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Pat Robertson stirs up debate (Islam is not a peaceful religion) ^
| April 02, 2003
Posted on 04/04/2003 4:56:15 PM PST by TLBSHOW
Edited on 07/06/2004 6:38:44 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
PRINCETON BOROUGH - The Rev. Pat Robertson spoke from the lectern at Princeton University last night like it was his pulpit, calling students to stand up for their moral convictions and not be swayed by popular culture.
His hair is all gray now, he had surgery in February and is recovering from prostate cancer, but the evangelist showed no signs of wavering last night when he spoke at the invitation of a student group.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government
KEYWORDS: homosexualagenda; iraqifreedom; islam; patrobertson; princeton
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PS: didn't you just deride me for "antidotal nonsense"
And then you tell me to go look in a yahoo chatroom?
Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?
posted on
04/05/2003 7:31:30 PM PST
(Frodo sleeps with men...)
To: Jhoffa_
So the Muslims here in Tampa, chanting "No Palestine, no Peace" are harmless? Oh by the way one of the chanters husbands is now cooling his heels in a fed prison, his name is Al Arian, maybe your heard of him?
To: Jhoffa_
So the Muslims here in Tampa, chanting "No Palestine, no Peace" are harmless? Oh by the way one of the chanters husbands is now cooling his heels in a fed prison, his name is Al Arian, maybe your heard of him?
To: Jhoffa_
So the Muslims here in Tampa, chanting "No Palestine, no Peace" are harmless? Oh by the way one of the chanters husbands is now cooling his heels in a fed prison, his name is Al Arian, maybe your heard of him?
To: Jhoffa_
Why do you think they are worming their way into the govt of the United states with the help of grover Norquest? Not to respect the govt but to change it from within.
Wake up Jhoffa_ and smell the roses!
posted on
04/05/2003 7:41:59 PM PST
(there is one God and it is not Allah.......there is one SATAN and it is ALLAH......)
Oh by the way one of the chanters husbands is now cooling his heels in a fed prison, his name is Al Arian, maybe your heard of him?
He's where? In jail you say?
That doesn't do much for your case, BTW. It does however, bolster mine.
posted on
04/05/2003 7:43:21 PM PST
(Frodo sleeps with men...)
"they" ?
Which "they" Todd?
The Jews? The Catholics? The other Christians? The Druids? The Pagans? The KKK? There's allot of people in government Todd, and some of them have different faiths.
posted on
04/05/2003 7:45:24 PM PST
(Frodo sleeps with men...)
To: Howlin
I don't care what your opinion is.
To: Jhoffa_
"There are thousands of peaceful, American Muslims who go about their business daily.. and prove you wrong."
In any religious faith, there are always people who chose to interpret its teachings in their own style, rather than in accordance with its doctrines. There is nothing peaceful about Islam.
On the other hand a lot of these so-called "peaceful" Muslims are sleepers placed here by terrorist fundamentalist groups as we learend so well on 9-11. Further, the majority of Mosques and Madrasses in the United States are staffed by Wahhbai Muslims, the most virulent, intolerant and pestilential of this vicious sect, bankrolled by oil dollars from that capitol of Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia.
" Your little "Jihad" is unconstitutional, it's un-Christian and it's immoral."
It is not unconstitutional to express my opinions and alert Americans to the very real danger that threatens our nation, our government, and our life style.
It is not "un-Christian" to defend yourself against a sect with a history and current practise of oppressing, suppressing, enslaving, torturing, and murdering other Christians, along with any other religious group in its way.
There is nothing immoral about standing up for your country, your religion, and the basic tenets upon which our government established - none of which have anything to do with religious oppression of "unbelievers". Sharia laws, Theocracies, and treating women like livestock.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:09:04 PM PST
To: Jhoffa_
"they" ?Don't forget NASA and the GOP; they're all dangerous to us, too.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:29:38 PM PST
(“We are in, and we’re staying put. Freedom is on the way.”)
To: Howlin
You are a commie ratty rat. (ISlam + rat)=Evil - (Jihad/traitor) * (UN Traitor + Neo-cons)
Try to argue with that math!
To: FreeReign was hard to defend someone who wouldn't defend himself.
