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Denmark to Trump: Let's Make a Deal?
Hotair ^ | 01/11/2025 | Ed Morrissey

Posted on 01/11/2025 7:57:59 PM PST by SeekAndFind

Alternate headline: Author Announces Sequel to Blockbuster "The Art of the Deal."

During his first term as president, Donald Trump expressed interest in buying Greenland from Denmark, to the bemusement of many. Although at the time he also noted that it wasn't "number one on the front burner" of his foreign-policy focus, Trump continued to pursue it. None other than Joe Manchin cautiously supported the idea for strategic purposes, especially with China's campaign to woo the Greenlanders even in 2018 becoming a concern. Denmark put a stop to that, but Trump was not convinced that China would let it go, especially with their own ambitions for Arctic resources.

Trump has made this a much bigger subject in his transition into a second non-consecutive term, and at first Denmark scoffed at the notion. They are not scoffing now, Axios reports, as it has become apparent that Trump is very serious about the strategic risks of Greenland's status and wants the US to firmly control that region. The government in Copenhagen has opened talks to see if Trump would be willing to settle for a deal short of a sale:

Behind the scenes: The sources said the Danish government wants to avoid a public clash with the new U.S. administration, and asked members of the Trump team for clarification regarding what exactly the president-elect meant in his comments earlier this week.

The latter is a complication in any discussions over the status of Greenland. It functions as a semi-autonomous enclave, where fewer than 60,000 native Danes actually live. Copenhagen only controls its external functions -- trade and security -- while the Greenlanders govern themselves in all other areas. The Greenlanders don't want to become Americans (at the moment), but they also don't want to remain under the Danes any longer either. They want independence, which is not in the interests of either the US or Denmark.

Trump's push to buy Greenland might come at a time when the Danes could have wanted to be rid of the political headache, but that's clearly not the case. They also want access to the Arctic resource troves, along with Russia, China, Canada, and the US. Otherwise, they might have already cut a deal with Trump in 2019 and left the political headache in Washington DC, along with the identical headache of Puerto Rico and its much larger population demanding either statehood or independence. 

Even with that potential headache looming, Trump and his team still see Greenland as such a critical strategic issue that they're willing to bully an ally to secure it. Having made the 'outrageous' demand and making it clear that the new administration will pursue it through all means necessary, Trump has at least forced the Danes into negotiations over any other means by which the new administration might be satisfied. That is a step in the right direction for Trump, who may well just want to ensure that the US has a monopoly on military access, given the obvious implications of Greenland's proximity to the US.  

Axios wonders if that will be enough:

The main question is whether Trump would be content to cut a deal with Denmark and declare victory, or whether his true mission is to become the first president in 80 years to gain new territory for the U.S.

I'd bet on the former rather than the latter, but the Danes have to worry more about the latter rather than the former. And maybe all Trump wanted was to have the Danes take Greenland's security more seriously. If so, then Trump has already won with this Christmas report:

Denmark is increasing defense spending in Greenland, said a Danish official Tuesday who called the announcement's timing with President-elect Trump's suggestion that the U.S. should own the territory an "irony of fate."

The big picture: Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen told the outlet Jyllands-Posten on Tuesday of plans to spend a "double-digit billion amount" in krone, equivalent to at least $1.5 billion, on the self-ruled territory that's part of its kingdom to ensure a "stronger presence" in the Arctic. ... 

Poulsen told Jyllands-Posten the Danish government's plan for Greenland included long-range drones, more inspection ships and sled patrols in the territory and an upgrade to Kangerlussuaq Airport so it can accommodate F-35 fighter jets.

That sounds a lot like what Trump wants other NATO countries to do -- start investing their own money into the common defense. 

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 1951; 2018; 2019; arcticpolarpowers; china; deal; denmark; greenland; nationalsecurity; nato; trump
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1 posted on 01/11/2025 7:57:59 PM PST by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind

The Danish taxpayers may be getting tired of paying billions to subsidize their colony.

2 posted on 01/11/2025 8:01:31 PM PST by maro (MAGA!)
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To: SeekAndFind

When Trumps term is over I can see him pulling the strings behind the scenes like a Bond Villain from his villa in Greenland.😂

3 posted on 01/11/2025 8:02:53 PM PST by MotorCityBuck (Keep the change, you are filthy animal! )
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To: sauropod


4 posted on 01/11/2025 8:03:08 PM PST by sauropod ("You didn't take a country. You only won a football game!" - Dan Dakich Ne supra crepidam)
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To: SeekAndFind

Greenlanders can be convinced if the US promises development jobs in the mines.

