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The Democrats Are No Longer Fit To Lead the United States.

Posted on 01/30/2003 4:32:02 PM PST by job

Last night I watched a debate on Hardball in which C.Matthews expressed Bush had proffered three (3) reasons for going to war:

(1) Violation of UN treaties for failing to destroy weapons of mass destruction,

(2) Regime change for a country that has helped terrorists flourish, and

(3) Liberation of the Iraqi and other indigenous people from the tyrannical rule of Saddam Hussein.

No fair minded, intellectually honest person can claim Hussein has not violated the UN treaties. The evidence already presented, as outlined in Blix's report and the State of the Union address, clearly demonstrates Hussein is in violation of the UN treaties, if nothing else, for the failure to destroy the constituents of biochemical weapons. That violation, in and of itself, is justification for removing Hussein from power as a violation of the UN cease fire treaty, and to remove the threat from neighboring countries, one of which he invaded, stole, raped and pillaged.

The fear (of being on the receiving end) of the weapons of mass destruction is imposed on all of Hussein's neighbors in the Near East, especially Kuwait and Israel, and is now imposed on the United States, should Hussein transfer these weapons to a more than willing terrorist cell to do his bidding in the lower 48.

This has made some strange bed fellows out of liberal Democrats. Liberals, who either hate George Bush because he is antithetical to their ideology, or more likely, hate George Bush as a reminder that they are no longer in power, wind up defending Hussein. In what may be the most perverted twist of logic, liberals actually charge Bush with posing the greater danger to peace, not Hussein. It is unbelievable, and sickening at the same time. Only the liberal left can get someone like Jeneane Garafolo to take the point position for Saddam to proclaim that Bush is perpetrating a fraud upon the people of the United States. Katrina Van Huevel also proclaimed loudly that Bush was "lying" about aluminum tubes that may or may not be used to enrich uranium (apparently, there may be debate about whether there is evidence that the tubes were to used for that purpose). However, Ms. Van Huevel was silent about Bush's claims about the documentation of biochemical weapons. Why Ms. Van Huevel is comfortable with death due to a terrorist inflicted respiratory failure escapes me.

Nonetheless, the first point is not really even debatable anymore. Sufficient evidence is in, from the UN no less, to establish the fact that Saddam is in violation of the UN resolutions requiring him to disarm his weaons of mass destruction.

A tougher case may be made for helping terrorists only because the left keeps raising a red herring. First of all, all the evidence known to the President and other people in classifed positions simply cannot be relayed to the general public. While I am sure the evidence exists, some evidence may not be released to continue to protect the sources from which it came. (Ironically, the crowd demanding to know all the classified evidence on the Iraqi connection is also the same crowd that would demand that the press's informants be protected from disclosure in a criminal trial.)Colin Powell's statement to the UN could make the connection next week.

The red herring made by the left is that the only reason justifying the invasion of Iraq is if there is a direct connection b/w Hussein and 9/11. The only justification needed is to show that Saddam has helped the terrorists organizations generally, that he has provided them shelter, training, funds, safe harbour. That is all that is needed to justify his removal. It is for self-preservation, and for preservation of our allies. We did it Afghanistan, we will do anywhere the terrorist network exists.

The most compelling reason for his removal, on a personal level, is on account of the atrocities he has committed to his own people, and to the Kurdish people. Hussein has committed every type of torture possible on his victims, from acid baths, to starvation, to gassing, to drilling holes in bodies, electrocution, rape, beatings, murder; men, women, children. These reports are from Iraqis who have escaped his country, not from the US government. Does the left think these folks are lying?

This is where my logic fails to understand the left. Traditionally, it has been the left who has been most vocal in complaining about the violation of human rights abroad (Amnesty Int'l, violations of human rights in South America, South Africa). But, suddenly, as Bush is President, violations of human rights, no murder, is not a sufficient reason to help people under a tyrnannical rule. Katrina Van Huevel and Susan Sarandon have expressed the opinion that there is no justification to invade Iraq, b/c there is no evidence Hussein has done anything to the US.

