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CA: CATIC Analysts saw protesters at terrorists (shifting the blame alert)
Oakland Tribune ^ | May 18 2003 | Ian Hoffman

Posted on 05/19/2003 1:28:24 AM PDT by risk

Analysts saw protesters at terrorists By Ian Hoffman Sean Holstege and Josh Richman - STAFF WRITERS

Sunday, May 18, 2003 -

Days before firing wooden slugs at anti-war protesters, Oakland police were warned of ``potential violence'' at the Port of Oakland by the California's anti-terrorism intelligence center, which admits blurring the line between terrorism and political dissent.

The April 2 bulletin from the California Anti-Terrorism Information Center (CATIC) offered more innuendo than actual evidence of protesters' intent to ``shut down'' the port and possibly act violently. CATIC spokesman Mike Van Winkle said such evidence wasn't needed to issue warnings on peace protesters.

``You can make an easy kind of a link that, if you have a protest group protesting a war where the cause that's being fought against is international terrorism, you might have terrorism at that (protest),'' said Van Winkle, of the state Justice Department. ``You can almost argue that a protest against that is a terrorist act.''

In fact, CATIC - touted as a national model for intelligence sharing and a centerpiece of Gov. Gray Davis and Attorney General Bill Lockyer's 2002 re-election bids - has quietly gathered and analyzed information on activists of various stripes almost since its creation.

``They've done it since Day One,'' said a Bay Area counterterrorism official.

Mark Schlosberg, director of police policy practices for the ACLU-Northern California, called Van Winkle's remarks ``just shocking.

``First of all, it's disturbing that protest information is being gathered and distributed out of a counterterrorism center,'' he said. ``But to equate protesting against a war with terrorist activity, if in fact that's what's being done, is contrary to American values. And I would hope there are guidelines in place to prevent that being done.''

CATIC's analysts in Sacramento monitor terror alerts from federal agencies and sift through local police tips. CATIC regards itself as a hub.

CATIC's collections and advisories run the gamut. Some counterterrorism officials regard the center's midday notices of Critical Mass cycling brigades and police funerals as little more than a clipping service. Center analysts compile dossiers on ``extremist'' environmental, animal-rights and white supremacist groups. They pass along national terror intelligence, including a recent FBI alert on turning industrial hydrogen cyanide or chlorine into weapons.

The center draws $6.7 million a year in state funds to prevent terrorism. Analysts must obey one federal rule to limit the intelligence they gather, analyze and disseminate: It must have a criminal predicate, a ``reasonable suspicion'' that criminal acts will be committed.

''If there's no criminal predicate we would not issue the information on anyone. That's the rules and we abide by that,'' said CATIC director Ed Manavian.

Yet causing a traffic jam can be enough to trigger a CATIC analysis and bulletin. At the Port of Oakland, where trucks would be blocked from reaching shippers such as APL, a protest target, that logic might have been more compelling, Manavian and Van Winkle suggested.

``If we receive information that if 10,000 folks are going to a street corner and going to block it, that's breaking a law,'' Manavian said. ``That's the kind of information that we're going to relay.''

Said Van Winkle: ``I've heard terrorism described as anything that is violent or has an economic impact, and shutting down a port certainly would have some economic impact. Terrorism isn't just bombs going off and killing people.''

Both men say CATIC merely supplies information, but it's up to police to decide what to do with it.

Still, a warning of potential violence from the state's anti-terror nerve center, staffed with personnel from the FBI, Defense Intelligence Agency and other federal, state and local agencies, carries a strong imprimatur of danger.

``It has extra weight,'' said San Francisco Deputy Police Chief Rick Bruce, who leads the department's special operations division and is in charge of both counterterrorism and planning for protests.

Said the ACLU's Schlosberg: ``That sends a message about what the nature of a protest would be and what the response should be. Whether that caused the response or not, I don't know.''

The state's anti-terror center also operates without a clear definition of terrorism. Asked for one, Van Winkle replied: ''I'm not sure where to go with that. But as a state organization, we have this information and we're going to share it.''

The center's analysts are building files on what he called ``nontraditional criminal extremist groups,'' such as the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front.

``Some of the groups we're keeping intelligence on are those groups that mainstream people might not consider involved in violent activity,'' Van Winkle said. ``How can releasing all these monkeys with viruses not put people in danger? And the reality is, some of the planned peaceful protests around the country have turned violent.''

