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Will Bill O'Reilly Endorse John Kerry?
Posted on 05/05/2003 5:49:31 PM PDT by faithincowboys
It is becoming clear to me that Bill O'Reilly is not on our side. Despite protestations to the contrary (he claims he is an independent), O'Reilly is a man of the left.
O'Reilly's political hero is RFK.
In an interview with Kerry, he seemed like a John French Kerry fan.
He was an attack dog when Lynne Cheney was a guest on his program.
He was an attack dog when Marc Raccicot was on his show.
He hyped the Rilya Wilson case and bashed brother Jeb on the eve of the Florida Gubernatorial election-- an election that the Democrats wanted to use to deal a body blow to Dubya.
Because he is saying that the reports of WMD in Iraq were phony (though they could still turn up) and requires heads to roll and suggests Bush has a credibilty gap.
Because in a segment tonight regarding an all-white private prom in Georgia, he blamed Republican Governor Sonny Perdue-- who had not a thing to do with it.
Bill, whose daughter will no doubt go to an upper class all-white school, asserted that the white kids had no right to set up their own prom.
I believe the all white prom was a mean-spirited act and undoubtedly hurt the feelings of their African American peers, but they had the right to do it. It was a private (wrongheaded) affair, and Sonny Perdue didn't have anything to do with it.
I think the story highlighted the tendency of liberal whites -who live in lily white neighborhoods and inculcate their kids in blue blood private school- to demand that poor Southern whites forcibly integrate. I think this is unfair- if you have implicitly (and often explicitly) chosen segregation in your life, you can't force others to do what you go out of your way to avoid.
I think what the kids in Georgia have done is wrong and hurtful, but I think in the interest of a full debate, the liberal accusers should prove their integration bona fides.
It's like Teddy Kennedy calling Charles Pickering a racist (Pickering sent his son Chip to Afr. Amer. majority schools in Mississippi, and Pickering also fought the Klan long before it was popular (and safe) to do so), while he , no doubt, sent his coke-head children to all-white boarding schools. Hypocrisy.
The kids were wrong and many probably harbor racist feelings, but their accusers in the mainstream media practice segregation every day. These kids do attend a majority Afr. Amer. High School.
All in all, I predict, if the economy stagnates, O'Reilly (who has never come off as a big Bush fan) will endorse Kerry!
TOPICS: News/Current Events; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: billoreilly; bobbykennedylover; media; opportunism; stealthliberal
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To: Missouri
Yeah, I think tonight's bluster is directly related to his hub caps faux pas. Very transparent indeed!
To: Dolphy
Very strong point!
I had forgotten about that. Of course, his responsibilities are far less demanding than any Governor, and he has absolutely no excuse.
He really is getting outrageous.
To: cwboelter
Currying an independent image is the most effective way to bring people to the conservative banner. People discredit what you have to say if they know you're a partisan. Liberals excel at this. They give their organization innocuous sounding names like National Oraganization of Women. This is an effective tactic and I don't mind stealing good ideas.
To: faithincowboys
O'Reilly sells snake oil for a living.
(He is a VERY good huckster, however.)
posted on
05/05/2003 8:15:26 PM PDT
((John 3:16: Still True Today.))
To: faithincowboys
He's been very upfront regarding his favorite politician:
Robert Kennedy
I've never understood all the Freeper hoopla over O'Reilly. He has never been a Right wing Republican....perhaps he's what would more accurately be described as a Rockefeller Republican. He supports gun control, and a myriad of issues that are clearly left. That said, he's very good at what he does.
posted on
05/05/2003 8:46:10 PM PDT
To: Numbers Guy
Proms can be problematic. The upcoming prom at a local high school in the Pittsburgh area will have a dozen cops on duty with a breathalyzer machine, and they threaten to test any student that appears intoxicated. This high school is in the largely Caucasian South Hills area of Pittsburgh.
posted on
05/05/2003 8:53:36 PM PDT
To: BenR2
O'Reilly made two embarrassing gaffs tonight alone. When that guy said they were both conservatives, Mr. O' corrected him, saying he was an independent. How stupid; independent is a party affiliation, conservative is a political philosophy. Simple answer: he has no political philosophy (OK, maybe populist). Alternate answer: he thinks it's cute to play the guesing game, part of his schtick.
Second, he kept continually promoting his website "poll" and said it was representative of his viewers. An internet poll is not representative of anything, Bill. This guy has a Masters in journalism? Coulda fooled me. Ever take a statistics or political science course, Bill? I doubt it.
He has no idea of what's in the Constitution except his precious 1st Amendment and argues for immediate government action when something doesn't work out the way he thinks it should. Glad he wasn't in Philadelphia in 1787. Is there such a thing as a knee-jerk populist? That's him.