Applying the same logic, the US would have no right to invade Germany for the systematic extermination of the European Jews and Christians, because, after all, where was the evidence that Germany had actually done something to the United States?

Those on the left would act offended if you claimed that their logic would cause the US to stand idly by during the Holocaust. But why does the left, including Clinton, make such a distinction between white Europeans, and others under tyrannical rulers that commit genocide. Remember, Clinton made an affirmative choice to do nothing during the mass killings in Rwanda. It was preventable (Frontline did a very honest and comprehensive documentary on this subject, which ended with Clinton going to Rwanda, stating that he had made a mistake by not acting. Frontline made it a point to state that Clinton spent such a short time in Rwanda that Air Force One never shut its engines off). Why are the Iraqi people not sufficient justification for the invasion of Iraq?

The most appalling event last night was Matthew's, Huevel's and Conason's ridiculing of Bush's notion of establishing a democracy in Iraq. I still do not understand it. Apparently, Matthews believes that Iraqis can only survive under the feudal regime they have known for the several hundred years, and are not deserving of our help to evolve into a democracy.

It was at this point that I came to believe that the Democrats have no will to lead the United States as the world's only superpower. As Paul Begala has stated, for the Democrats, its about the money, that is all they care about. As long as they are not personally affected, and the money is good, the world can go to hell for all they care. (I personally believe that Clinton's main reason for avoiding any kind of military action during his terms was primarily his fear that it would hurt the economy, and in turn, hurt his re-election and the re-election of his democratic co-horts.) The Democrats have no stomach to stop a murderer of innocent people, more importantly, no conviction to take a stand and do the right thing regardless of what course other countries take. (I have wondered how the Democrats translate this thought into their personal lives: do they teach their children to stand up to the school yard bully who beats on the weaker children, only when the majority of their peers agree that is the right course to take?)

The Democrats have abdicated any role of responsibility to the United States, and to the world, by their own choices. They are no longer fit to lead. I invite your comments.

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1 posted on 01/30/2003 4:32:02 PM PST by job
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To: job
2 posted on 01/30/2003 4:36:57 PM PST by jocko12
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To: job
Well said, my friend. It seems power calls with a deafening some. Thank goodness we have many adults in the White House, now. People who put purpose over party....ah, that's in partying - If you catch my drift.
3 posted on 01/30/2003 4:38:57 PM PST by NordP (Remembered to pray for my President AND take my vitamins, today ;-))
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To: job
Very true - excellent post. (But you went a little easy on them - you know logic is not one of the prerequisites of liberal thought.)
4 posted on 01/30/2003 4:39:11 PM PST by 11B3 (Sedition and Treason are DemonRat character traits.)
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To: job
this is not new for the DemoncRATs - they have always opposed America and supported bloodthirsty dictators whenever those dictators are socialists or just plain hate America - this was true with the USSR and all its satellites for many, many years, even to the degree they were willing to turn their heads while the commies built a Pacific Ocean submarine base in Nicaragua and exported revolution to other countries in the American hemisphere. No, this is nothing new, they're just matching and exceeding their most anti-American positions in a dozen years.
5 posted on 01/30/2003 4:43:59 PM PST by Steven W.
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To: jocko12
That's a good point. But in the past it seems to meet that there has always been some sort of collective governance, no matter who controlled the house, senate or white house. The Republicans at least listened to the Democrats, there were more Zell Miller/Sam Nunn/David Boren types. Now, those Democrats have been swallowed up by the Nancy Pellosi's. I guess a point I was trying to make was that it is no longer worth while to even work with these people; they should be treated as obstacles, not the loyal opposition. They want something different than what we want, they truly hold a different belief system than we do.
6 posted on 01/30/2003 4:51:59 PM PST by job
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To: job
It's a good read.

I wish the democrats didn't have the White House, the Senate, the House, most state legislatures and most govnerships.

Oh wait! They don't! :) The idea that they're not fit to lead was borne out at the ballot box in 2000 and bolstered in 2002.

7 posted on 01/30/2003 4:57:18 PM PST by ChadGore
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To: job
Bump for this thoughtful and well written synthesis of the problem with Democrats.
8 posted on 01/30/2003 4:57:19 PM PST by Bahbah
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To: job
The Democrats Are No Longer Fit To Lead the United States.

