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Sketch Becomes Sign of the Times ^
| 10/04/01
| Amy C. Sims
Posted on 10/03/2001 6:53:48 PM PDT by niki
Edited on 04/22/2004 12:31:18 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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posted on
10/03/2001 6:53:48 PM PDT
To: niki
Beautiful. This girl gets my vote!!!!!
To: niki
Thanks for posting this.
What an impressive young lady, even more so for not changing her picture to please the PC crowd.
posted on
10/03/2001 6:57:31 PM PDT
To: Mulder
Here's a girl who is very worthy of a scholarship, if anyone has the wherewithall to offer such.
To: niki
Digigadget Corporation
I am the artist of this work. It may be reproduced in whole, free of charge, by anyone who wants to. I make a few limitations however, as I am allowed to by my status as the owner of the rights.
1. Any profits from the reproduction of this picture -must- go to victims of the 9/11/01 disaster. That means Red Cross or some other disaster relief.
2. You must reproduce the image in one of the states that it is in on this page, but not altered in any way. If you need to alter to image, e-mail me for permission.
3. My signaure must be left on the picture, and my name and e-mail address included in articles, websites, posters and other appropriate media. If you are reproducing it for the purpose of putting it on shirts, you don't have to put my full name on, but please do put my name and contact information on the description of the item in any website, catalog, etc.
4. If you are using the picture, please tell me. This is of interest to me professionally, as I may need to put it on my resume and college application. If you do not tell me you are using it, you are denying me the ability to gather credit from possible employers and schools. And that sucks.
Thank you. Mommy Liberty loves us all. |
posted on
10/03/2001 7:13:20 PM PDT
To: Diddle E. Squat
posted on
10/03/2001 7:15:41 PM PDT
To: niki
"Someone from the National Guard e-mailed me and said he wanted to use the image in a newsletter but couldn't print it if it had a gun in it, and asked if I could change it to a sword," she said. Excuse me? Excuse me?
To: niki
Oh, I've recieved that picture in an e-mail.
Something bothers me about this story though.
Why would someone from the national guard not be allowed to use this picture if lady Liberty had a gun???
Could someone explain that?
To: niki
"'Someone from the National Guard e-mailed me and said he wanted to use the image in a newsletter but couldn't print it if it had a gun in it, and asked if I could change it to a sword,' she said. But Gauger would not exchange one weapon for another."Silly me, I always kinda thought of the National Guard as a pro-gun group, but apparently not. Maybe Rumsfeld should start calling up SCA chapters instead of Guard units.
posted on
10/03/2001 7:26:06 PM PDT
To: concerned about politics
Why would someone from the national guard not be allowed to use this picture if lady Liberty had a gun??? Could someone explain that? Only a PC liberal could explain that one.
posted on
10/03/2001 7:26:28 PM PDT
To: niki
Only a PC liberal could explain that one. Exactly. I think someone was trying to dupe the kid.
To: Fabozz
"'Someone from the National Guard ... That's way seriously hosed. Really. I bet that policy was instituted between 1992 and 2000. IFC.
To: niki
Oh I like this much better than the Lady Liberty having a breakdown in Uncle Sam's arms. It's exactly how I feel and how I felt 9/11. I interpret this two ways. One, my freedom is being threatened. Two, my
two jedis are being threatened.
To: ArrogantBustard
1992 and 2000. IFCAhhh yes. The notorious Clinton Facist Regime of the '90's. Of course.
To: niki
To: sourcery
Wow! Best of luck!! I hope this picture gets around! God Bless!
To: sourcery
great art, did you post info from the artists site, or are you the artist?
To: Fabozz;concerned about politics;niki;ArrogantBustard
"'Someone from the National Guard e-mailed me and said he wanted to use the image in a newsletter but couldn't print it if it had a gun in it, and asked if I could change it to a sword,' she said. But Gauger would not exchange one weapon for another." I don't get this... I mean, we all know that the Second Amendment applies to the National Guard. That is, they are the only people that are protected under the collective right of the Second Amendment to bear arms.
posted on
10/03/2001 8:19:56 PM PDT
To: RoseofTexas
I plan on distributing it to those I know. Well done, Eliza!!
To: niki; OLDWORD
I admire the skills of those who can capture a situation in a single image that speaks to the soul and haunts the mind. Our good friend, Registered, has that talent. This young lady also has the talent.
Most of us only have words, but we do the best we can.
The (More er Less) Honorable Billybob,
cyberCongressman from Western Carolina
Click here for Billybob's latest, "Bush is DEAD Wrong." The next, "The ONE Commandment," will be posted after al Qua'da and Taliban are gone, or in about 48 hours.
Click here and go to "ALCU Watch" for "The Law of War," a detailed legal discussion of how the US declares war, both historically and in this instance.
For a clear discussion of the difference between what the US can constitutionally do in wartime with aliens (but NOT with US citizens of foreign extraction), see my book, Manzanar, published in 1988.
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