At this time my point in posting this is not to bring the focus on Kerry. It is not time for that.
It is to focus on how some people do not have their heads screwed on right, even after this.
The ideal would be that his self absorbed petty anachronistic political views be pointed out to him and he realize he needs to change his ways.
It can happen.
And apologize. We definitely need to apologize.
Reparations too. We owe everybody reparations.
I vote we send the snivelling John Kerry to Kabul dressed in sack cloth and smeared with ashes. He can crawl on his knees and belly until he finds bin Laden, licks his feet like a dog, and begs forgiveness.
Under the political lens, the argument would go like this, "The US has stood and currently stands athwart the express aims of certain Islamic sects. Therefore, these sects are fully justified in wreaking whatever degree of warlike retribution against the US they deem prudent, and in so doing, they are justified in striving to effect their ends. This is so, even if they were to kidmap children and use them as a means of attack against other innocent people."
The corallary to this is, "The Islamic sects have now and continue to interpose themselves athwart the express aims of the legitimate governments in the Mid East, and they have selected a wave of terrorism as the means to achieve their political ends. In taking any and every step to thwart their aims, even to the extent of using nuclear weapons to erradicate these individuals. This is justified, even if it means that some innocents night be killed in the process."
The humanitarian argument would go: "There are ways to sit down and resolve differences among people who have grievances. These must be the mechanisms used to resolve disagreements like these. There can be no justification for the killing of innocent people."
The problem is that the radical left argues the political , as a means of justifying or rationalizing the attack, while arguing the humanitarian as a means to render impotent any potential response.
It is a fallacious argument.
If the political justification is sufficient unto itself to mitigate or even justify the attack, then it is sufficient unto itselto justify virtually any response the US might effect.
If the humanitarian argument is to be employed, it must be employed both ways.
Give him the Meehan award.
And since when has Islam ever shown any sensitivity to any point of view not its own? I have never heard any Arab or Islamic leader personally denounce the groups that commit these acts, or denounce their leaders. I have never heard an Arab or Islamic leader advocate patience or understanding of the Jewish or American point of view. I have never heard any Arab or Islamic leader preach tolerance of other faiths.
I have heard them issue fatwah's (death sentances) against the writer of books they disagree with. I have heard them call for the deaths of jews and Americans. I have heard of them persecuting those of the christian and jewish faiths. And I have heard them whine incessently that they should not be tarred with the same brush when there isn't a one among them with the courage to stand up and accept the responsibility for the hate their religous leaders constantly spew forth.
Kerry is an ignorant bufoon, and idiots like him help to legitimize the use of terrorism by these groups by making these kind of statements.
Kerry just kissed the Democratic nomination in 2004 goodbye.
I don't like Kerry one bit, but I find this to be a perfectly reasonable statement. We're going to war against terrorists regardless of where they come from, not against a religion.
Build friendships and relationships around the globe ? not be alienating ... be more sensitive and listen ? Oh yes, I've noticed the Islamic world in particular is especially sensitive to others and has so often expressed a strong desire to make friends. That was some gesture of friendship extended last week. If all of Islam isn't of the same mindset as bin-Laden, then where is the condemnation ? Exactly how are they cooperating to bring him to justice ?
It is time for the Islamic fundamentalists to undergo a little cultural diversity and sensitivity at the end of a cruise missile.
I didn't think it would be long before the libs would crawl our from under their rocks and start blaming Bush with his ties to 'big oil' etc. Frankly I'm glad Bush is the one in charge right now. His people know those Middle Eastern kings and prime ministers from the Gulf War and can deal with them.
As we encounter the rest of the world, we find there are those who would prefer to remain in their slavery, or who care not one whit for the ideals we so strongly affirm and cherish.That's just the way it is. Senator Kerry, despite his faults with respect to certain public policies, need not be branded a "traitor" for suggesting, in effect, that caution is needed in how we bear the torch of liberty before the rest of the world.
May cooler heads prevail as the punishment for this crime is meted out, and it SHOULD be meted out severely. May those who understand the value of freedom be wise in establishing policies that promote and defend the same, wherever freedom rings.
We dare not be unthinking, however, as we deal with other cultures, as other cultures obviously have bigger uncivilized beasts than WE do. This is what I understand Senator Kerry to be saying, and I am not offended by it in the least.