Kerchief (cc: Admin Moderator): I don't believe that is a forum intended for railing against the tenets of belief in Jesus Christ. Please correct me if I'm wrong. It would be a shame (surely not for Christians) for this thread to be further abused by libelous (unfounded and malicious) attacks upon people's reasonable and faithful respect for such things as in the Trinity as related by the Bible, for sin and the universal need of salvation, etc. While you may believe what you may, I don't believe it is necessary to respond to further antiChrist calumny here, nor do I see any room for that in a forum that stands for upholding the intentions of the founders of the US Constitution, signed "in the year of our Lord," 1787 and which affectively reaffirms and is based upon the self-evident truth that we are endowed with our natural rights by our Creator.

Free Republic, as far as I have been informed, is a forum based on the same principles the Republic, which is the United States, is based, the free uncoerced exchange of ideas. So long as no one is intentionally abusive or abrasive, and the basic principle of individual responsibility, decency, and honesty are honored, however much we dislike what someone else says (or writes) they ought to be free to write it. If everyone only writes what everyone else already agrees with, there would be no discussion at all.

If you are offended by anything I have written, be assured, offense was not the purpose. We do not agree on some things. All that I have written is directed at ideas, not people. There is something essentially wrong with protecting one's views and God by attempting to prevent other's from saying what you disagree with.

If it is sarcasm you object to, "...forgive me this wrong." (2 Cor. 12:13) If we believe those who die expect to wake in another world will only, like the 180 thousand Assyrians who, "when they arose early in the morning ... they were all dead corpses," (2 Kings 19:35, Isaiah 37:36), wake up dead, it is only our ignorance. Can we help it if we believe what the writer of Kings, and Isaiah wrote?

But no doubt, "ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you." (Job 12:1)

You need to spend some time on the religion threads where Roman Catholics are regularly verbally flayed and mormons practically burned at the stake with vituperative. None of those threads are pulled, because they are only words, and some of us learned the truth of the children's poem, "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words (names) will never hurt me."

Is your faith so weak that it is in danger of being overthrown by a few words spoken by someone you disagree with? Can your belief and your religion only be protected by silencing those who believe differently? Is your God offended by the words and opinions of mere mortals? My God "that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh." (Psalms 2:4)

Good grief!


666 posted on 07/15/2003 4:37:13 AM PDT by Hank Kerchief
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To: Alamo-Girl
Listening to ("classical") music is an active rather than a passive experience. It's never wrong to listen to what you like. You can expand your range of listening however.

There are a couple of good expositions about music: Aaron Copland's "What to Listen for in Music" and Leonard Bernstein's "The Joy of Music." (I'm not real fond of either Copland's or Bernstein's music, but their books are really good.)

To be honest, I learned much of my musical knowldege by reading record jackets.
667 posted on 07/15/2003 6:09:31 AM PDT by Doctor Stochastic (Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
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To: Hank Kerchief; thinktwice; unspun; Alamo-Girl; Admin Moderator
So long as no one is intentionally abusive or abrasive, and the basic principle of individual responsibility, decency, and honesty are honored, however much we dislike what someone else says (or writes) they ought to be free to write it.... We do not agree on some things. All that I have written is directed at ideas, not people. There is something essentially wrong with protecting one's views and God by attempting to prevent other's from saying what you disagree with.

Dear Hank and thinktwice --

You are free to write whatever you want to, provided it's on-topic. This thread is not the place for Christian baiting. Kindly desist. Thank you!

668 posted on 07/15/2003 6:38:47 AM PDT by betty boop (We can have either human dignity or unfettered liberty, but not both. -- Dean Clancy)
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To: betty boop
"I'm not trying to set up "a new religion" here. It seems perfectly reasonable to me to think that God may be (among other attributes imputed to Him by the human mind) the Divine Geometer."

Erdos said his job as a mathematician was to read God's Book of Theorems. If he saw a proof he liked, he would say, "It's straight from The Book." [Alas, he also referred to God as 'The Supreme Fascist', but I think he was joking.]

Georg Cantor, the discoverer of the transfinite numbers (numbers 'greater than' infinity) explicitly identified the 'ultimate infinity' (which he called "Omega") with the Godhead. He proved a theorem about Omega which neatly parallels a theological "proof". It has been a while but I believe it boiled down to:

Cantor: "Omega has properties that cannot be described by appealing to the properties of lesser orders of infinity."
Theologians: "God has properties which cannot be described by appealing to the properties of lesser beings." Or something like that.

"Music also involves sound, harmonics (logical structures), breath. These have mathematical properties; or at least, they can be described by us in such terms."

Some cloth-eared idiot once disparaged Bach in these terms: "It's all music by rules and numbers--no creativity there."

"Who do you think invented the rules and numbers?" I asked him.


669 posted on 07/15/2003 6:56:47 AM PDT by boris (The deadliest Weapon of Mass Destruction in History is a Leftist With a Word Processor)
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To: Doctor Stochastic
Thank you so much for the suggestions and encouragements! Hugs!!!
670 posted on 07/15/2003 7:26:50 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Doctor Stochastic
"An efficiency expert looks at a symphony orchestra playing an unfinished symphony by Schubert"

Did you know it has words?...

"This is the symphony/that Schubert wrote but never finished/Yes, it's the symphony..."