On April 7, the Port of Oakland was the site of a clash that the New York Times called ``the most violent between protesters and authorities anywhere in the country since the start of the war in Iraq.''

Intelligence records released under open-government laws reveal the thinking of CATIC and Oakland intelligence officials in the days leading up to the protest. An ANG Newspapers examination shows the agencies blended solid facts, innuendo and inaccurate information about anti-war protesters expected at the port.

Taken together, this information painted a monolithic portrait of violent activists. They could be armed with metal bolts, rocks and Molotov cocktails. They were secretly in cahoots with the longshoremen's union - and, analysts believed, they were bent on shutting down the nation's fourth largest shipping port, high on the state's list of terrorist targets.

``What alerted us was the discovery of Molotov cocktails'' the day after a March 20 anti-war protest in San Francisco, CATIC's Manavian said. ``Nobody's really saying where did those Molotov cocktails come from and why were they there? Again, you have people in those protests who meant to cause violence. And that's part of our analysis.''

That portrait is at odds with videotapes and transcripts of radio transmissions of the event, which do not reflect protesters throwing objects at police or engaging in civil disobedience until 20 minutes after police opened fire. But police radio chatter repeatedly focused on protesters in black masks.

Anarchists in black masks were prominent in an April 1 e-mail that an Oakland PD intelligence unit supervisor, Derwin Longmire, sent to police commanders. He highlighted the role of the ``Black Bloc,'' known for black clothing and face scarves, in a recap of the most confrontational portions of San Francisco's pre-war demonstrations, when police arrested around 2,000 people. Longmire described how ``Black Blocers'' confronted police, smashed a patrol car window and struggled with an officer for his gun.

``I do anticipate a sizable number (of Blocers at the port) because of the amount of promotion that the 7th of April has received,'' he wrote.

Later on April 1, an Arcata man was arrested on federal charges of possessing an explosive after being captured on a surveillance videotape during the March 20 protests stashing a Molotov cocktail near a hotel.

``Some of these people have no interest in anything except anarchy. The police are trying to analyze who those people are,'' said former FBI agent Rick Smith.

On April 2, after CATIC collected press and police accounts of the Molotov cocktail arrest, veteran state criminal intelligence analyst Mike Mendenhall, working for CATIC's Group Analysis Unit in Sacramento, transmitted a warning over the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, bearing the subject line, ``National Day of Action Includes Northern California Targets.''

Mendenhall drew on the Web site of Direct Action to Stop the War, the organizing umbrella for several anti-war groups. He quoted the site as calling for protesters to ``shut down the war merchants.''

Yet Mendenhall neglected to mention Direct Action's specific instruction to port protesters: ``This is not a civil disobedience action ... our goal is to maintain the picket line not to get arrested.''

CATIC's analyst made special note of a ``blockades training'' by the Ruckus Society, identified as a ``protest organization group'' that conducts ``protest tactics training for events such as the 1999 World Trade Organization Conference in Seattle, Wash., and the 2001 Biotechnology Industry Organization Conference in San Diego.''

At the ``Battle in Seattle,'' 50,000 protesters filled the city's downtown and overwhelmed police fired tear gas and rubber bullets for three days. There were some 600 arrests and $3 million in property damage.

Mendenhall also failed to mention in his April 2 advisory that the Oakland-based Ruckus Society specifically shuns violence and states its mission as ``nonviolent direct action'' repeatedly on its Web site.

Ruckus Society director John Sellers said he's not surprised to see his nonprofit show up on an advisory from an anti-terrorism intelligence center.

``This is what all of us have been talking about since right after 9/11,'' he said. ``It's outrageous that they're concerning themselves with classically nonviolent activism, nonviolent citizens practicing their First Amendment right to free speech.''

It ``shines light on the kind of (U.S. Attorney General John) Ashcroft mentality that's seizing this country,'' he said. ``Anyone internal with a dissenting view is lumped in with the people who drove the planes into the towers, which couldn't be further from the truth.''

The potential for violence, said CATIC director Manavian, was an inference drawn from Ruckus Society's participation in the 1999 Seattle protests.

``Was there any violence up there? Was there any malicious damage to private property? And I think all those situations I just described are criminal predicate. Those are crimes. I think if you were a business owner on this route you would expect law enforcement to protect you against that,'' he said.

