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I've been going back and forth through cnn FOX, CNBC, MSNBC, etc.
FOX is OK. But since CNN had live video from a town that was attacking their convoy and everyone else had that night vision video of nothing happening that was 12 hours old...don't see how they failed.
To: EveningStar
Every other frickin story is about "opponents" to the war: protesters, other countries, parents of killed servicemen badmouthing Bush.
To: EveningStar
Aaron Brown said after the helo crashed in Kuwait that "Tony Blair will now have to rethink the British involvement." What a jerk!
To: EveningStar
CNN Stateside.... You should see what is broadcast throughout Europe. It is totally anti-American. If Americans want to know why Europeans are so whipped up against us, just find a Sat Dish and tune into CNN Europe. Aired from Britan with a slant towards anything anti-American, it is something that is considered the "Truth" by my European Collegues, they don't understand it is more entertainment than news, more propoganda than entainment. It just pisses me off to see that Ted Turner has found a venue to attack Republicans and Americans by extension with his "empire".
55 posted on
03/22/2003 8:54:09 AM PST by
To: EveningStar
CNN would rather appeal to the likes of the fools on the streets of SF who are defecating and puking. Whatever..... Their loss.
Meanwhile, FNC is winning in the ratings, making CNN kinda like the UN: irrelevant.
Cheers, CC :)
57 posted on
03/22/2003 8:57:55 AM PST by
(Lock & Load)
To: EveningStar
I am anxiously awaiting Dan Rather's next interview with Saddam...THAT one I will watch.
59 posted on
03/22/2003 9:05:29 AM PST by
(Dems lie 'cause they have to)
To: EveningStar
Well ... thank you for this! You have just confirmed to me that the newest DNC talking points are "dismal failure" "saddened" and of course the must used "concerned".
These people are so transparent and pathetic.
These WORDS are coming from Hillary Clinton and Terry McAwliffe. And ... this is why the DNC sent an email to it's members asking them to support Daschle's statements.
Daschle is a mouthpiece for Hitlery - this allows her to appear to be moderate and above the fray! However, those of us here at FR know the truth and the truth is getting out.
62 posted on
03/22/2003 11:29:04 AM PST by
( -> -> -> Oswego!!)
To: EveningStar
I see they have started.
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