Posted on 12/29/2024 12:00:20 PM PST by Milagros
If Team Biden had called out the phony reports of famine and "genocide" from the start, and fully backed Israel's defensive war, the fighting might well have ended by now, writes the Post Editorial Board. Team Biden is slamming a report that warns of famine in northern Gaza. What a difference an election makes. Team Biden is blasting claims of famine in Gaza ... Indeed, if Team Biden had called out the phony reports of famine and “genocide” from the start, and fully backed Israel’s defensive war, the fighting might well have ended by now. On the bright side: A new administration takes office next month, and Washington will stop trying to make nice with Israel’s enemies, including their propaganda wings.
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"Gaza- amidst the war and famine"
In Gaza, famine is not what you think.
TikTok timestamp: 5 days ago#TheGazaYouDontSee
Link in 1st comment— Imshin (@imshin) December 9, 2024
Does This Look Like Famine in Gaza to You? No!
HonestReporting Staff.
July 15, 2024
There is no famine in Gaza. Biden built a military pier there, which solved all problems there. Duh.
Israel has sent or facilitated the shipment of enough food and supplies of all kinds (except more bonbs and rockets for the Fakestinian terrorists) ... to feed half of New England.
That evil Fakestinian terrorist nest needs to be cleaned out, period, end of file.
No more.
No mas.
Pas plus.
Nicht mehr!
Non piu.
Bu zai
Kinda makes it look like the Hamas riots in the runup to the election were Democrat Party street goons.
The squatters are likely eating better now, than they every did before... Tons of food dropped off with a rocket or two in every package of goodies, care of the United Nations.
June 25, 2024 | Flash Brief.
Expert Panel Says ‘Imminent’ Famine in Gaza Never Materialized
The panel of food security experts whose assessment last March of an “imminent” famine in northern Gaza was widely reported have now concluded that it never materialized. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) — a partnership of governments, UN agencies, and NGOs — released an updated analysis confirming that increased shipments of food to northern Gaza averted starvation. “These appear to have temporarily alleviated conditions in the northern governorates,” the report stated, without acknowledging Israel’s role in boosting the supply of aid. “In this context, the available evidence does not indicate that famine is currently occurring.”
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