Well, that's a given; of course they're not. I'm still trying to decide if they're fit to LIVE here.

9 posted on 01/30/2003 5:01:06 PM PST by Still Thinking
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To: job
Re: they should be treated as obstacles

If you consider that they are devoid from majority power on the state and federal level, and that the same can be said for any (insert your fav 3rd party here), the best thing for the PFKAD to do is to concentrate on local sheriff races and school boards and stop stealing votes from the greens and labor.

10 posted on 01/30/2003 5:01:51 PM PST by ChadGore
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To: job
And this is new news since when?...
11 posted on 01/30/2003 5:03:30 PM PST by Intar
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To: Steven W.
Re: this was true with the USSR

True that.

12 posted on 01/30/2003 5:03:42 PM PST by ChadGore
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To: Still Thinking
The Democrats Are No Longer Fit To Lead the United States.

-Ahmen to that Brother!
13 posted on 01/30/2003 5:04:41 PM PST by Intar
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To: job
They aren't fit for living in the USA! Send em all to cuba or North Korea......
14 posted on 01/30/2003 5:06:03 PM PST by TLBSHOW (just a internet liberal; basher that is hated by the leftwing nuts!)
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To: job
(1) Violation of UN treaties for failing to destroy weapons of mass destruction,

(2) Regime change for a country that has helped terrorists flourish, and

(3) Liberation of the Iraqi and other indigenous people from the tyrannical rule of Saddam Hussein.

Damned close to the reasons given for GWI before it was admitted that oil was the real reason.
15 posted on 01/30/2003 5:06:31 PM PST by WhiteGuy
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To: job
It really is worse than that. The Democrats WANT another attack on the US. For which they can attack and blame the President. They WANT the economy to flounder so they can
attack and blame the President. If there is a war with Iraq
they WANT it to go badly for our troops, again so that they can attack and blame the President. They WANT their power back and the means justify the ends.

These are not Congress men and women upholding their oath of office. These are seditious persons of low character. Who are absorbed in their quest for money, power and the life of the elite, which when the powers that be fall, think they will take charge and lead on.... right into a totalltarian state where they will ride high and the rest of us be damned. They totally ignore the threat to themselves as well as the rest of us from the Muslim terrorists.

The Democrats ceased being a party of Americans leading Americans to betterment and protection of our country and have become the enemy within. The boil of democrat administrations came to a head with the Clinton's, the boil has burst. Now the putrification is there for everyone to see and smell.

The Democrats are fit to lead nobody, nothing! They are bankrupt.
16 posted on 01/30/2003 5:07:11 PM PST by wingnuts'nbolts
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To: wingnuts'nbolts
Absolutely awesome! Well said!
17 posted on 01/30/2003 5:12:39 PM PST by Rocky Mountain High
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To: Rocky Mountain High
ole squat to pee Chrissy Matthews called Dubya a liar last night about contacts with Iraq and A Qeida
cannot wait to see ole squat to pee tonight,
on a side note...the toe sucker Morris said IF what Dubya said is true( he believes it too) that dems careers will go up in smoke.....said their soundbites will do em in

MARC RICH and BILL CLINTON are who AMREICA is at war with
hide and watch to see the docs and laptops confiscated

18 posted on 01/30/2003 5:17:54 PM PST by cactusSharp
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To: wingnuts'nbolts
I'll take it 1 step further....If we attack Iraq, and more terrorists attack us, it's our fault for it, we made them do it. If we don't attack Iraq, and terrorists continue to hit us, it's still our fault because we threatened them. I don't know what, but we need to do something about these type of people...They are naive, weak, and us. If these people were in charge, we'd all be speaking either German, Japanese, or Russian by now. They are nothing but damn traitors.
19 posted on 01/30/2003 5:40:21 PM PST by mars32 (coldpatriot)
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To: job
Right on!!!! In my book, the Democrooks are interested only in gaining power, regardless of who or what they have to sell out.
20 posted on 01/30/2003 5:43:42 PM PST by Joee
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