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Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS
| Mia T
Posted on 01/03/2002 5:51:48 AM PST by Mia T
Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS

The complex of symptoms associated with Helen Thomas Syndrome, (also known as 'habituated doyenne-iosis'), includes the following:
- delusions of importance
- tunnel vision -field of vision is so severely constricted that evidence of Pulitzer-quality stories are invariably missed...evidence like:
- an absurd reason ("to get a book of poetry") for a Thanksgiving trip from Camp David to DC and back by a corrupt president under subpoena
- a dead body: a Ron-Brown-posthumous, Ron-Brown-related, Thanksgiving-Day corpse in the Commerce offices
- the deposition of Sonya Stewart, which tells us that "the trade mission issues were "only the tip of the iceberg -- that the really big money went towards Presidential access." Mr. Grafeld indicated to me that he believes that Ms. Moss was asking for political contributions in exchange for seats on Commerce Department trade missions, likely at the direction of Hillary Rodham Clinton, but that documents showing this illegal activity had "left the building."
- "a hugh box" hauled back to Camp David by said corrupt president under subpoena.
- the Gestalt--the synthesis of the evidence -- the absurd reason for the president's Thanksgiving-Day Camp David-DC-Camp David trip; the Ron-Brown-posthumous, Ron-Brown-related, Thanksgiving-Day corpse; the Sonya Stewart deposition informing us that evidence of illegal Commerce activity had "left the building;" and "a hugh box" hauled back to Camp David by said corrupt president under subpoena.
- left-lateral curvature of the spine -combines synergistically with tunnel vision and delusional tendencies to result in a grotesque, dysfunctional reverence for the cowardly, inept, narcissistic, seditious, corrupt rapist-pig proximate cause of 9/11.
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Extended News
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posted on
01/03/2002 5:51:49 AM PST
Mia T
To: Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; river rat; Freedom'sWorthIt; IVote2; Slyfox...
posted on
01/03/2002 6:09:24 AM PST
Mia T
To: Mia T
Hahahahahahahahaha Bump on a slippery morning where I can't get to work.
posted on
01/03/2002 6:19:04 AM PST
Mia T
To: Mia T
Do you remember the press conference where Helen went after slick willie? She said to him.......YOUR PRESIDENCY IS GOING DOWN THE that high screechy voice of hers.......I can still hear her and see the look on slick's face. I suspect, like Hitlery, she was mad that he was inflicting problems on himself!!!! in other words, getting caught. I don't remember the reason for her outburst but it was funny to behold.
Probably that was the last press conference slick did for a VERY long time.........LOL ah, that I can laugh now...... jan
posted on
01/03/2002 6:20:29 AM PST
Comment #6 Removed by Moderator
To: Mia T
Regarding Media Bias. . .The Free-Market's Solution to Media Bias: FOXNews
Also, see:
CBS: Gunga Dan Rather's Home Site"

You ought to check out the other articles posted here on FR that show the media bias!:
FR Article Search for: Media Bias
All in the [Liberal Media] Family. . .

bill clintoon with Helen Thomas
(Monica Wannabe. . .)

Liberal Media and Academic Types
Just Can't Stand to See Bush as His Own Man. . .
Comment #8 Removed by Moderator
To: Mia T
You are without a doubt a very valuable contributor to FR. I would not like to see you working for the Liberals.
What has stricken me lately is how the Left fails to see many fixed traits in "human nature" which, unless given many mellenia, and even that is doubtful, is consistent no matter how they may try to suggest otherwise.
Further, Liberals prefer to deny that many institutions have been developed as a result of hundreds of years of trial and error.
Doctorines of the left ignore the past which has given rise to the present, and also denies certain intrinsic human foibles and unpleasant characteristics.
posted on
01/03/2002 7:17:51 AM PST
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
To: Mia T
posted on
01/03/2002 7:23:18 AM PST
To: Mia T
A "Must-See" Post!
To: Mia T
Excellent post Mia T.
To: MeeknMing
I saw Helen Thomas speak just before the election in 2000. She roasted both Bush and Gore, but mostly Bush. It was a disgraceful performance by a purported journalist. I wasn't the only one who didn't applaud. Another person at my table and I were both shaking our heads, not believing what we were hearing.
posted on
01/03/2002 7:30:03 AM PST
To: Incorrigible; Mia T
What I particularly take pleasure in, Mia, is the fact that you are digging up old bones that were never disinfected in the full light of day.
You are proving my "defense" of your talent and offerings for those here who might have missed some of the "skulldiggery" [misspelling intended] -- that we here on FR were all so "in to", at the time.
For what purpose did this shrill hag (and I really am generally respectful of my elders) not RETIRE?
To: AKA Elena
posted on
01/03/2002 7:58:17 AM PST
posted on
01/03/2002 7:59:08 AM PST
To: Mia T
1. You are tying up bandwidth.
I didn't mean that, I just thought I'd post it so that we wouldn't have to listen to the crying of the bandwidth babies. Thanks again Mia, venom is such a pleasure.
posted on
01/03/2002 8:16:36 AM PST
- I seem to have made a rodham slip.
- Should read ""a HUGE box" (not "a hugh box")
- hauled back to Camp David by said corrupt president under subpoena.
posted on
01/03/2002 8:22:47 AM PST
Mia T
To: Mia T
Alrught! Another one for "Tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast"- the stuff the media won't even talk about, for fear *you* will start asking rude questions. It'll be in my next update.
posted on
01/03/2002 8:30:24 AM PST
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