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As I was reading this, it became obvious that, according to this criteria, we are very close to losing the battle.

While most here on FR certainly don't fit into his description, a majority of Americans do. That number is growing every day. How many times have we heard someone say, "I don't want to post on the internet because the gov't may be watching", or "I don't want to call Washington, because I might get audited", or "I don't want to complain because I will get singled out".

Sadly, most Americans seem to have adopted the pathetic mindset of a slave. They are totally submissive to the many abuses by our corrupt government. I would even venture to say that most Americans don't understand the evils of communism, nor the basics of individual Rights. They do not understand the reason this nation was founded, which was for the solitary reason of protecting our Rights as Free men. Listening to politicians of both parties only confirms this observation.

So I pose the follwing question: did we really prevail in the war against communism?

1 posted on 06/09/2002 7:59:22 PM PDT by Mulder
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To: Mulder
Pogo: We have met the enemy, and he is us.
2 posted on 06/09/2002 8:12:11 PM PDT by DeaconBenjamin
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To: Mulder
Just read Alexis de Tocqueville's comments in WHAT SORT OF DESPOTISM DEMOCRATIC NATIONS HAVE TO FEAR, from Democracy in America.

Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living?

3 posted on 06/09/2002 8:19:31 PM PDT by toenail
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To: Mulder
So I pose the follwing question: did we really prevail in the war against communism?


At this point, an American victory over communism is impossible... because America is becoming communist herself. The political campaigns and elections are merely a shell game that satiate the masses into believing they do matter. In reality, there isn't a "two-party" system: there is one party that can/will do whatever is required to stay in power. Up to and including destroying the lives of those who dare question "the way things are". No one who could pose a serious threat is allowed in "the game".

America is now in the final throes of the Soviet Union's fate: stagnation, augmented by the leaders' taking whatever steps they deem necessary to hold onto power, even as that power slips their grasp. An increasing denial that individuals have rights as the state takes unto itself... until the system collapses upon its own weight.

America is dead. She's on a ventilator and only an act of God will resurrect her to vigor. Otherwise, it may be a greater mercy to pull the plug on her.

4 posted on 06/09/2002 8:31:03 PM PDT by Darth Sidious
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To: Mulder
So I pose the follwing question: did we really prevail in the war against communism?

Did Red China disappear last night?

5 posted on 06/09/2002 8:34:20 PM PDT by Sabertooth
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To: Mulder
So I pose the follwing question: did we really prevail in the war against communism?

How could we even think of winning over commuism when our Bolshevik media is broadcasting a woman urinating on a man's leg (Survivor)?
Why do I call them Bolsheviks, and not communits? The reason is that the Whites during the Revolution (and after) always said that Bolsheviks do not understand the difference between right and wrong. Take a close look at the Bolsheviks in our media, and a large majority of followers.

8 posted on 06/09/2002 8:48:08 PM PDT by Tasha
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To: Mulder
14 posted on 06/09/2002 9:21:49 PM PDT by Don Myers
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15 posted on 06/09/2002 9:23:32 PM PDT by DoughtyOne
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To: Mulder
Nope, just look all around you and name that which is not socialistic or communistic nowadays. The late Gus Hall once said when asked what he thought of the future of communism since its parent the Soviet Union fell: "I am satisfied that most of the goals and objectives of communism and state socialism are being carried well by the current administration (the Clinton administration) and the Democratic Party which has really stolen most of our issues for itself." Hall said this in 1996 on C-SPAN after the re-election of the Clinton-Gore administration and a few years before his death. Furthermore, I think that the goals and objectives of the Clinton-Gore administration are being well carried by this current administration under George W. Bush. Different names and players, yet same inevitable slide toward state socialism and ultimately communism.
18 posted on 06/09/2002 9:38:00 PM PDT by rebelsoldier
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To: Mulder
The American spirit of freedom can not be surpressed. Even if the majority becomes cows for the left, a small minority will go on fighting. We're like the Beavers in C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe keeping the faith that Aslan will come and willing to fight when called upon to do so. Truth be told, the left only knows how to fight a propaganda war. If it comes to real battle, they might as well get fitted for toe tags. Can you picture some uber-liberal like John Cusack or Julia Roberts firing a M-16? It doesn't matter how many times Hillary has gone duck hunting, they can never win the war.

We really don't want it to come to that. So how do you fight them in the propaganda war? Simple, you expose them for what they are. Remind the people exactly who wants to put more control over them.If Al Gore runs again, we must remind the public who started the PMRC to censor Rock. Ask minorities which is more racist, expecting you to be able to support yourself or patronizing you in order to get your voice. We must remind the people of every time the left has taken individual choice out of their hands.

People, this is far from over. I believe freedom will always win out over tyranny. They tried to steal in election in 2000 and we wouldn't let them, we're sure the hell not going to let them steal this country.

20 posted on 06/09/2002 9:45:13 PM PDT by Big Guy and Rusty 99
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To: Mulder
"They are totally submissive to the many abuses by our corrupt government. I would even venture to say that most Americans don't understand the evils of communism,"

You are right on. 63% say they are willing to give up freedom/privacy to stop terrorism. Those that support the p.a.t.r.i.o.t. act ( I call it the Gestapo Law) do not answer me when I ask why do we need new laws when the devils of 9/11 violated laws against murder, laws against hostage taking, laws against hijacking, against theft and destruction of property. They crossed State lines which brought the crimes under Federal jurisdiction.

