Posted on 01/24/2025 6:47:49 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) will be standing on the tarmac with hand outstretched to greet President Donald Trump when his plane lands to begin a visit of the fire-ravaged Los Angeles area on Friday afternoon.
“I look forward to being there on the tarmac to thank the president, welcome him, and we’re making sure that all the resources she needs for a successful briefing are provided to him,” Newsom said on Thursday, according to Politico.
Newsom previously admitted while he had invited Trump to California, he had not had any contact with the president before his visit, but planned on welcoming him on the tarmac of Hollywood Burbank Airport, where Air Force One is expected to land, as Breitbart’s Joel Pollak has noted.
Trump on Wednesday told Fox News’s Sean Hannity a consideration of whether or not he would meet one-on-one with Newsom was not a priority.
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Easily handled by the SS with the new guy in charge.
Trump will just tell the truth about Newsome, while cameras are rolling if he tries this.
Trump should fly into another airport without telling Newsome.
Like a groupie hanging out at the stage door...
I hope Trump kicks Newsom’s greaser ass.
Newsom asked Trump to come last week. Pre inauguration. While the fires were still raging
Newsom is, unfortunately, for most, a reflection on the California people. He truly is, as he was elected, or allowed to cheat. But California is not far away from this guy in their thinking. Or so people think
It’s a New Day
Song about the election, the world today, and the biblical concept of coming and going.
Newsome needs to stand right in front of the engine.
“California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) will be standing on the tarmac with hand outstretched to greet President Donald Trump”
Not unless Trump approves. The secret service will not allow anyone near Trump
Nah, behind.
His hair won’t mind.
I was thinking that also. That would be great. Tell Gavin they had to divert to another airport because of all of the smoke at the other airport.
The “other airport” that the President flies into should be on a military base. Newsome can wave at the motorcade as it drives by, like everyone else.
With that f-ing plastic Shoney’s Big Boy head of hair.
Gross. I think I need to go get tested for a disease just thinking about him.
“Trump on Wednesday told Fox News’s Sean Hannity a consideration of whether or not he would meet one-on-one with Newsom was not a priority.”
Newscum is on my shit list and staying there for the foreseeable future. Lol!
Keep that slimy SOB away from Melania!
Newsom is walking into a 3D chess match, Trump never sleeps Gavin has no idea what PDJT knows. The whistleblowers have been lining up for weeks.
Gee, it would be awful, wouldn’t it, if Pres. Trump asked Californians this with Newsom standing right there...
If Californians think Deep State’s response to the wildfires was incompetent, what do they think will happen if Deep State is in charge when The Big One hits...?
Deep State has to steal CA’s elections for a reason.
They did NOT vote for this expletive-deleted.
To save your state, CA, you must first secure your elections.
It’s that simple.
“Please wipe the hair gel from your hand before offing to shake mine.”
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