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What is Wrong with Female Voters? Exit Polls ^

Posted on 11/13/2001 8:13:31 PM PST by FF578

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To: homeschool mama
LOL! That had to be about the worst executed kiss I've ever witnessed and thankfully never experienced personally. More of an oral assault than a loving or sensual kiss. gag.


You are the first person to notice this since it happened that I know of besides myself.

This guy was thoroughly disgusted at the forced 'passion' the 'tree' tried to convey.

I bet poor idiot al hasn't gotten any since that very day.

Anyone who would be swayed by that 'mouth rape' is a total idiot. (Notice in the video how she wanted to break away and he held her. Shades of the lip-biting-ex-impeached-disbarred-rapist we used to have as prez.)

281 posted on 11/16/2001 1:14:17 PM PST by Looking4Truth
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To: Don Myers
I have to admit that I am a shameless anachronism. I believe that women should be cherished and loved. I cannot understand men who would treat women that way. I cannot fathom the thinking process that would just use women and discard them the way that many men do today. Many men help women to kill their children, and use women for their own selfish desires.

If women are the type that would do those things, at least the men should have enough honor and self-respect not to do those things. If a man or woman does not have honor and self-respect, they have nothing. And that is what I cannot understand about many people. I do not understand how they can live with themselves. I do not understand them at all.

Had to re-post the above because it is so good.

I understand you.

God bless certain shameless anachronisms! :)
282 posted on 11/16/2001 1:14:17 PM PST by k2blader
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To: joathome
A few men get taken to the cleaners, and you'd swear the majority of men are paying way too much child support. Yeah, right.

Don't even go there, girlfriend. A few men get taken to the cleaners? What planet are you on? Do you have any idea what the divorce statistics are in this country? Why do you think more women file for divorce than men; because of the raw deal they're likely to get from the courts? Not hardly.

None of that excuses being a deadbeat parent in my book and I speak as someone who spent 6 years happily paying for a deadbeat dad's kid (my former stepson). There is no excuse for not taking care of your parental responsibilities - none. But there are definitely serious problems with this country's divorce courts and most of those problems have to do with extreme prejudices against men. That is just plain simple FACT.

283 posted on 11/16/2001 1:14:17 PM PST by constable tom
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Comment #284 Removed by Moderator

To: WileyCoyote22
Yes, the holidays can be a good opportunity to force a child to take sides. It's another example of where the women usually show less compassion than the men because I can think of many more cases where it was the woman who was the one turning the children against the father, using them to take out her revenge.
285 posted on 11/16/2001 1:14:18 PM PST by FITZ
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To: constable tom
But there are definitely serious problems with this country's divorce courts and most of those problems have to do with extreme prejudices against men.

And what is interesting about that is, most of the judges are men. A guy I work with was able to get custody partly because he got a woman lawyer which he said somehow "looks" better, apparently the judges tend to have too much sympathy if it looks like it's 2 men against a woman. Custody laws should be changed so that both have equal claims to custody to start with, if women weren't guaranteed that outcome, they'd be less likely to divorce for insignificant reasons and find themselves paying child support and trying to have visitation rights.

286 posted on 11/16/2001 1:14:20 PM PST by FITZ
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Comment #287 Removed by Moderator

To: cdwright
Well I figured I'd take the brunt for all the guys on here who didn't want to say it themselves.

You're quite welcome!

288 posted on 11/16/2001 1:14:55 PM PST by StoneColdGOP
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To: kstewskis
289 posted on 11/16/2001 1:14:55 PM PST by Concentrate
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To: constable tom
The rise of gay power in America, a minority of minorities, is telling as to what the American mind is all about. Flight 93 ended up not being about heroes, it ended up being about gays saving the day. Wake up America.
290 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:09 PM PST by lavaroise
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To: constable tom
Well, it is true that I have at times (when the female vote was so favorably for Clinton) wondered if women should have ever been given the right to vote. Um, only JOKING for all the people about to bash me. I just know that I am one of the smart ones. *smile* And even though my team is really down right now ...ROLL TIDE! Sorry...I couldn't resist either.
291 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:22 PM PST by dixiemelody
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It seems a bunch of the women haters on this board want women totally dependent on men with no means of support, mouths SHUT, and no vote. hahahahahahah In your dreams. Jo A Christian who looks to my husband as the head of our family because he is NOTHING like some of the ummmmmm "men" on this board.

