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Hil Slams Bush Plan Vs. Terror
New York Daily News VIA ^
| 1/25/03
Posted on 01/25/2003 2:02:29 PM PST by TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
Sen. Hillary Clinton called President Bush's homeland security plan a "myth" yesterday, charging that Americans are nearly as vulnerable to terrorism as they were before the Sept. 11 attacks.
In her most scathing challenge to the President's domestic security efforts, Clinton said the White House has done little to prevent terrorism at home beyond "reorganizing existing bureaucracies."
"Our vigilance has faded at the top, in the corridors of power in Washington ... where leaders are supposed to lead," she told a conference on homeland security at John Jay College of Criminal Justice on the West Side. "We are not prepared ... and our approach to securing our nation is haphazard at best. We have relied on a myth of homeland security - a myth written in rhetoric, inadequate resources and a new bureaucracy."
Stealing spotlight
Hoping to influence the national debate, Clinton launched her broadside just before Bush delivers the State of the Union address Tuesday. She also made a rare TV appearance, visiting CNN studios.
Democrats, stung by the GOP's midterm election sweep, have decided Bush could be vulnerable on domestic security and the economy. But Clinton's advisers said she was acting alone.
Tom Ridge, who was sworn in yesterday as the nation's first homeland security secretary, called Clinton's remarks a "very unfortunate characterization."
"It's not a myth that 170,000 people go to work every day at the borders. I suspect that everybody in the Congress sees the workforce at airports," he said. "It's not a myth that twice a day representatives of the intelligence community ... consult with one another."
Clinton singled out the lack of money for first responders - cops, firefighters and others who are charged with preventing and rushing to the scene of an attack.
She said her office surveyed 40 New York counties and municipalities and found that 70% received no federal homeland security funding, although they spent $2.6 billion from their budgets to fight terrorism.
Slap at tax cuts
"Unfortunately, the main idea to come out of the administration in recent weeks is to eliminate the tax on dividends," Clinton said. "Will ending the dividend tax ... keep a dirty bomb out of New York Harbor?"
She said the White House must act quickly because any move against Iraq will increase the terror threat: "Those who wish us ill ... will try to retaliate."
Clinton announced she is introducing a bill to appoint a federal terrorism coordinator for the New York region, tighten security along the Canadian border, improve the communication systems of first responders and track the health of victims and rescue personnel in any terror attack.
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: bushplan; clintonslams; hil; hillary; hitlery; terror; vs
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To: All
All's the Clintoon's have been doing is screaming criticisim like demonic banshees for a week or so now.
The President must be doing all the right things. If Hitlery and Bill disagree I feel -policy must be good.
posted on
01/25/2003 2:04:42 PM PST
(The Clinton's are lying communist criminals that give hillbillies a bad name!)
To: All
"Hoping to influence the national debate, Clinton launched her broadside just before Bush delivers the State of the Union address Tuesday. She also made a rare TV appearance, visiting CNN studios." Did she do this on TV already, has the witch been on CNN-already? Or will all this VRWC garbage be aired soon (pre-taped?) and this is a warning?
posted on
01/25/2003 2:07:35 PM PST
(The Clinton's are lying communist criminals that give hillbillies a bad name!)
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
This Broad should be doing time, not spoouting off about things she has no knowledge of.
posted on
01/25/2003 2:09:53 PM PST
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
Like this hideous traitor bit#h should talk. She should be in Levenworth not Congress.
posted on
01/25/2003 2:12:57 PM PST
(Whats this space for ?)
To: Joee
The democrats gave her this power to 'introduce' new bills and chair military committees.
posted on
01/25/2003 2:13:07 PM PST
(The Clinton's are lying communist criminals that give hillbillies a bad name!)
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!

I'd call Hill a weasel too, but that would be an insult to ferrets everywhere!
To: DoughtyOne
Hil is a slick communist that hijacked the demokrats.
posted on
01/25/2003 2:56:29 PM PST
(The Clinton's are lying communist criminals that give hillbillies a bad name!)
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
"charging that Americans are nearly as vulnerable to terrorism as they were" during her husbands administration!
posted on
01/25/2003 3:11:56 PM PST
To: Falcon4.0
After Hills phlandering husbands disasterious foreign policy of appeasement to our enemies forcing this administration to deal with the train wreak he left
behind, one wonders if lying is just in the bloodline.
posted on
01/25/2003 7:29:44 PM PST
To: DoughtyOne
LOL! Great, I was waiting for something like this.
posted on
01/25/2003 8:23:17 PM PST
((2) Scott Ritter is a (A) Useful idiot. (B) Pedophile wannabe. (C) Traitor. (D) All the above.)
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
Hitlerys credibility is about as good as Jesse Jackson having one affair with his wife only! Tickle the bones and have a laugh, ah hem, Jesse Jackson!
posted on
01/25/2003 8:28:46 PM PST
(Liberals are a funeral waiting to happen! Saddam would help them to their graves with a smile!)
To: Grassontop
To: Grassontop
True, but they just put this slime witchy woman in charge of a pertinent military committee.
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
Very nice.
To: DoughtyOne
Are ferrets weasles ? Ermine are members of the weasle family . I didn't know that ferrets were too. Gee...
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
She is the real TERROR. "Axis of Evil":Hitlery, Slick Willey and Dasshole!!!
To: nopardons
I believe so, but I'm no expert either.
To: DoughtyOne
Well, old friend, I'll take your word for it. :-)
To: nopardons
I just spent a few minutes looking up the relationships.
I believe the Ermine is a short tailed weasel. There are also Least Weasels. There are probably other as well.
The Ferret is a cousin to the weasel, but does not grow in the wild. It is evidently a breed established in captivity.
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