671 posted on 07/15/2003 7:29:50 AM PDT by boris (The deadliest Weapon of Mass Destruction in History is a Leftist With a Word Processor)
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To: cornelis
As an innocent (of German), I gave: Was Du im Kosmos erblickst, ist nur der Göttlichen Abglanz: In der Olympier Schar thronet die ewige Zahl. to babelfish and it replied:

"Which you see in the cosmos, is only the Goettlichen Abglanz: In the Olympier crowd the eternal number thronet."

Which is less than illuminating, at least for me.


672 posted on 07/15/2003 7:35:08 AM PDT by boris (The deadliest Weapon of Mass Destruction in History is a Leftist With a Word Processor)
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To: betty boop; unspun; Admin Moderator
Thank you both so much for the heads up!

This thread is not the place for Christian baiting. Kindly desist.

I concur with you and unspun and observe further that Free Republic is not the place to solicit without prior permission.

Since the majority of conservatives are believers of one type or another, it is particularly troubling to allow a tiny group of anti-Christs to disruptively hound the majority interest.

673 posted on 07/15/2003 7:35:37 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl
Is Free Republic a place for Christians to attack science and scientists? I have seen posts claiming that scientists have a conspiracy to keep people from publishing. I have seen posts claiming scientists are atheists because of their scientific belief. I have seen posts where scientist have been called racist, Communist, Nazi, etc. for their scientific efforts. I have seen posts where false bibliographies, altered or incomplete quotes, etc. in order to substiate such claims. By their silence, the Creationists have shown approval to such practices.

One would have hoped that Conservatives would hold themselves to higher standards than Jason Blair or Molly Ivins or Doris Goodwin, but this doesn't seem to be the case. The actions by the Creationists do not support their case; they only reinforce the stereotype of Conservatives as being a bunch of backward, anti-science luddites.
674 posted on 07/15/2003 8:07:41 AM PDT by Doctor Stochastic (Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
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To: boris
What you glimpse in the Cosmos is but an image divine,
eternal number enthroned in the Olympian throng.
675 posted on 07/15/2003 8:41:50 AM PDT by cornelis
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To: betty boop
Dear Betty,

This thread opens with a quotation from Harvard Genetics Professor Richard Lewontin that says ...

We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute….

In other words, matter in its motions is assumed to be (against all reason, if need be) the ultimate basis of Reality.
The above is a framework setup to attack reason -- the untimate enemy to mysticists.

I am not "Christian baiting." I am using reason to defend reason.

676 posted on 07/15/2003 9:02:58 AM PDT by thinktwice
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To: thinktwice; betty boop
There is no sound use of reason that reaches outside of the realm of reason and grasps an apriori claim that materialism is fact. (See prior documented quotes of materialists about thier subjective demand for materialism.)

There are volumes of documented reason which indicates otherwise (and volumes of the empirical documented, which provides evidence).
677 posted on 07/15/2003 9:17:35 AM PDT by unspun ("Do everything in love." | No I don't look anything like her but I do like to hear "Unspun w/ AnnaZ")
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To: thinktwice; Hank Kerchief; unspun; Alamo-Girl
I am not "Christian baiting." I am using reason to defend reason.

Dear thinktwice, if you sincerely believe that this is what you're doing, then I suggest you reflect on the excerpt from Prof. Lewontin. Try to see how it is he who is making an attack on reason, not Christians. In the interest of defending materialist science, he rules reason entirely out of the question: He point-blank states he is prepared to accept "the patent absurdity of some of [scientific materialism's] constructs," just so long as he can keep preserve his doctrine intact.

If you cannot grasp how irrational, anti-rational such a position is, then I wonder about the state of your own "reasonableness," or rationality.

Meanwhile, I repeat: Kindly desist from Christian baiting/bashing. Don't deny you do this: You do it here on my thread, and anywhere else you go at FR, and it is simply disingenuous of you to deny what is patently obvious to just about everyone else.

678 posted on 07/15/2003 10:13:15 AM PDT by betty boop (We can have either human dignity or unfettered liberty, but not both. -- Dean Clancy)
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To: boris; cornelis; unspun; Alamo-Girl; Phaedrus
Cantor: "Omega has properties that cannot be described by appealing to the properties of lesser orders of infinity."

Theologians: "God has properties which cannot be described by appealing to the properties of lesser beings." Or something like that.

boris -- this, and the quote from Erdos, are such striking ideas, and so very on-point. Thank you so much for posting them here.

679 posted on 07/15/2003 10:31:53 AM PDT by betty boop (We can have either human dignity or unfettered liberty, but not both. -- Dean Clancy)
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To: Doctor Stochastic
Thank you so much for expressing your concerns!

Indeed, on the one hand some of the evolutionists have declared creationists to be an embarrassment to conservatism and more specifically, Republicans.

And on the other hand, some creationists have declared the evolutionists to be closet Marxists and thus an embarrassment to conservatism and more specifically, Republicans.

The reaction from both sides is righteously indignant, much as we would expect if any gender, age, ethnicity or sexual preference were likewise told they are an embarrassment to conservatism and more specifically, Republicans.

What you have said about false information and misstatements is true. But likewise is the following of the target, from thread to thread, as a group, day after day, year after year – ridiculing and besmirching the person or group in perpetuity. Curiously, on the political threads, such conduct if personal would not be tolerated. The consequence is that some on the creationist side became fed up with it and are now using the hounding technique in retaliation, i.e. meeting fire with fire.

Truly, I wish everyone would stand down, recognize the right of the other to be here, that we share common goals, that there are no “second-class conservatives" and apologize to one another, agreeing to try earnestly to avoid besmirching one another individually or collectively.

680 posted on 07/15/2003 10:48:08 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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