I sourced a few great pages from the Susan B Anthony mailing list above. If you consider yourself to be pro-life, this group needs you on their mailing list, and for you to consider them on your donations list. Since I am NOT female, I am somewhat handicapped in my ability to speak out on this topic as much as I would like to. As women (my wife included) have the strongest voice in this topic, the Susan B Anthony group is focused from that strength and its history, and even us men can support them.
Men and women both need to continue to be vocal in this front. What can you do?
1 - If you haven't already done so, please add your signature to the petition for the unborn (and ask others to do likewise)
These little ones need our voice to speak out for them. (original "Freepers" thread)
2 - Sign the specific Susan B Anthony petition against partial birth abortions. Even the most active "pro-choicers" that I know try to insist that this "isn't a problem". Arm yourself with the facts, and you will do well to disarm their un-truths as to what horror is going on with these late term "terminations." 2 - Visit the Susan B Anthony "Action Alert List" and use it to contact your Government Representatives on "Life" issues.
3 - Help to get out the "facts" to your friends and relatives. Here is a great website that SBA offers to assist you.
4 - Support , as well as Concerned Women for America (another great RIGHT "Women's" rights organisation) by getting on their mailing lists, donating, being active in your community and get others to do likewise.
The unborn need your voice .... they have no other.
1 posted on
11/23/2001 9:19:59 PM PST by
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My last point got its links a little garbled .. let me try again:
4 - Support Susan B. Anthony, as well as Concerned Women for America (another great RIGHT "Women's" rights organisation) by getting on their mailing lists, donating, being active in your community and get others to do likewise.
The unborn need your voice .... they have no other.
2 posted on
11/23/2001 9:21:59 PM PST by
To: AgThorn
BTTT for ALL human life. Babies born, and preborn. Babies at the moment of conception, babies in the middle of the pregnancy. BUMP FOR BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless you for posting this article.
To: Artist; homeschool mama
To: AgThorn
"Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women."
You got that right!
To: AgThorn
Bump. Nice thread, AgThorn.
7 posted on
11/23/2001 9:48:42 PM PST by
To: *Christian_list; *Christian persecutio; Weirdad; cyn; kattracks; Republic; erizona; JohnHuang2...
12 posted on
11/23/2001 10:19:28 PM PST by
To: AgThorn; Sungirl
I am going to take a page out of Sungirl's book and ask:
What about all of those abused and helpless animals suffering every day, when did you last rescue a poor dog or cat or salamander from the pound?
To: AgThorn
I think it rankles Planned Parenthood and the feminists that there is a group known as 'Feminists for Life'. I think Patricia Heaton, who plays the wife on 'Everybody Loves Raymond' is a member. I saw her on an interview on EWTN one night; she sounded very pro-life.
16 posted on
11/23/2001 10:48:00 PM PST by
To: AgThorn
Outstanding work here. I have used quotes from these women to great avail in past encounters with pro-aborts. Well, maybe some avail; if they don't change their minds, at least they shut up because they don't have an answer. The Holy Spirit has to do the rest.
22 posted on
11/24/2001 2:47:36 AM PST by
To: AgThorn
This is a fantastic thread you've put together. Consider it bumped and bookmarked.
I especially like this quote which, I think would drive a lot of feminists today absolutely crazy.
"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." - Elizabeth Cady Stanton in a letter to Julia Ward Howe, October 16, 1873. Recorded in Howe's diary at Harvard University Library.
To: Easy_Shark; dpa5923
Bump and ping all at the same time!
38 posted on
11/24/2001 11:30:11 AM PST by
To: AgThorn
Does the Susan B. Anthony site have photos of dead fetuses?
To: AgThorn
"Since Roe V. Wade, there have been 28 million abortions in this country." Probably closer to 40 million.
To: AgThorn
Petition SIGNED!!!!!! You're wonderful for doing this. Lots of hard work in here. Thanks for helping all those babies...and their moms.
To: jwalsh07
To: AgThorn
The media and the pro-abortion lobby have created the perception that ALL women are "pro-choice," and that abortion is a "Women's Issue." This is ridiculous.Nailed it.
To: AgThorn
Bumped back to the top, and bookmarked, too.
Thanks AgThorn.
To: AgThorn; RnMomof7
To: AgThorn
GREAT SITE! Great resource for us pro-life women ... Keep up the great work!
56 posted on
11/24/2001 6:28:06 PM PST by
To: AgThorn
Bump for Life!
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