Posted on 01/11/2025 7:38:14 AM PST by boycott
Still, for the last 15 years plus, the United States has led the world in reducing carbon emissions. The extent of this leadership can be found in the 2024 Statistical Review of World Energy, which shows that over the last 15 years, the U.S. has experienced the largest decline in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from energy, process emissions, methane and flaring. Indeed, as compared to 2013, the U.S. has been able to reduce carbon dioxide equivalents by 8.5 percent even as it has massively grown it economy through aggressive drilling for and using cleaner burning natural gas, including natural gas from fracking instead of coal. During this same period, China’s CO2 equivalents went up by 20 percent to make China by far and away the biggest emitter of green-house gases (GHGs).
China also leads the world in plastics pollution, and only India beats China when it comes to the sulfur dioxide emissions (SO2) responsible for acid rain.
Of note, when it comes to SO2 emissions the United States produces about one-sixth that of China.
Hence, as of today if the climate change narrative is correct, it is China that by far and away that is doing the most damage and it the United States that has done the most to combat it.
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Sometimes it's about how you package it.
First we need federal legislation to make fracking and drilling legal in all 52 states (or 53).
Our enemies have always funded the “environmental” movement.
I sort of like that, except that it would tend to legitimize the climate-change hoax.
I watch a LOT of Chinese dramas. Whenever the action takes place in a high rise, you can see almost nothing out the windows. The smog is unreal.
That was the whole idea in the first place. I have traced this mentality as far back as to Thomas Nixon Carver, an economist at Harvard in 1910.
I sort of like that, except that it would tend to legitimize the climate-change hoax.
Agree. That’s why I included “ .... or environmental assessment.”
Call it an “environmental assessment” and the left would have a hard time attacking it.
I watch a LOT of Chinese dramas. Whenever the action takes place in a high rise, you can see almost nothing out the windows. The smog is unreal.
Yep. This would also make the Paris Accord that allows China to continue polluting pretty much useless.
No, I have to agree. It is time to make them start eating their own words.
They change and twist words/meanings, etc. We resist. Resistance hasn’t worked.
So it may be a very legit time to start making them eat their words and as my editorial post this morning challenges...
Use their words own against them. It is a tactic, not agreement.
They are already planning and changing zoning codes to ‘take advantage of a crisis.’ What’s happening in LA wasn’t a zoning issue. LASmart City 2028 agenda Newscum is moving so fast on this “opportunity” that you’d think the hills were on fire. Oh...wait...they are.
Less direct, certainly, but still could imply that CO2 is a pollutant. Maybe if the language of the assessment specifies that it’s because of particulates, or SO2, or whatever.
Because the unfinised state requires the new owners to be deterous in weilding a trowel..
To patch up all the cracks and missing floor parts
Also the fake drainage that don't have any pipework under tye grill
They are also are known to fall over.
WWIII will not be eco-friendly.
We’ll only use green nukes.
Agree. That’s why I included “ .... or environmental assessment.”
I probably shouldn’t have said CLIMATE ASSESSMENT but I did so more to emphasize the point.
China is filling our oceans with plastics. If we nail them for the environmental and pollution assessments, it really weakens the Paris Accord that is used against us but doesn’t penalize China.
Economically, it would be good for us and it would be more difficult for the left to attack.
I used CLIMATE ASSESSMENT more to emphasize the point.
In the Can’t Make This Up news. Oregon fire trucks required to get smog test before they can help with Cali fires.
I’ve often wondered who the environmental wackos would conquer after China, Russia, and India in order to force their environmental policies, which don’t even work.
As long as Red China is still regarded as a “developing country”, they’ll get away with all the “climate” nonsense that the left is trying to force on the “West”.
“United States Is Crippling Itself With Climate Change Regulations, China Is Not”
That’s a big reason, if not the MAIN REASON, for the Globalists starting the Ukraine War. The Globalists need to get control of Russia in order to be able to cut off the flow of resources to China. Unfortunately, the Russians weren’t too keen on the idea and so now the situation with Russia, China, and much of the rest of the world is FAR WORSE, and that will include their pet-project, which is putting an end to the Industrial Age.
Elections have consequences, and the 2020 election had the worst consequence of any in US history as it wound up re-aligning the world against us and our vassal states.
So, what else is new???
This has been happening for years.....
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