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Blair to meet Bush for Iraq talks (WAR STRATEGY TIME)
BBC News ^
| September 4, 2002
| BBC News
Posted on 09/04/2002 8:42:27 AM PDT by MadIvan
Downing Street has confirmed that UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is set to fly to America for talks with US President George Bush.
Mr Blair meets President Bush at his official Camp David retreat on Saturday when tackling the alleged threat posed by Iraq is certain to top the agenda.
Describing Iraq's Saddam Hussein as a serious threat, President Bush said: "I look forward to talking with Tony Blair about our mutual concern to make the world safer."
The UK prime minister on Wednesday again promised to produce a dossier of evidence against Iraq "in the next few weeks".
Dossier details
Visiting his Swedish counterpart in Stockholm, Mr Blair said the dossier would show why the United Nations was right to impose a weapons inspections regime on Iraq in the first place.
"That is material to do with chemical, biological, nuclear weapons of mass destruction and also on the nature of the regime," said Mr Blair.
The precise form of the dossier had yet to be decided, he said.
"It will be designed to show people why it is that adherence to those United Nations resolutions matters."
Gathering pace
Plans for the two leaders to meet were expected but their talks are to be held even sooner than expected.
Mr Blair's words at a special news conference on Tuesday and President Bush's message after facing questions from US congressional leaders on Wednesday have fuelled speculation about the prospect of military action.
The US president is to go to the UN next week, where he said he would "state clearly what I think".
"I will first remind the Unite Nations that for 11 long years Saddam Hussein has sidestepped, crawfished, wheedled out of any agreement he made not to develop weapons of mass destruction," he said.
"And so I'm going to call upon the world to recognize that he is stiffing the world."
'Persuasion needed'
Mr Blair has been warned his dossier of evidence against Iraq will have to be very convincing to stand any chance of limiting the unease about the prospect of military action.
Labour MP Bruce George, chairman of the Commons defence committee, said he hoped the promised dossier would be published in time for Labour's annual conference, in order to head off any potential unrest.
The TUC leadership is expected, at a meeting on Thursday, to welcome publication of the dossier - but will insist there must be no unilateral attack on Iraq and that the United Nations must be consulted.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; US: District of Columbia; United Kingdom
KEYWORDS: 911andislamakazis; 911massmurder; blair; bush; evilopeckerprinces; exportingterrorism; fatah; fatahiscrap; fundingalqaeda; gazafirstdisaster; hamas; hamasiscrap; hebrewuniversity; islam; islamakazis; islamakaziwahhabi; israel; jihadinamerica; jihadiscrap; kicksaddamsass; killallislamakazis; laairportterror; liberalpolicitians; lobby; medievalmonarchy; middleeast; money; muslims; muslimworldleague; neverforget911; offensive; opecequalterrorism; opeckerislamakazis; opeckerprinces; opecoilterrorism; opecterrorexport; osamabindead; osamabinladen; oslodelusionkills; palestinian; palestinians; philippines; radicalislam; radicalislamakazis; saddambuggered; saddamistoast; samialarian; saudi; saudiarabia; saudideathcults; saudienemies; saudiislamakazis; saudisequalnazis; saudispayhamas; saudispushterror; september11; stabintheback; sueopeckerprinces; summit; terror; terrorism; terrorist; usf; wahhabi; wahhabideathcult; wahhabiislamakazis
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The TUC can drop dead. Blair is looking pretty serious:

Don't you think?
Regards, Ivan
posted on
09/04/2002 8:42:28 AM PDT
To: Dog; Desdemona; texasbluebell; Amelia; nopardons; general_re; dighton; alisasny; Cacique; alfa6; ...
posted on
09/04/2002 8:43:01 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
Yep .. he sure is
posted on
09/04/2002 8:44:43 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
crawfishedI suspect the Brits don't use that word much.
posted on
09/04/2002 8:46:50 AM PDT
Dog Gone
To: Dog Gone
I suspect the Brits don't use that word much. You suspect correctly. ;)
Regards, Ivan
posted on
09/04/2002 8:47:54 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
Time for the rubber to hit the highway.
Will the Brits allow Blair to stay the course or will they go the way of the other EU drooping daisies??????
posted on
09/04/2002 8:51:07 AM PDT
To: cynicom
Will the Brits allow Blair to stay the course or will they go the way of the other EU drooping daisies?????? Blair just needs to make his case - which is something he hasn't done hitherto. We're a reasonably rational people - if he makes a good case, everyone will fall into line.
Regards, Ivan
posted on
09/04/2002 8:52:06 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
The TUC leadership is expected, at a meeting on Thursday, to welcome publication of the dossier - but will insist there must be no unilateral attack on Iraq and that the United Nations must be consulted. US + assistance from 1 other country="multilateral".
Consultation with the UN= Hey, UN! Just wanted to let you know we're going in. How much support can we expct from you? Let's consult on it.
posted on
09/04/2002 8:54:56 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
By the way, what's the TUC?
posted on
09/04/2002 8:56:09 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
So what's your guess about this trip? I think it's to decide how to present the case against Saddam in a unified manner. The case against the Taliban didn't appear to be terribly coordinated to me, although I don't think it mattered. Everyone knew we were going to strike, and why.
I think Tony has a harder job of selling than Dubya. America is pretty much sold on the notion of taking Saddam out, but I get the feeling that the average Brit is far less enthusiastic.
A coordinated public relations effort by these two leaders is probably essential to keeping the lid on diplomatically when the missiles start flying.
posted on
09/04/2002 8:56:32 AM PDT
Dog Gone
To: MadIvan
Many people compare Blair to Clintoon, but they make the mistake that PM Blair is able to look at things honestly and isn't destructive in politics as Clintoon was. I have found respect for Tony Blair and those British PM's are tough ones and it's great he hasn't joined in on the anti-Americanism that is sweeping the continent. I like the man.
To: MadIvan
"The TUC can drop dead. Blair is looking pretty serious: " Blair has the 'scoop' already.
posted on
09/04/2002 8:58:45 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
Blair just needs to make his case - which is something he hasn't done hitherto. We're a reasonably rational people Well Bush seems to have gotten members of Congress to change their tune
And they are not reasonably rational people
I have no worries .. the good folks in England will be standing right next to us
posted on
09/04/2002 8:58:54 AM PDT
To: Dog Gone
I think it is to co-ordinate public relations and military strategy. Diego Garcia is probably going to be needed again. We have good contacts in Oman that might be useful. British Intelligence is on the ground and the SAS will come in handy surely - what is required is figuring out the co-ordination with you lot as to who does what and where.
Most certainly, our finest and bravest will be in there with you, however.
Regards, Ivan
posted on
09/04/2002 8:59:05 AM PDT
To: wimpycat
Consultation with the UN= Hey, UN! Just wanted to let you know we're going in. How much support can we expct from you? Let's consult on it.LOL!
Hey, wc, I watched a great History Channel piece on Churchill over the weekend.
I found it very topical, given all the Neville Chamberlains around lately.
To: MadIvan
They're not going to discuss STRATEGY. STRATEGERY, maybe, but not strategy.
To: Constitution Day
Did you see that special on Sunday night about Britain in WWII in color?
posted on
09/04/2002 9:08:35 AM PDT
To: blam
The "scoop".....explain that blam........don't follow you.
posted on
09/04/2002 9:14:35 AM PDT
To: MadIvan
Very, very interesting...
To: MadIvan
It is nice to know you guys will be there with us.
Ivan it could get a little wild before this is all over your fellow citizen's know and understand that Saddam could unleash a chem/bio/dirtybomb on both of us?
posted on
09/04/2002 9:18:34 AM PDT
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