Ruckus Society's Sellers had a taste of this in 1999, when his group trained WTO protesters for exclusively nonviolent actions. Yet a senior Seattle police commander told him beforehand that federal agents warned that several police officers could be put out of commission or killed.

Sellers believes this false information provoked a severe police reaction when some self-proclaimed anarchists - neither trained by nor affiliated with the Ruckus Society - committed acts of vandalism.

In an April 4 e-mail, Oakland's Longmire alerted senior police officers that a former leader of Earth Liberation Front ``is now espousing anti-war tactics'' such as ``Black Bloc techniques.''

Longmire described ELF as ``a terrorist group listed by the FBI'' and ``active in the destruction of more than $43 million in property damage.''

``We should be aware of this mindset for our upcoming masses,'' Longmire wrote in his e-mail. One recipient, Oakland Police Capt. Rod Yee, gave the go-ahead April 7 for officers to open fire with less-lethal ammunition on protesters.

Longmire also gathered and shared with Oakland officers a collection of e-mails and Web postings by leaders of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and acquaintances in the anti-war movement. The postings suggest ILWU leaders planned to use the protests to demand arbitration at the port gates and delay going to work.

Some civil-liberties advocates already are drawing parallels between CATIC's intelligence gathering on anti-war groups and COINTELPRO, a grab-bag term for the systematic targeting of ``subversive'' and ``extremist'' groups by the FBI, CIA, military intelligence and the National Security Agency from the 1950s to 1971.

FBI agents infiltrated and disrupted nonviolent protest groups such as the women's liberation movement, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Southern Christian Leadership Council and the anti-Vietnam War movement.

The comparison of CATIC and COINTELPRO is far from apt: There's no evidence that CATIC's Group Analysis Unit infiltrated anyone. Its analysts used a computer mouse, sizing-up protesters primarily by surfing Web pages.

Events such as Seattle's WTO riots give CATIC a rationale for scrutinizing any of the groups involved, said noted Emory University civil-rights historian David J. Garrow. ``The problem is if you can gather information on them, that inescapably bleeds over into everyone with them.''

Terrorist attacks on U.S. soil are rare. Some anti-terror experts have wondered when new terror-fighting agencies would begin justifying their existence by broadening their roles.

``It is safe to say there is an enormous temptation to expand surveillance and information gathering. And unless there is an effective system of checks and balances sooner or later this kind of surveillance is going to get out of control,'' said Steven Aftergood, head of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists.

``This particular example is quite disturbing because it erodes the obvious distinction between terrorism and dissent,'' he said.

In Oakland's case, it led to gathering e-mails about the longshoremen's union, the ILWU's stance on war in Iraq and on the upcoming peace protest.

``How did those postings come into the hands of the Oakland Police Department? It does raise questions about the monitoring of political activity,'' said the ACLU's Schlosberg. ''That's why we think it's important that there be guidelines to local and state law enforcement for this kind of surveillance of religious and political activities because often you don't see the results until years later. We're still finding out what happened in the 1960s.''

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: california; catic; homeland; oakland; protest; security; terrorism; treason
California Anti-Terrorism Information Center (CATIC) is now the whipping boy of our spineless civilian leadership. People on the front lines of preparedness need our support, not our blame.

And it gets worse: the ACLU is upset that protest is being investigated as a potential terrorism vector at all!

This affront to Oakland police and CATIC, both in the line of terrorist and civil unrest fire already, is inexcusable. Our best and bravest need our encouragement and support.

1 posted on 05/19/2003 1:28:24 AM PDT by risk
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To: risk
Gee, protestors claim they are out to shut down a United States port supplying war materials to soldiers engaged in war and the police are supposed to issue them tickets or something?

I can think of a number of other places where the bullets wouldn't have been wooden.
2 posted on 05/19/2003 1:48:24 AM PDT by Az Joe
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To: risk
Analysts saw protesters at terrorists

I had to click the link, because I couldn't believe they really misspelled "as".


3 posted on 05/19/2003 2:05:22 AM PDT by hellinahandcart (freepmail me if you want ON or OFF my "Stop Unnecessary Excerpting!" ping list)
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To: risk
``You can make an easy kind of a link that, if you have a protest group protesting a war where the cause that's being fought against is international terrorism, you might have terrorism at that (protest),'' said Van Winkle, of the state Justice Department. ``You can almost argue that a protest against that is a terrorist act.''

