Posted on 12/30/2024 11:55:12 AM PST by Milagros
"President Jimmy Carter strongly supported the Ayatollah regime's takeover of Iran. In 1978, Carter and his advisors concluded that the Persian Shah, America's Gulf policeman, was obsolete, and they believed Ayatollah Khomeini, who was in exile in Paris, would suit the US as he was anti-Communist and anti-Soviet."
Ettinger added, "Carter went so far as to declare—ten days before Khomeini landed in Tehran—that US intelligence determined Khomeini would be an Iranian Gandhi.
He also claimed Khomeini had no desire to spread the revolution outside Iran, would focus on tractors rather than tanks, and be a loyal envoy for the interests of the free world."
"These evaluations were the fruits of delusions of a reality that didn't match the Middle Eastern reality,"
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I remember this well. Carter was predisposed against the Shah on human rights grounds, and naively believed he could base foreign policy on his personal sanctimonious principles. That, plus an astounding level of credulity in believing the deceptions and poses of foreign rulers, made him the worst foreign policy president in history.
Carter, like Biden, was a failure as president.
Yes. Carter sat around and played with his peanuts and thought of creative ways to give our Canal away.
While Khomeini consolidated power in France (where he could have been hit by our CIA I’d think) then moved back to Iran and began a revolution that sent the entire Mideast back 1000 years to Islamic fundamentalism.
My Mother worked with a beautiful Persian in the late 90s. She was very pro-western and from an educated and well off family. After the revolution she finally went back to Iran to visit some family and was never heard of or seen again. It was suspicious because she left some personal items including some fairly nice Jewelry.
I can still remember her vaguely, when I was about 14. She visited our farm a few times.
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times”
Carter’s ‘Human Rights’ drive is what led to friendly governments collapsing in country-after-country, only to be replaced my far more HORRIBLE governments, often aligned with the Soviets.
He was psycho in that regard.
Without Carter, Iran wouldn’t be under the mullahs.
Carter was a walking, talking, disaster. Good riddance.
“US intelligence determined Khomeini would be an Iranian Gandhi.”
US intelligence, i.e. CIA, are anti-American one world government formerly fascists now currently morphed into Red Fascists. Of course they supported Khomeini.
Here’s an interesting interview, where Khomeini is under the impression the USA fosters leftism in Iran, but the truth is we, via the CIA, fostered his fascist Islam.
(Behind a paywall but, you can probably read this article via switching to reader mode on your browser)
An Interview With KHOMEINI
Oct. 7, 1979
An Interview With KHOMEINI
The New York Times Archives
“ While Khomeini consolidated power in France (where he could have been hit by our CIA I’d think) then moved back to Iran and began a revolution that sent the entire Mideast back 1000 years to Islamic fundamentalism.”
That only could the CIA have taken that SOB out in France, but Carter sent the deputy commander of NATO to Iran to warn the Iranian military not to act against Khomeini. I remember watching the plane land on TV, waiting for a missile to take the plane out, which of course never occurred. How different, and how much better, history would have been if it had.
“That” should be “Not.”
Stupid is as stupid does.
Exactly. Carter came into office as the “human rights” president to “clean up” what he saw as the amoral foreign policy of Nixon and Johnson. Four years later, we had theocratic Iran.
Carter was not a good guy.
He always sided with the greater of two evils.
He is a great example of the road to hell paved with good intentions.
CERTAINLY was supportive of letting women get modernized.,
“ that US intelligence determined Khomeini would be an Iranian Gandhi…”
The Democrats and their Propaganda Media are desperately trying to snatch Carter’s legacy out of the garbage dump, groping for something—ANYTHING—that might lesson history’s indictment of the party of slavery, infanticide, the ku klux klan, the American gulag—and Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Lyndon Johnson.
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