IMO, these laws are there for a future America and are just another broadside of the New World Order, but, what the hey, I wear tin foil hats so what do I know. The real danger is how this law is applied in the future when the likes of clintons and their ilk obtain power, and they will

Here's my reply to that 63% which gets me flamed no end

In the name of security

The patriot act sticks in my craw
because it’s really a Gestapo Law
now the FBI gets more powers
to spy on us for 24 hours

In the name of security

Let’s not forget history
of what happened in Germany
the majority went along
gathered together in throngs
embracing all the wrongs

In the name of security

Cameras here, cameras there
cameras everywhere
on the corners, in the mall
as our freedoms fall
attached to traffic lights
losing our privacy rights

In the name of security

Soon we’ll get ID cards
as they build more prison yards
they want us to watch the other guy
an entire nation to spy

In the name of security

Giving power to strangers,
to people we don’t know
presents future dangers
as their power continues to grow

In the name of security

Ben Franklin said it best
want to be like all the rest?
trade liberty for security
then, only those in power will be free

In the name of security

Some will say I’m paranoid
just making a lot of noise
don’t forget the FBI files
some of us are still riled

Justification has begun
we must keep terrorists on the run
in the name of security
you must give up your privacy

Give it up for security

Copyright © 2002 By John J. Lindsay. All Rights Reserved
June 1, 2002

22 posted on 06/09/2002 10:00:34 PM PDT by poet
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To: Mulder
We live under an oppresive tax system

We gave control of our children (andtheir minds)to publik skools

despite internet websites, talk radio, Fox News, Conservatve newsletters and magazines, etc., the media still remains hopelessly liberal and influences far too many Americans.

There are entire segments of society (racial,class,political affilliation, age) LOST FOREVER to the appeal of government handouts and false hopes of 'equality' and advancement.

Political Correctness (created by Communists) has, like a malignant cancer, spread so far into the inner workings of our daily lives, it would kill the host if it were extracted.

Our universities, which are supposed to prepare our best and brightest, have turned into little more than sleep-over indoctrination camps. It would take one hundred years (beginning today) to reverse the liberal/socialist/communist influence, if an all out effort was initiated. Which will NEVER happen.

The American have become dumbed down to the point of hopelessness. Every day our rights, freedoms, and even past times are being taken away from us--with no resistance. Schools are banning dodge ball, and Indian mascots. Cigarette taxes are pushing a pack up to 6 dollars, with no public outcry. Junk food is next. Then it will be bullets, pornography, designer clothing, cable, high speed internet access, sporting equipment, additional cars/trucks/SUVs per household, cell phones, in-car entertainment, etc.

The steps we took (or should I say empty gestures)after September 11th proved to the more observant of us (friend and foe alike)that America likely died years ago. But like a runaway train travelling full-speed ahead down the track, it takes a while to come to a complete stop, even after running out of fuel.

24 posted on 06/09/2002 10:20:31 PM PDT by Captainpaintball
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To: Mulder
It isn't communism were are losing to. Communism has already lost it's dreams of world conquest and "none dare call" themselves communists anymore. We are losing to greed, sloth, glutony, and envy. We are losing to pride and prejudice. We are losing to ignorance and want. We are losing to anger and lust. We are losing to emotional outbursts and silent inner angst. We are losing to sin and sensation. We will willingly give in to totalitarian rule to keep from losing to anarchy. We are weak and deserve to be conquered by our fear of weakness. It is a king that we desire more than the judges ordained by God. Even communists fall prey to their own transgressions. Worse than communism is in the world. Resist!
26 posted on 06/09/2002 10:30:29 PM PDT by cartoonistx
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To: Mulder
Lets not get too depressed here. It is the nature of things that the battle is never done. Totalitarianism, rooted in envy and the will to evade responsibility, is always going to be with us. That is a fight that is never going to end.

But collectivism has seen itself roundly defeated over and over again in this century, so we have plenty to be proud of. If it is true that communism didn't die when the Berlin Wall fell, that the collectivist center of gravity has shifted to Brussels, and the American universities, it is nonetheless true that the Soviets are gone. Eastern Europe is, more or less, free. Russia is still in play, but the story there isn't all bad.

And the new battlefield is well defined, as several have pointed out in this string.

1. We have to take back the school system; we can not leave it in the hands of people who despise us.

2. We have to revive the 10th ammendment, to bring the bureaucracies closer to the people they purportedly serve, if they are not disbanded entirely.

3. We have to fight another civil rights struggle, or rather, to finish the earlier one, this time leaving us with a legal system that is truly color-blind, purified of the racial con-artists who forever try to game the system.

4. We need to develop our media organs. Fox News is only great in comparison to the others, but it is still too self-consciously bi-partisan, rather than being simply objective. Radio talk shows are great, the internet is great, but after building from the fringes, we need to find a way to take center stage. Articulate truth and stop apologizing for it.

Its frustrating when you realize that out of a quarter of a billion people, the last election came down to a few dozen vote margin in Florida. But for the integrity of a Black, Democrat judge in central Florida, who refused to throw out Republican votes, and but for the tenacity of Repub dweebs in Miami who refused to sit still for fraud, and except for the razor thin support of the US Supreme Court, the election would have gone the other way.

We know where the battlefields are. We know at least half the country is against us, but half the country is with us. We have seen worse odds.

30 posted on 06/09/2002 11:33:04 PM PDT by marron
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To: Mulder
So I pose the follwing question: did we really prevail in the war against communism?

No, actually we have lost the struggle that has been going on against the com for all these years. Communist dupes and sympathisers hold the majority of policital offices in this nation an they maintain a 95% majority of teaching positions in all the universities and law schools.

They beat us without firing a shot is what gets me the most. Americans didn't even put up a good fight.

32 posted on 06/09/2002 11:37:32 PM PDT by Kobyashi1942
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To: Mulder
Bump for later.
34 posted on 06/09/2002 11:47:56 PM PDT by oprahstheantichrist
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