The only thing between a Totaliarian Police State and Freedom for the American People under the new "Homeland Security Laws" is the ability to NOT blur those lines. If those lines are allowed to be blurred, You all are toast, as in ovens.

Better pray someone stops this trend and fast, as the Second Amendment checks and balances on Government have already been disabled.The democrats love to label Conservative groups that disagree with their agenda as right wing domestic terror groups, hate criminals etc. You don't like the new wxyz law, you must be a terrorist, because it is for the children...

If security was the goal of Homeland Security, they would be issuing automatic weapons to American Citizens in good standing, not taking them away. You guys are in BIG trouble.

4 posted on 05/19/2003 3:58:16 AM PDT by American in Israel (Right beats wrong)
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To: American in Israel
Yes, we're in big trouble, but I find that organizations like CATIC and Homeland Security are on my side, while ANSWER is on the other side.

At this point I would argue for 2nd amendment rights reform while continuing to allow intelligence gathering. What does Mossad do within Israel?

I'm going to hazzard that we have been too tolerant of openly anti-American elements in our society precisely because we don't want to repeat the mistakes of the 1950s; we even fear going too far and being labeled fascist. But as with Israel, this could be our undoing.

We must defend ourselves. The anti-terror and law-enforcement orgs are on our side. In the case of laws breaking the 2nd amendment, they may be misguided (granting interviews to the media where they criticize hicap mags that "kill cops," etc...) but they're only doing their jobs -- trying to please politicians they "protect."

I don't think I fully understood what you were saying, so I continued to try to define my point of view. We definitely agree on the 2nd amendment issue! Automatics for any law-abiding citizen, and training too. Just think what a big terrorist attack will do to law and order; the protests (which included bolts and rocks being thrown at the police) were terrifying. It could get much worse.
5 posted on 05/19/2003 11:08:08 AM PDT by risk
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To: risk
At this point I would argue for 2nd amendment rights reform while continuing to allow intelligence gathering. What does Mossad do within Israel?

I agree with you, but am very worried when the "adults in charge" say it is easy to blur the lines. Better we put up with the wacko's ranting and raving in the streets, than start branding those we do not like as terrorists. Now a days that label has a whole lot more power than should ever be applied to American Citizens.

As for what Israel does, they arm their citizens with fully automatic weapons down to pistols. That is why when you hear of a shooting incident in the middle of the city it is always over in minutes with little loss of life. The Arabs switched to bombs because the populace is armed. We do not get the drawn out police parades like Colombine here. The best thing we could do to protect our citizens is arm them with open carry laws.

My fear is not of the Conservative government, but of the new police powers the liberals will have if the vote switches their way again. America will no longer be a nice place if that happens.

6 posted on 05/19/2003 11:11:43 PM PDT by American in Israel (Right beats wrong)
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To: American in Israel
OK, I think we're nearly in agreement. CATIC shouldn't be labelling protesters as terrorists without serious cause. Laws giving police additional power (such as the Patriot acts) are dangerous because of potential abuse after leadership changes.

We might disagree on the subject of allowing Patriot acts with sunset clauses, which at this point I support. I don't think a fully-armed populace can defend itself against a sneaky dirty bomb or VX gas attack. Intelligence could help find those.

I also think that the influence of foreign corruption in our country has been and is worse than the center believed before 9/11. I disagreed with McCarthy's approach, but after witnessing the surge of anti-semetic, anti-capitalist, and violent protests in Seattle, Genoa, and now Oakland, I believe these groups are being financed from outside the country. They probably had been all the way back to FDR's time. It's our duty to defend ourselves against that sort of thing. We must protect the Republic.

I agree with your comments about an armed populace 100%, but
I am not sure Americans want to look to Israel as an ideally defended democracy. If my countrymen were to argue that we couldn't respond with 1000 times the force of each suicide attack (for example), then I would find them wanting and align them with the enemy himself. Yet Israel permits its hands to be tied in the face of attack after bloody attack.

We simply cannot allow this attitude to creep deeper into the American psyche.

Maybe I'm wrong about the Patriot acts. I'm still open to discussion. I would gladly trade the deportation of all illegal aliens and the elimination of all but absolutely necessary travel from Islamic countries for the restructuring of the Patriot acts such that they would not allow spying on second generation Americans without clear communist or Islamic ties. All of these things are imperfect instruments. Our porus borders are evidence of that.
7 posted on 05/20/2003 1:16:37 AM PDT by risk
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