Posted on 01/20/2025 7:56:12 PM PST by SeekAndFind
President Donald Trump promised Sunday that in the “coming days,” his administration will release the remaining government records about the assassinations of former President John F. Kennedy, his brother and former attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
“As a first step toward restoring transparency and accountability to government, we will also reverse the over-classification of government documents,” Trump said at his victory celebration rally, blasting government’s “overclassification” of records. “It’s all going to be released, Uncle Sam.”
There have been suspicions for decades that the U.S. government was involved in the deaths of the men mentioned by Trump.
Indeed, the CIA has long been suspected of having a role in JFK and RFK’s assassinations for numerous reasons, including that they wanted to end the agency. Then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson resurfaced that theory in December 2023, when he reported that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination—citing an unnamed source with access to records that are still classified.
“We spoke to someone with access to the still-hidden CIA documents. The person was deeply familiar with what they contain. We asked this person directly: Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an American President?” Carlson said on Dec. 15, 2022.
Carlson didn’t cover RFK, but researchers have made the case that his shooter, Sirhan Sirhan, was a victim of MKUltra-like mind control. They also point to forensic evidence that RFK was shot from behind by someone else.
In a lengthy affidavit filed with Sirhan’s appeal in 2011, hypnotist Daniel P. Brown said, “Mr. Sirhan did not act under his own volition and knowledge at the time of the assassination and is not responsible for actions coerced and/or carried out by others,” according to the Washington Post.
As for King, the congressional Church Committee’s investigation revealed in the 1970s that the FBI harassed and blackmailed the civil rights leader a decade before.
The Church Committee discovered that the FBI used its surveillance footage of King to blackmail him. Bill Sullivan, who was the FBI’s chief of intelligence, sent the sex tapes along with a “poison pen” letter to King’s family in November 1964, urging him to commit suicide.
“King, look into your heart. You know you are a complete fraud … Lend your sexually psychotic ear to the enclosure. You will find yourself and in all your dirt, filth, evil and moronic talk exposed on the record for all time,” the leader read. “There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy, abnormal, fraudulent self is bared to the nation.”
King was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Three decades later, King’s widow, Coretta Scott King, and the couple’s children won a wrongful death lawsuit against Loyd Jowers and “other unknown co-conspirators,” including government agencies.
“The jury in Memphis declared Mr. Jowers liable in Dr. King’s death for having purportedly hired a now-dead Memphis police officer, as part of a vast conspiracy, to kill Dr. King,” the New York Times reported in 1999. “It also found that unnamed others, including government agencies, had been involved, in effect accepting the plaintiffs’ contention that James Earl Ray was innocent, despite his guilty plea.”
I suspect this will Russell some feathers.
Or Rusuf some, whatever.
Ruffles have ridges.
They do in fact.
Tomorrow would work.
I don’t judge drunk posting . . . well sometimes I do if we’re in a flame war so you’re okay.
What could be so significant that they wanted to keep the records sealed for so long?
Best guess is some CIA/Intelligence involvement, or perhaps some Russian involvement.
Only things of which I can think that might be a powder keg.
As a wise philosopher once opined, promise not, do.
(What could be so significant that they wanted to keep the records sealed for so long?)
Because if LBJ had something to do with it and the release could prove it, the CIA/FBI wouldn’t want retribution aimed towards his children which are still living.
I hope he’ll also release the records proving kamala lied about working for McDonalds!
2 questions:
* When?
* How redacted will they be?
I believe this is great news, so long as the documents aren’t completely redacted except for the subject line.
Rrroll up the rrrim..
Why waste time on these issues? They should be conducting deep research into the mysteries of pizza: why do some of the pepperonis curl, and why always upwards?
I hate it when they redact all the █████████ stuff.
Just like bologna....bologna pizza, hmmmmmm....
As long as it's all beef. None of that mechanically separated poultry.
It will be absolutely amazing if records are released but the CIA will once again, advise Trump not to release anything just as they have done since 1963 and 1968.
Deep State cannot open itself up to major inspection and criticisms. Too many people have died speaking the truth or about to speak the truth.
Trump endangers himself if he opens up the can of worms.
It would instill confidence of the American people in their leaders IF this were to happen. Do not expect a smoking (LBJ) gun.
Well played (And EXACTLY!)
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