5 posted on 01/11/2025 8:03:30 PM PST by Jonty30 (Liberals are a fulfillment of II Tim3:5. We are instructed to have nothing to do with those people. )
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To: SeekAndFind

Greenland should declare independents. They are not a commodity to be sold.

Then the free people of Greenland can elect to join the US in some way.

6 posted on 01/11/2025 8:27:47 PM PST by UnwashedPeasant (I The pandemic we suffer from is not COVID. It is Marxist Democrat Leftism. )
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To: SeekAndFind
That sounds a lot like what Trump wants other NATO countries to do -- start investing their own money into the common defense.

This is all of one piece with President Trump's stated goal from the beginning - that every nation should foot the bill for its own defense. The discussion about Canada and Greenland makes perfect sense in this light - if the Danes/Canadians aren't willing to spend their own money to defend their territory, and and wish to pass the bill onto the American taxpayer, then the US should have more say in the affairs of those countries. It's really quite elegant.

7 posted on 01/11/2025 9:03:02 PM PST by Terabitten (Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor...)
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To: UnwashedPeasant

“Then the free people of Greenland can elect to join the US in some way.”

There would be a plebescite should this ever happen. I would not be surprised if the vote would favor joining the United States.

They would escape the rapidly increasing totalitarianism of Europe and would then enjoy the protections of the first and second amendments. They would also escape the self-immolation of Europe with their growing muslim populations.

8 posted on 01/11/2025 9:04:18 PM PST by KamperKen (u)
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To: MotorCityBuck

“When Trumps term is over I can see him pulling the strings behind the scenes like a Bond Villain from his villa in Greenland.😂”

He’s letting his hair turn silver; maybe he will become Mr. Freeze.

9 posted on 01/11/2025 9:12:46 PM PST by I-ambush (From the brightest star comes the blackest hole. You had so much to offer, why didya offer your sou?)
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To: I-ambush
And move GITMO to Greenland

Stop giving miscreants a nice warm sunny holiday.

10 posted on 01/11/2025 9:38:19 PM PST by spokeshave (Proud Boys, Angry Dads. Grumpy Grandads & Curmudgeons)
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To: SeekAndFind
First they laugh at you.

Next they fight you.

At last they negotiate with you.

Finally, you win.

11 posted on 01/11/2025 9:40:14 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear ( Not my circus. Not my monkeys. But I can pick out the clowns at 100 yards.)
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To: MotorCityBuck
When Trumps term is over I can see him pulling the strings behind the scenes like a Bond Villain from his villa in Greenland.😂

You mean to day he’ll be chillin’ like a villain? 🫠

12 posted on 01/11/2025 9:56:32 PM PST by BradyLS (DO NOT FEED THE BEARS!)
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To: BradyLS

😑 “day” s/b “say” 🙄

13 posted on 01/11/2025 9:58:22 PM PST by BradyLS (DO NOT FEED THE BEARS!)
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To: SeekAndFind

He is going to get Greenland and Panama.

14 posted on 01/11/2025 10:00:21 PM PST by bray (It's not racist to be racist against races the DNC hates.)
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To: BradyLS

>>chilling’ like a villian<<

More like Gellin’ like Magellan.

15 posted on 01/11/2025 10:05:01 PM PST by Shqipo (Make America America Again.)
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To: SeekAndFind

How about we trade Puerto Rico for Greenland?

The Danes get a warm weather vacation spot and we rid ourselves of the mismanaged island.

16 posted on 01/11/2025 10:43:52 PM PST by KingofZion
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To: KingofZion


17 posted on 01/11/2025 11:06:03 PM PST by Does so (A country about to outlaw Red #5 food dye, but makes Marijuana legal?...🇺🇦...Dem☭¢rat...≣ ∅)
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To: SeekAndFind

Hmmm... Has anyone asked the current gov’t of Greenland how, if they are independent, they plan to provide for their own defense?

18 posted on 01/12/2025 12:15:08 AM PST by Paul R. (Bin Laden wanted Obama killed so the incompetent VP, Biden, would become President!)
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To: spokeshave

“move GITMO to Greenland”

Only 15 inmates, take them half way and drop them off maybe.

19 posted on 01/12/2025 5:37:27 AM PST by Jolla
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To: Jonty30

“Greenlanders can be convinced “

They may have been convinced a long time ago, judging by statements made by citizens to the Don Jr entourage last week.

I got the in impression they’re not happy being the red-headed stepchildren of Denmark. The Danes treat them badly.

Some said they “love America”.

20 posted on 01/12/2025 5:49:02 AM PST by MayflowerMadam (It's hard not to celebrate the fall of bad people. - Bongino)
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