Posted on 01/20/2025 2:01:51 AM PST by lowbridge
Reporters saying they’re told what questions to ask and say, even if they know it’s a lie, and if they don’t “our reporters won't get invited back into the Newsom press briefing”
“There are times that we look at what we are told to say and we wanna scream at the script because we know it's a lie, but we have to do it because otherwise our reporters won't get invited back into the Newsom press briefing, and we have to be there to cover it.”
If you break ranks and go against Democrats, you start getting lawsuits. “imagine getting sued. If you're a small local TV or radio station in California by the governor, you're screwed.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
A Dictatorship... I know, I spelled it wrong...
You realize California used to be a state wide open for vigilante justice in the gold days. Guess the burnt out folks there now will just bend over. And here it comes again. BOHCIA. Pretty sad from where I stand. On your knees folks. Sad, just sad.
"Access" be damned.
Now THAT is a story worth telling.
There are reporters and then there are journalists. Time to up their game.
“”Access” be damned.”
I agree, in fact THEY should boycott Newsom themselves. Deny him the outlet for his garbage altogether. Snub him.
“Then the reporters need to put on their big boy pants and tell the people straight-up that Newsom and his fellow Democrats are behaving like dictators.
“Access” be damned.
Now THAT is a story worth telling.
There are reporters and then there are journalists. Time to up their game.”
But then the presstitutes won’t be invited to all the right cocktail parties. /sarc>
Seriously, all of the current generation of legacy media are a bunch of craven little twits (or a word very similar to “twits”😉) who are more concerned with themselves than the pursuit of facts.
Well, the media happily agreed to this for all four years of Biden, so they have no basis to object now, do they?
Absolutely correct. When “reporters” buckle to this kind of pressure just to continue, they are willingly joining in the lie. “Being invited back” only means they will be approved to continue to spread the lie.
Get the reporters together and boycott the press briefing. Democrats are liars, why get corrupted by them.
THIS is a story worth telling......reporters need to tell the people
that Newsom and his fellow Democrats are behaving like dictators.
I wonder if asking Gavin what brand of hair gel he uses is allowed? Also, if he uses bikini wax.
Newscum has dyslexia. He can’t read a script.
So these people aren’t reporters if they’re told what to ask and say and then report it even when they know it’s a lie they’re just idiots. If they don’t follow the script th ey won’t be invited back to get another script and tell more lies.
That would be the point. Don’t go back if you can’t tell the truth.
“Access” be damned”???
AS IF Newsome is going to keep his spot as Governor!!
That’s mighty “Stalinist” of Newsome
If a reporter can’t report the truth, it’s past time he looked for another job anyway.
That just means that it was well past time they straightened up their act.
And they’ve kept this quiet like so much else.
This is why “journalists” are trusted less than hookers in an alley on a Friday night.
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