Posted on 02/04/2025 11:31:04 AM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
Just two weeks ago I warned, to echo Mark Twain, that rumors of DEI’s death are greatly exaggerated. While “the label ‘DEI’ is new, the product it identifies is more than half a century old,” I stated. … And make no mistake, its predicates are still embedded in our culture.”
For this reason, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) will “live on under a different guise,” I later added. For “it’s as much a symptom as a cause.” This brings us to a headline the New York Post ran just this weekend.
“No ‘death’ for diversity,” it reads: “How DEI is being rebranded — not disbanded.”
Well, that didn’t take long.
In fact, perhaps the social-engineering leviathan deserves credit. It turns out that by the time I’d written my piece, January 21, DEI had already been busy shape-shifting.
As the Post reports:
McDonald’s, for instance, has not abandoned its DEI agenda — despite declarations to the contrary. On Jan. 6, the fast-food giant announced it was “evolving” its diversity team into the “Global Inclusion Team,” claiming the name change was “more fitting for McDonald’s in light of our inclusion value and better aligns with this team’s work.”
The Post then points out that Mickey D’s release of its message on J6 was by design. It knew most news-cycle oxygen would be sucked up by stories about the anniversary of the Capitol insurrection that wasn’t. So it was a good time to announce the company’s continued insurrection against sanity.
The paper then mentions a few more corporate offenders, writing:
[Educational technology company] Duolingo continues to publish pieces on its blog aimed at promoting diversity in education, while Starbucks’ website now proudly dedicates itself to “Inclusion, Diversity & Belonging.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
A piece of shite by any other name still needs to be flushed.
As stated before, they’re removed the headstones but left the bodies in place.
The left marched through all the major institutions and conquered them.
They are leaving some sappers in hiding as they retreat—ready to rebuild their evil empires.
Won’t be hard to find it. Just search for “gender” “inclusive”, “diversity”, “equity” on their websites.
and affirmative action was quota hirings.
They can rebrand it all they want. It will always be African racism against Caucasians. They couldn’t turn Africa into an America so they just decided to steal one. The original.
They are never gone...they just change their name.
Democrats just rename things to hide them.
I forgot about ACORN and how James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles gutted them with their fake pimp sting.
You are absolutely correct.
Democrats have significant experience in rebranding old failed ideas that NEVER change. From PC to woke to affirmative action to DEI - they never change tactics, just the names of the same tactics.
It was the Communists underground that always pushed race as an issue in this country not to mention “gender”.
Back when Herbert Philbrick reported undercover to the FBI in the 1940’s he noted his Communist leaders giving him direction to do the Communist Party’s underground work were black and or female.
Whenever notions emphasizing race and gender raise themselves in our society, our culture they are a legacy of Communism that should be sent to North Korea or Cuba or Venezuela where Communism carries on.
Oh, global warming, then climate change...I expect them to find some great sounding replacement for DEI, like “American First Policy”.
DEI, Affirmative Action, Woke
they are all the same damn thing, and they are ALL unconstitutional!
Global Inclusion Team (GIT)
An appropriate acronym.
They can do all this crap they want in the private sector. But when someone tried to evade Trump’s orders in the federal government I think there are enough good people who are fed up to here with it, that they will be caught and dealt with.
Trump FAFO Doctrine.
Yes, and affirmative action was rebranded quotas.
For what year was that poster printed?
Was not WEB Dubois affiliated with both? (But later ?)
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