Ms. Poppins....I don't miss her.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:39:25 PM PST
(G-d speed our fighters!)
To: Jhoffa_
I had never liked Lott( and I knew him a bit personally) but I was dismayed to see so many FReepers dance on his PC induced/self inflicted big mouth grave right out of the box.
I even saw folks on here claiming that his remarks were indicative of Southerners and Mississippi in particular because they had seen "Mississippi Burning"
Moderate democrats who cannot stomach the excesses of the left are what has bloated Conservatism's rank in general and on this forum and you can probably surmise I'm not crazy about it. The country has moved right no doubt but they've drug folks like me more to the center involuntarily by their momentum.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:45:17 PM PST
(G-d speed our fighters!)
To: Jhoffa_; ZULU
It's a fairy tale perpetuated by racists and bigots. You toss that around quite easily. I find that disturbing. I'm with Zulu more or less in my view of Islam. I don't see much point in furthering this exchange do you? Regards.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:47:33 PM PST
(G-d speed our fighters!)
Yes, that's exactly what Christ said to do.. Oppress innocent American Muslims.
Yes, that's exactly what the constitution says, oppress innocent, American Muslims.
That's exactly what defines basic morality, oppressing innocents.
In any religious faith, there are always people who chose to interpret its teachings in their own style, rather than in accordance with its doctrines.
Gee, it's so nice of you to impose your view of Islam on the thousands of peaceful, American Muslims who refuse Jihad..
Gonna go through the OT next and tell me what I have to believe and do because of my faith?
You're making a foolish argument. You insist that Muslims are a threat, then when I point out your error you insist they must be a threat regardless or they aren't doing it properly.
The fact of the matter is that the majority of American Muslims are peaceful. The aren't rioting, raping and killing. They don't agree with you. In fact, you and your views are the ones in the minority here.
You are erecting ridiculous strawmen. Look around, there's no Muslim hordes.
It's your own paranoia & prejudice talking... There is no Domestic Muslim Jihad.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:53:18 PM PST
(Frodo sleeps with men...)
To: wardaddy
You toss that around quite easily. I find that disturbing.
It's also true.
You can't claim they are violent.. Look around, it's not happening.
Obviously there must be some other, darker reason for this prejudice. I think it's bigotry and racism.
There's simply no other justification for this little Christian Jihad left.
posted on
04/05/2003 9:55:11 PM PST
(Frodo sleeps with men...)
To: dogbyte12
(ISlam + rat)=Evil - (Jihad/traitor) * (UN Traitor + Neo-cons)
^ Hitler!
(I think "ratty rat" was funny..)
posted on
04/05/2003 9:56:36 PM PST
(Frodo sleeps with men...)
To: Jhoffa_
Most of the muslims in the world and here do not share our world position/view. They have draconian scripture dealing with folks like you and me.
They have proven this throughout history repeatedly for around 1200 years. All their nations are despotic by our standards. They treat their women like shite. Their human rights records cummulatively are abysmal.
Recognizing that does not make one a racist or bigot but a realist. I do not want to be overrun by them ala France or the UK.
I do not adhere to the Christian Church of "being nice" which I view as apostate and which has overtaken many Protestant denominations and a big chunk of Catholicism.
You are noble yet naive. You are tolerant yet judgemental of folks with strong views.
Are you a conservative I ask you? You opine very much like a Christian Do-Good Social moderate/liberal....which is fine, it's your choice.
posted on
04/05/2003 10:03:54 PM PST
(G-d speed our fighters!)
To: wardaddy
You are noble yet naive. You are tolerant yet judgemental of folks with strong views.
Yes, I am..
And I would say the same thing to anyone who wished to "ban" Christians, Jews, Catholics (other christians, I know) or any other religion that operates within our system of laws.
There's something behind this, and I don't know what it is.
They aren't violent, they aren't hurting anyone.. but yet I see folks here calling for widespread oppression.
That bothers me allot. I think it should bother you also.
posted on
04/05/2003 10:09:32 PM PST
(Frodo sleeps with men...)
To: Jhoffa_
posted on
04/05/2003 10:11:21 PM PST
(G-d speed our fighters!)
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