292 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:30 PM PST by joathome
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To: constable tom
"But my wife and I have read all four books and find them no threat to our faith or that of our children."

All the women I know who filed for divorce filed because of infidelity--committed by the husband. Yes, I know there are a variety of reasons for divorce, and female infidelity is one of them, but don't act like just because the woman filed it's her fault the marriage failed. No, no.

293 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:30 PM PST by joathome
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To: FF578
Women (especially young women) operate on more of an emotional basis than an intellectual one. That's why they were ready to go vote for Algore every time he kissed Tipper on the campaign trail. This may also explain why the founding fathers denied women the right to vote!

Conservative women are different. Conservative women have the ability to rise above this natural emotional inclination, and examine the issues on a critical/intellectual level. For that reason conservative women deserve our respect.

294 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:31 PM PST by Destructor
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To: joathome
The truth IS hard to hear sometimes!
295 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:32 PM PST by Destructor
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To: joathome
Yes, there is wrong on both sides. For a man to expect a woman to give up a career and provide the best home for his kids, agree to support her and she gives up her ability to have anything more than a minimum wage job, but then be legally free of any responsibility toward her 20-30 years later if he changes his mind is wrong. I've seen quite a few former homemakers enter the working world for the first time over 40-50 years of age when their self-esteem has been handed a big blow.

I've seen the other side often enough also where the woman does decide to divorce a man they admit is a good man but they decided he was boring. It's really not fair they can take his kids from him and expect child support which they don't always spend just on the kids. I think in a marriage where the agreement is mutual to have a traditional marriage, there should be a legal requirement of alimony, it wouldn't apply to those couples who decided to both work. I also think custody shouldn't be handed out based on the parent's gender.

296 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:32 PM PST by FITZ
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To: joathome
"But my wife and I have read all four books and find them no threat to our faith or that of our children."

All the women I know who filed for divorce filed because of infidelity--committed by the husband. Yes, I know there are a variety of reasons for divorce, and female infidelity is one of them, but don't act like just because the woman filed it's her fault the marriage failed. No, no.

Um, the above quote wasn't posted by me.

297 posted on 11/16/2001 1:15:53 PM PST by constable tom
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To: joathome
"All the women I know who filed for divorce filed because of infidelity--committed by the husband. "

There are a heck of a lot of women who are committing adultery as well. It is not always the man's fault. I read of a case on another board about a couple who married. Just after the marriage, the woman had a fling with a former boy-friend. She waited until her husband had an affair 5 years later before she told her husband about it. She said that hiding it poisoned their marriage. In other words, she had an affair which affected their marriage, probably pushed her husband into having an affair, and then told him about her affair with the old boy-friend.

There was another case in which the woman has been having an affair for the last 8 to 9 months and is not debating whether to tell her husband.

Another case in which the woman had an affair a year ago, the husband found out and has since moved out of the house after trying to work it out.

Personally, I think that when a spouse has an affair, the marriage bond has been broken. The marriage will never be the same again. And the couple had might as well just divorce and move on with their lives. Sometimes the guy has an affair, but often, often it is the woman.

298 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:04 PM PST by Don Myers
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To: Don Myers
I'm sorry you feel that way. I know of a number of marriages that are flourishing after one partner has admitted and repented of an affair.

Let's take a good friend of mine. Good marriage. Good kids. Then he goes bonkers at mid-life. Repents. She forgives. They have a wonderful marriage, and both love each other. I love sitting in their home. I can feel the love in that home, and it's not a touchy-feely sort of love. It's a love that's endured a horrific trial. One where one partner grieved, and the other partner had to face the fact that he was the cause of so much grief. Tell me, where is she better off? Living with her husband who now loves her more than ever, or living in an apartment with few prospects for remarriage, while hubby drives his little red sports car with wife number two? If you can truly forgive, and not become bitter, it's a no-brainer. If you're bitter, it's best to move out. And, yes, women have affairs as well.

299 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:13 PM PST by joathome
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To: Don Myers
Can't add to what you said it best.
300 posted on 11/16/2001 1:16:21 PM PST by homeschool mama
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