To: FirstFlaBn
I agree: He disagreed with the poll on WMD. But agreed with the poll on Santorum. If you have a poll you should agree with the results.
To: FirstFlaBn
He has no idea of what's in the Constitution except his precious 1st Amendment and argues for immediate government action when something doesn't work out the way he thinks it should. Glad he wasn't in Philadelphia in 1787. Is there such a thing as a knee-jerk populist? That's him.
That's it: A knee-jerk populist snake-oil salesman!
posted on
05/05/2003 9:32:12 PM PDT
((John 3:16: Still True Today.))
To: faithincowboys
Because he is saying that the reports of WMD in Iraq were phony (though they could still turn up) and requires heads to roll and suggests Bush has a credibilty gap. He said he would give it until June 1st and then start demanding answers about WMD's but he seems to have pushed the calendar ahead about a month.
For me O'Reilly seems to go through periods where he is hard to watch and/or listen to. He is in one of those periods right now, for me at least, and so I will not watch and/or listen for a couple of weeks. Is it just me or does it seem like he has had an inordinate amount of liberals on 'The Factor' recently?
posted on
05/05/2003 9:36:04 PM PDT
To: ErnBatavia
...O'Reilly is putty in the hands of wimmins; even Susan Estrogen, with that fetching smile of hers, got him tonight.
LOL! He really loses it when he has certain women on his show. It gets quite embarrassing. We refer to it at our house as the "hooker of the week" segments. Strippers. hookers, madams, etc.
And I, too, said it was time to change the channel when "Susan Estrogen" came on. I don't even know what her real name is!
posted on
05/05/2003 9:39:00 PM PDT
(Oh, was I ranting? Sorry.....)
To: faithincowboys
"...endorse Kerry..."...?
Don't think so. He'll [factor] in his "factor"...and realize he flunked basic mathematics.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoy viewing Bill' just seems he's becoming tedious and stale.
I admire folks who try to adhere to a "basic" notion, being..."If you don't stand for'll fall for anything."...Lately, O'Rielly is; imho, waiting for his compass to stop spinning so he can recognize which course to take.
Then again...What do I know? I'm just an old FReeper. :-))
Mustang sends from "Malpaso" News.
posted on
05/05/2003 9:39:39 PM PDT
(Evil Thrives When Good People Do Nothing!)
To: sydbas
I really don't like watching him anymore. He is all over the place on his views. I find that difficult to take. I like to know where people are coming from like Joe Scarborough and Sean Hannity, or even Alan Colmes.
His attack on GWB's credibility is unwarranted and his attack on Jeb was way out of line. Bill tends to think Govt should do something about every little detail and that is why I turn him off.
I watch Kudlow and Kramer because I know where they are coming from.
To: faithincowboys
He can, and should, expose right-wingers to at least as much tough questioning as the traitors. If right-wingers are truly intellectually superior to the left, it ought to shine especially bright under those circumstances. However, I quit listening to O'Reilly once he started parroting meaningless Klingon administration lines, such as "The oil companies' profits are up by 500%!!" around 1999, without contest. 500% of what? A penny? Oooo, you've now got a nickel. 500% increase of a negative amount? You've got a five-times higher loss. Thanks, Bill. You made the traitors look credible and legitimate U.S. business evil...more than once.
posted on
05/06/2003 2:04:44 AM PDT
(As a matter of fact, I DO put my pants on both legs at a time.)
To: Constitution Day
"Populist" - code name for "Leftist", just like the oxymoronic "progressive".
posted on
05/06/2003 2:05:06 AM PDT
(As a matter of fact, I DO put my pants on both legs at a time.)
To: ErnBatavia
even Susan Estrogen, with that fetching smile of hers Har har. Sure, if she's fetching frisbees or old ratty tennis balls. Come to think of it, the stupid grins I've seen on practically every dog I've had as a pet have been far more fetching. Estrogen's face would fetch my last three meals from my stomach.
posted on
05/06/2003 2:05:41 AM PDT
(As a matter of fact, I DO put my pants on both legs at a time.)
To: WhaChuLookinAt
Excellent observation.
I particularly hate the use of "progressive"... I always think "crypto-Communist".
Comment #78 Removed by Moderator
To: OldFriend
Heard O'Reilly bashing John Ashcroft unmercifully and praising Robert Kennedy.Batting 500.
posted on
05/06/2003 10:45:41 AM PDT
(Putting government in charge of morality is like putting pedophiles in charge of children)
To: faithincowboys
Whether or not this is true, I'm just glad I didn't waste $900/pair of tickets as a Christmas present for my sister. Whew!
posted on
05/06/2003 10:55:44 AM PDT
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