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Will Bill O'Reilly Endorse John Kerry?
Posted on 05/05/2003 5:49:31 PM PDT by faithincowboys
It is becoming clear to me that Bill O'Reilly is not on our side. Despite protestations to the contrary (he claims he is an independent), O'Reilly is a man of the left.
O'Reilly's political hero is RFK.
In an interview with Kerry, he seemed like a John French Kerry fan.
He was an attack dog when Lynne Cheney was a guest on his program.
He was an attack dog when Marc Raccicot was on his show.
He hyped the Rilya Wilson case and bashed brother Jeb on the eve of the Florida Gubernatorial election-- an election that the Democrats wanted to use to deal a body blow to Dubya.
Because he is saying that the reports of WMD in Iraq were phony (though they could still turn up) and requires heads to roll and suggests Bush has a credibilty gap.
Because in a segment tonight regarding an all-white private prom in Georgia, he blamed Republican Governor Sonny Perdue-- who had not a thing to do with it.
Bill, whose daughter will no doubt go to an upper class all-white school, asserted that the white kids had no right to set up their own prom.
I believe the all white prom was a mean-spirited act and undoubtedly hurt the feelings of their African American peers, but they had the right to do it. It was a private (wrongheaded) affair, and Sonny Perdue didn't have anything to do with it.
I think the story highlighted the tendency of liberal whites -who live in lily white neighborhoods and inculcate their kids in blue blood private school- to demand that poor Southern whites forcibly integrate. I think this is unfair- if you have implicitly (and often explicitly) chosen segregation in your life, you can't force others to do what you go out of your way to avoid.
I think what the kids in Georgia have done is wrong and hurtful, but I think in the interest of a full debate, the liberal accusers should prove their integration bona fides.
It's like Teddy Kennedy calling Charles Pickering a racist (Pickering sent his son Chip to Afr. Amer. majority schools in Mississippi, and Pickering also fought the Klan long before it was popular (and safe) to do so), while he , no doubt, sent his coke-head children to all-white boarding schools. Hypocrisy.
The kids were wrong and many probably harbor racist feelings, but their accusers in the mainstream media practice segregation every day. These kids do attend a majority Afr. Amer. High School.
All in all, I predict, if the economy stagnates, O'Reilly (who has never come off as a big Bush fan) will endorse Kerry!
TOPICS: News/Current Events; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: billoreilly; bobbykennedylover; media; opportunism; stealthliberal
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To: faithincowboys
Not a chance. O'Reilly appears to be satisfied with Bush.
To: faithincowboys
Yes, all that matter is allegiance to Bush. /sarcasm
To: faithincowboys
Bill just said that Al Gore would have reacted to 9-11 the same way as Dubya has-- tonight the guy is making my point!
To: faithincowboys
I share your views ... and might add that Mr.O'Reilly" does warrant being deemed the "PinHead Poster Child"
posted on
05/05/2003 5:53:27 PM PDT
To: MatthewViti
Never said that-- but he is often unfair in his criticism.
What does Sonny Perdue have to do with the all-white prom?
What did Jeb Bush have to do with the Rilya Wilson case-- that was a screw-up in Broward County that the Gov had no control over.
Now his obsession with WMD-- is it likely that the regime that gassed the kurds, gassed the Iranians and thwarted the inspectors at every turn woul not have weapons?
You don't get the name Dr. Germ and Chemical Ali for nothing!
To: faithincowboys
Clean out your ears - he greatly qualified the Gore remark.
But you are right about him wanting to look Independent, helps the ratings, doncha know.. and he would love John French Kerry to be candidate- that will make for great TV before the election. They have the book ready to throw at Kerry.
posted on
05/05/2003 5:57:45 PM PDT
To: faithincowboys
Heard O'Reilly bashing John Ashcroft unmercifully and praising Robert Kennedy.
IMHO O'Reilly has lost all objectivity and is on a personal vendetta against President Bush and those in his administration.
posted on
05/05/2003 5:58:13 PM PDT
(without the brave, there would be no land of the free)
To: GoldnGate
Good-- you'll get some of the heat too.
: )
We should have known when he used Limbaugh's deafness as a way to get his own 12-3pm radio show.
To: faithincowboys
No way. He basically endorsed Bush over Gore in 2000 and has been kind to Bush on some issues and hard on him on others. I think that O'Reilly is an independent (probably brought up Democrat but through life experience and education has learned how the economy and real world really work) with conservative personal values (Catholic who married and had kids relatively late).
All in all, O'Reilly is pretty fair and balanced, with a tilt to the right.
posted on
05/05/2003 5:59:35 PM PDT
To: faithincowboys
Based on my reading of Mr. O'Reilly, he'll endorse no one. I doubt any of the candidates are doing things entirely in a manner of which he approves.
Regards, Ivan
posted on
05/05/2003 6:00:05 PM PDT
To: seenenuf
O'Reilly also hangs out in Boston a lot. Boston?
Eventually, just being aroung the Big Dig turns your brain to liberal mush.
To: faithincowboys
O'Reilly is a populist and a showman.
He'll wait to see which way the wind is blowing before he endorses
anyone (IMO).
To: faithincowboys
O'Reilly for Kerry? Wouldn't surprise me a bit. He has always spoken quite well of Kerry, saying he isn't as liberal as most people think, that he knows him from when he lived in Mass, etc.
Could O'Reilly support Kerry? Yep, and it would be totally hypocritical of him as he claims to want the no spin zone. Kerry is the epitome of spin but for some reason, O'Reilly often turns a blind eye to it.
posted on
05/05/2003 6:01:35 PM PDT
(Keep the UN out of Iraq)
To: faithincowboys
"You don't get the name Dr. Germ and Chemical Ali for nothing!" Or "Mrs. Anthrax".
To: faithincowboys
The show has been such a dismal failure that I wonder if he's going to keep it going. Rush is a superior radio host, but it sure is nice to have an alternative in the car when Rush is pre-empted by baseball!
posted on
05/05/2003 6:01:40 PM PDT
To: faithincowboys
Many times he takes the more liberal view. More and more, I find myself muting the sound, or just turning off the tv.
When he said tonight that he thought algore would have done a good job after 9/11, I really could not believe it!
posted on
05/05/2003 6:02:18 PM PDT
Comment #18 Removed by Moderator
To: faithincowboys
O'Reilly has always said he had no allegience to either side. This is not news.
To: faithincowboys
i'd be surprised if he endorsed anyone. that would pretty much destroy his claim that he is independent
posted on
05/05/2003 6:06:08 PM PDT
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