1 posted on
10/07/2001 9:11:45 PM PDT by
To: Pokey78
Hey, cut Bill some slack here. He was busy trying to get oral sex in the Oval Office, his bleary sin-ravaged face contorted in liberal hedonistic bliss. He had no time for pesky terrorists. There was pleasure to be had, and he was king.
2 posted on
10/08/2001 2:59:23 AM PDT by
To: Pokey78
I'll bet that this wasn't the only time Clinton let bin Laden get away.
Bet he had chances in Afghanistan, too. More than we know.
To: Pokey78
Reason #25,869 why I hate willard. What in the h*ll were these idiots thinking.
10 posted on
10/09/2001 5:08:49 AM PDT by
To: Pokey78
Senior Clinton staffers told the Post about a "fantasy" in which the Saudis would kill bin Laden. Yet another display 'wish and hope' from Klinton's foreign policy... while hiding behind women...
To: Pokey78
Ping. The Sudanese tried to give Osama to Bill and our government said, "WE don't want him?" The Sudanese government tried to give Clinton and co. mucho info about Osama and the Al Qaeda network and Clinton turned him down? If anyone dares claim that this man and this administration shouldn't be held accountable for taking the easy and treasonous low road, their fellow Americans will gladly pay for a one-way ticket to Hotel Usama for the lot of Clinton apologists and liars.
To: Pokey78
"If President Clinton could have taken bin Laden into custody, prosecuted him for murderous attacks on Americans in Somalia and spared the lives of thousands who were killed or wounded in future attacks, why didn't he do it?"
He was playing "doctor" with Monica.
15 posted on
10/09/2001 9:12:48 PM PDT by
To: Pokey78
Ping. Clinton flaks on TV need to be asked why they didn't accept Sudan's offer to hand over Osama.
To: Pokey78
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