Posted on 01/16/2025 4:13:33 PM PST by MinorityRepublican
Dead patients are lying undiscovered for hours in A&E because NHS staff are too overstretched to notice, a harrowing report reveals today.
A severe shortage of beds means the sick are also being left in 'animal-like' conditions in hospital car parks, cupboards and toilets.
The Royal College of Nursing today lays bare the tragic collapse of the NHS in a 460-page dossier, titled 'On the frontline of the UK's corridor care crisis'.
It features the testimonies of more than 5,000 nurses, who expose how patients are being cruelly 'stripped of their dignity' and routinely suffering avoidable deaths.
They say it has become 'normalised' for patients to be left for days at a time in chairs or trolleys in 'inappropriate settings', rather than on a ward.
Demoralised nurses report caring for as many as 40 patients in a single corridor – some blocking fire exits or parked next to vending machines.
There, they have no access to a call bell, oxygen or lifesaving equipment and are often out of sight of the nursing station. Some are forced to go to the toilet in view of other patients, while others have no privacy as they discuss deeply personal medical issues or are told they are going to die.
Professor Nicola Ranger, RCN chief executive, described the report as 'harrowing', adding staff were leaving because they 'cannot do it any more'.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Healthcare by government. What do they expect?
But it’s “free”!
There are a LOT of people who crow about how wonderful socialized medicine is. But they won’t even read this.
You can’t have a generous welfare state and open borders.
You’d think anybody who finished 3rd grade would be able to figure out why.
Ain’t socialism grand.
a dead patient has been wrecking america for four years...
I may be a fifth generation Anglo-American but I go NO love for the Brits.
They have this haughty self-superior attitude always giving condescending lectures to the rest of the world.
The Brits some decades ago may have had some reason to take pride in the NHS.
From all that I have gathered it has become a train wreck for quite some time.
Too much invested in top heavy bureaucratic administration and way too little on doctors and nurses in the field.
NHS, where people go to die and just lay around for a few days afterward.
Israel has socialized universal health care. It seems to work there.
Sweden also, and it seemed to work there (past tense; then diversity came).
Britain and Canada also seemed better able to make it work decades ago, before diversity.
Socialized universal health care has problems, but it seems to work better in homogeneous high-trust societies. People are less inclined to take more benefits than they need, because they want to leave some for their neighbors. There's a sense of "we're all in this together."
In diverse, low-trust societies, it's "every tribe for himself." People grab as many freebies as they can, with no regard if there's any left for neighbors of different religious or ethnic groups.
As an RN, I worked on medical surgical floors for several years; 5-6 patients could keep me going at a dead run most of the shift. Forty patients is criminal.
Anyone remember the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony with the nurses and patients dancing with hospital beds?
Reminds me of the Wood Allen joke:
Two yentas are at Catskill resort having supper. One says to the other, "Oy, this food is horrrible!". The other replies, "Oh yes, like shit. And the portions are so small!"
But it is “Free”!
Oh yeah?
Well, you’re a racist for not liking government healthcare!
“ Britain and Canada also seemed better able to make it work decades ago, before diversity.”
No that is not true
It has always been a disaster
I don’t know anything about Israel’s government nor health care system nor Sweden’s
I can tell you that in our government, military health care is socialized microcosm. The recipients are healthy and young, even the family members. Some retirees use the system and it is inadequate for them if they have serious medical conditions
To expand that in the general country would crush our economy I imagine but to imagine it, it would be more of what we have, which is a Medicare run system
Hospitals in high immigrant locations provide taxpayer revenue medical care to immigrants who have no insurance. No employment and complex medical conditions. They stay for weeks and months
But it’s free!!!
yeah we’re not far behind.
400K for an 11 day stay and hip surgery for my 95 year old mom where i had to fight for the surgery.
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