To: faithincowboys
Bill just said that Al Gore would have reacted to 9-11 the same way as Dubya has-- tonight the guy is making my point!
To: faithincowboys
I share your views ... and might add that Mr.O'Reilly" does warrant being deemed the "PinHead Poster Child"
5 posted on
05/05/2003 5:53:27 PM PDT by
To: faithincowboys
Clean out your ears - he greatly qualified the Gore remark.
But you are right about him wanting to look Independent, helps the ratings, doncha know.. and he would love John French Kerry to be candidate- that will make for great TV before the election. They have the book ready to throw at Kerry.
7 posted on
05/05/2003 5:57:45 PM PDT by
To: faithincowboys
Many times he takes the more liberal view. More and more, I find myself muting the sound, or just turning off the tv.
When he said tonight that he thought algore would have done a good job after 9/11, I really could not believe it!
17 posted on
05/05/2003 6:02:18 PM PDT by
To: faithincowboys
Bill O'Reilly is a pompous jackass who rarely does his homework. I no longer watch his show.
27 posted on
05/05/2003 6:17:16 PM PDT by
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: faithincowboys
You took the words from my mouth. O'Reilly is getting so hateful~~~~~~~~~he will not let anyone speak on his show.
I do not know what his problem is but I hope he does not let his popularity blow up his brain........
30 posted on
05/05/2003 6:24:17 PM PDT by
To: faithincowboys
Bill just said that Al Gore would have reacted to 9-11 the same way as Dubya has
No way in hell Gore would taken out Afganistan and Iraq. Gore would have signed onto the war crimes court and would have used that as an excuse to do whatever the UN would have told him to do. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson