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The United States has delivered 300 million dollars to the Palestinian "Security" Apparatus
Arutz Sheva (Translation by Me) ^
| 6/18/2003
Posted on 06/18/2003 11:14:45 AM PDT by yonif
Translation from Hebrew to English by me:
The USA has given to the hands of the Security Office of the PA, headed by Mohammad Dahlan, 300 Million to rebuild the security apparatus of the PA. The Arabs have also reported that Denmark donated equipment, bullet proof vehicles, and even tear gas.
The sources have said that Dahlan recruited 1000 people from the special security units and 100 from the preventative security, and have put them under his direct command. His men will go through special training.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; Israel; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: arafat; fundingterror; hamas; islamicjihad; israel; pa; plo; roadmap; terrorism; terrorists; waronterrorism
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To: A Navy Vet
If the liberals can push their party left over the course of time, why can't we "infiltrate" the GOP and push it right? It's really the only hope of getting someone like Ron Paul elected. It has to be inside the GOP. There's not enough money anywhere else.
posted on
06/18/2003 12:58:59 PM PDT
Sir Gawain
(Mongo only pawn in game of life)
To: A Navy Vet
Good one. I like it!
posted on
06/18/2003 12:59:10 PM PDT
(Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking. – JC Watts)
Comment #43 Removed by Moderator
To: DannyTN
Why can't they audit the PA when they give them money?
Remember Chris Patten and W.J. Clinton.
Clinton classified an audit report, because it was offensife to "salaam", and Patten resists all EU atempts at auditing them.
posted on
06/18/2003 1:07:38 PM PDT
To: yonif
Pity, I'm not Dahlan. Think how many villas he'll build for him and his cronies! Long live Bush! The solver of the "palestinian" palatial living quarters shortage problem. And there'll be enough left for C-4...
posted on
06/18/2003 1:16:37 PM PDT
To: appalachian_dweller
now WE need a regime change. Better watch it. Kerry said that very thing and got in serious hot water. It was called a partisan insult, and highly inappropriate because of Iraq.
To: richardtavor
Huh? source please. ( I have several M1903s and a couple of M1 Garands I'd be willing to part with at those prices d;^)
To: Chuckster
The IBA (Channel 1 TV Jerusalem is a good friend and lead English Announcer in Israel. He has interviewed State Dept. People say that part of the RoadMap agreement was a "buy back" of Palestinian weapons. As was the case in the Oslo Accords, the buy back involves buying junk, useless weapons at exhorbitant prices....(in other words, pay off Arafat.) My example of WWI weapons was a joke. The reality is that the Palestinians can turn in anything that is considered a weapon for $6000. Now that is your tax dollars at work.....
posted on
06/18/2003 1:35:04 PM PDT
(Pray for the peace of Jerusalem in the name of the G-d of Jacob)
To: Sir Gawain
I've been saying that for quite a while. "Infiltrate" sounds too sneaky to me. Just
Join your State GOP, the
RNC and the
Republican Liberty Caucus and work from within the party to push it in the
right direction. If you are not a member, you are just making noise from the sidelines. If you want to make a difference you have to suit up and get in the game.
To: Ingtar
President G.W.Bullsheite and his companion Colinoscopy Powell. Will they ever learn? Sheesh,$300M to the towelheads to rebuild their terror infostructure. Have a short ceasefire (they will only Kill Certain Jews), and then its back to business (kill the rest as many as possible). I sure hope thet GWB is just setting a trap for these terrorist murderers rather than openiong up the bank vault for giving money like candy.
To: yonif
Did locoweed get mixed in with the Bush Administration's feed? First they curse Israel's attack on a Hamas leader (while American forces carry orders to kill al-Qaeda and Saddam sympathizers), then back-pedal like mad when they're called on their outrageous hypocrisy. Now we're financing Palestinian terrorism. GW is pissing me off this month.
To: yonif
They give this terrorist 3 months and 300 million to clean up the town. That's 3 million per day. This is an ugly payoff.
posted on
06/18/2003 3:07:02 PM PDT
Comment #53 Removed by Moderator
To: A Navy Vet
Save me a seat.
To: yonif
wonder how much of that will fall into the hands of Al-Quaeda?
posted on
06/18/2003 4:38:03 PM PDT
To: yonif; sheltonmac
Some more of that strategery we keep hearing about. Wonder what the plan is behind this?
posted on
06/18/2003 4:50:22 PM PDT
(Deo Vindice)
To: yonif
Stellar work and translations! Mega props!!!
posted on
06/18/2003 4:54:24 PM PDT
(G-d is at war with Amalek for all generations)
To: jgrubbs
Thanks for the link. Other than a few minor problems with the party platform, they may have a convert. I did my part for the Republicans and they are increasing Fedgov control over my life.
However, I do give the Bush people kudos for taking the WOT to their soil.
To: Sir Gawain
With due respect, it was to the right, as recent as 1994 when Newt took over the House. It's been sliding to the middle ever since. This is their big chance and I'm seeing little done to reverse the travesties of the left. Yes, I know it takes time, but no one's even talking about downsizing anymore.
To: yonif
posted on
06/18/2003 6:27:56 PM PDT
(Rob: I see a five letter word, F-R-E-E-P. Freep. Jerry: Freep? What's that? -Dick Van Dyke Show)
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