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To: freedomnews
We have to develop friends in this region not just people who are terrified to confront us. While I might have left out the environmental rules etc. it is vital that we develop links that make Arabs think that Americans are good people who they can do business and make friendships with. Also, people become accustomed to certain aspects of trade. For example, food prices in Jordan will probably drop precipitously in the near future. They will probably be less willing to go to war if it resuts in a loss of their standard of living.
To: freedomnews
This article doesnt give a lot of insight into the actual deal, but if Jordan suddenly starts accepting Palestinians into Jordan, It might have been worth it. And, Oh by the way, Jordan is still a potential swing-vote with regards to the Iraq problem.
3 posted on
09/24/2001 5:13:13 PM PDT by
Dale 1
To: freedomnews
Hey trade makes friends. Isn't that what President Bush said about China?
8 posted on
09/24/2001 5:21:07 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
Jordan is one of our few true friends in the region.
To: freedomnews
The King is a big supporter of US. Warned us of the millinium bombers coming from Canada. Who can we trust?
To: freedomnews
No, they're not nuts. No terrorism has come out of Jordan. The Jordanians expelled the PLO after defeating them in a pitched military battle in 1970. If other Arab states had followed Jordan's example of rooting out terrorists, a lot of grief would have been avoided. Jordan and Morocco are probably the least repressive states in the Arab world. Free trade with Jordan will help keep it that way and give it another reason to stay on the good side of the USA.
19 posted on
09/24/2001 5:28:44 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
I heard Abdullah speak the other day and he was clear and unequivocal in his support for the United States.
To: freedomnews
I misread the title. Thought Washington had just got rid of his Airness, MJ. That WOULD be nuts. ;)
39 posted on
09/24/2001 5:52:22 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
I cant even finish reading this crap.They are voting to take our rights away from us and giving these people money out the ying yang!!!!STOP GIVING MY HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS TO THESE PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD WHO HATE US!HELL STOP GIVING IT ANYONE,I CANT AFFORD TO SUPPORT THE WORLD!!!!
40 posted on
09/24/2001 5:53:31 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
Ooooh. I'm so afraid of losing my tariffs.
42 posted on
09/24/2001 5:57:28 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
Trade agreement BUMP!
To: freedomnews, Agrarian
Free Trade Agreement with Jordan. That's a
good thing, right?
Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, and other Von Miseans believe in free-trade, right?
To: freedomnews
What's wrong with Jordan, their leader King Assad (is that his name?) seems highly intelligent and a very forward looking man. Do they have a history of terrorizing other peoples or nations? Just like our presence in Japan immediately following WWII, we need to try to help institute democratic institutions in these countries to the best of our ability. That is our best hope, once we've settled this score, for a secure America and world.
To: freedomnews
FN, SERIOUSLY deranged! Peace and love, George.
To: freedomnews
Another Bump because I'm sick of the hate-mongering Freepers who have seized on the terrible events of the 11th to give their rage, contempt and loathing an outlet.
To: freedomnews
It should be noted that Jordan has a Constitutional Monarchy, a democratically elected Parliment, a working judical system (not based on Islanic law), and a very strong private sector. Most of the utilities are privatized, and the infastructure is heavily dependent on western technology. If the US and Israel is Satan in the eyes of Jihadists, then Jordan must be Bezeelbub in their eyes, since the Hashemite Kingdom is the most westernized nation (after Israel) in the Arab world.
King Abdullah served several years in the Royal British Army. He was educated almost entirely in the US and UK. For the most part, he is a westerner. I believe his mother was from the US (or another "Western" country).
Jordan is quite possible the only real ally of the US in the Arabic world. While they might not pledge troops, they have always been happy to share intel with us.
77 posted on
09/24/2001 6:42:56 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
The first-ever trade agreement with an Arab nation "serves as a statement that our enemy is terrorism, not the Muslim world," said Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D. Hey, gotta be PC whenever we can, huh?? (Actually, I have no big problem with this treaty as long as Jordan does right by us)
78 posted on
09/24/2001 6:43:01 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
Good news! One would have to be ignorant to be against this.
85 posted on
09/24/2001 6:52:19 PM PDT by
To: freedomnews
This young King is doing exactly as President Bush asked: you're with us or you're with the terrorists. When you're WITH us, you get goodies (carrots). When you're AGAINST us, you get bombed (sticks).
King Abdullah has been on television quite a bit. He's very articulate, British educated, his wife is Palestinian - this is not an easy decision for him to make.
Jordan and Israel have been suffering from a severe drought. They are sharing a water supply - the key word is SHARING. A friend of our friend ...
To: freedomnews
No, they're not nuts. Jordan is one of the least wacko countries in the region.
90 posted on
09/24/2001 7:06:16 PM PDT by
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