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MUST-SEE: CNN Makes Dan Goldman Watch His Past Proclamation That Joe Biden Would Never Pardon Hunter
Red State ^ | December 02, 2024 | Bonchie

Posted on 12/03/2024 4:27:08 AM PST by george76

Did Joe Biden finally do something so egregious that even some CNN anchors won't defend it? In a surprising move, Brianna Keilar, who is typically not shy about showing her left-wing bent, put Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) on the spot about the president's recent pardon of his son.

In a must-see moment, Keilar played a past clip of Goldman unequivocally proclaiming that there was no chance Joe Biden would ever issue a pardon to Hunter Biden. The Democrat congressman then started ranting about Donald Trump. CNN didn't just play the clip, though. They left Goldman on screen in a corner box so that everyone watching could see his reaction.


As you'll see, the congressman quickly misleads the audience to try to escape his past statement, but to her credit, Keilar does not let him get away with it.


Goldman is such a slimy politician. Keilar denoted before playing the clip that it dated to after the plea deal fell through, yet the congressman attempted to suggest that his comments were made beforehand. Well yeah, I'm sure the Bidens would have been happy with Hunter Biden being given a ridiculous sweetheart deal in which he faces zero accountability, but that's not what happened, and Goldman insisted after that point that Joe Biden would not pardon his son. "I don't think there's any chance" is not ambiguous. It doesn't leave wiggle room.

Further, Goldman then played off his assertion to attack Trump, suggesting that anyone who would issue pardons to "his friends" is corrupt. It was a naked partisan attack that avoided all context to promote Joe Biden as a beacon of honesty and virtue. That all came crashing down on Sunday evening when it was revealed he had pardoned Hunter Biden.

Goldman is on video saying that it would be a mistake for Joe Biden to do that. Now that he's done it, the Democrat wants to try to rewrite history and carve out an excuse. It doesn't wash, though. It was Goldman who claimed in that 2023 exchange that Merrick Garland pursuing charges against Hunter Biden with a "Trump-appointed U.S. attorney" was proof of the "independence of the Department of Justice." That flies in the face of the reasoning provided by Joe Biden as to why he issued the pardon.

As RedState reported, the president claimed that the DOJ had been politically weaponized against his son. So which is it? Does Goldman think AG Garland and his cohorts are completely fair and independent, or was the pardon justified? Because he doesn't get to have it both ways despite his best efforts.


Democrats are stuck. They spent years defending Biden as something he wasn't and never has been. Now, they have to eat the excrement sandwich served up to them by the outgoing president. They could have been upfront with the American people and said they simply don't know what Joe Biden will do. Instead, they used the assertion that he would never pardon Hunter Biden as a way to attack Republicans for political gain. It has thoroughly backfired, and no one should feel sorry for them.

With that said, I'll leave you with this question: What in the world did Goldman do to his hair?

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York
KEYWORDS: biden; briannakeilar; clintonnonnews; cnn; creepstate; dangoldman; deepstate; doj; fbi; fib; goldman; hunter; hunterbiden; joebiden; merrickgarland; newyork; pardon; pardonhunter; policestate; singlepartystate; somethingaboutdan
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1 posted on 12/03/2024 4:27:08 AM PST by george76
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To: george76

Fun to watch, but...immediately into the Memory Hole!

KEILAR: What does that feel like, watching yourself back then reassuring people that Biden was not going to issue a pardon for his son?

GOLDMAN: Yeah, and I think if that plea agreement and that plea deal had gone through, there would be no pardon.

KEILAR: The plea deal had already fallen through.

(Goldman sits in silence for a moment)


KEILAR: When you reacted, this was when the deal had already fallen through.

GOLDMAN: Ah. Well. How about those Yankees?

2 posted on 12/03/2024 4:42:46 AM PST by rlmorel ("A people that elect corrupt politicians are not victims...but accomplices." George Orwell)
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To: george76
Democrats are stuck. They spent years defending Biden as something he wasn't and never has been.

Competent, honest, intelligent, shall I continue?

3 posted on 12/03/2024 4:45:45 AM PST by MortMan (Charter member of AAAAA - American Association Against Alliteration Abuse)
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To: rlmorel

“Pardon” , “sorry”, “what was that?” “Check, check…I can’t hear anything” hahahahaha!! Classic

4 posted on 12/03/2024 4:47:45 AM PST by albie (U)
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To: rlmorel

Joe will now pardon his brother and more

5 posted on 12/03/2024 4:54:07 AM PST by george76 (Ward Churchill : Fake Indian, Fake Scholarship, and Fake Art)
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To: george76

joe is incompetent and in a perpetual daze. joe likely does nothing. It is the leftist insurrection behind him. This is a play with one is criminal and illegitimate. Worst corruption ever. Pox upon them all.

6 posted on 12/03/2024 5:03:24 AM PST by hal ogen (First Amendment or Reeducation Camp?)
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To: george76
I would say (and would have said this up to 40 years ago if I had followed the plug-headed POS that closely):

"Pfft. Is there anything Joe Biden wouldn't do?"

7 posted on 12/03/2024 5:14:58 AM PST by rlmorel ("A people that elect corrupt politicians are not victims...but accomplices." George Orwell)
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To: george76


8 posted on 12/03/2024 5:15:39 AM PST by Ann Archy (Abortion....... The HUMAN Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
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To: albie

No kidding! That is spot on...:)

9 posted on 12/03/2024 5:15:52 AM PST by rlmorel ("A people that elect corrupt politicians are not victims...but accomplices." George Orwell)
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To: george76

Apparently, Joe Biden is also considering pardons for:

Jill Biden ,Alejandro Mayorkas ,James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok ,Bruce Ohr , Nellie Ohr, and Rod Rosenstein.

None of these people have been indicted for crimes.

Most of them we haven’t heard from in a while. Now why would Joe Biden pardon these people?

It’s pretty much an admission of “true” for every “conspiracy theory” from the far right-wing over the past 8+ years.

10 posted on 12/03/2024 5:29:30 AM PST by CFW (uic)
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To: george76

“Goldman is such a slimy politician.”

That’s the story in a nutshell.

11 posted on 12/03/2024 5:34:26 AM PST by SharpRightTurn (“Giving money & power to government is like giving whiskey & car keys to teenage boys” P.J. O’Rourke)
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To: george76

Look at when Joe Biden claimed many times, that he would never pardon Hunter Biden. This was done pre-Kamala, while Joe was still running against Donald Trump. So of course Joe had a great reason to lie his lying ass off.

Joe’s brother is knee-deep in these payoffs. Will Joe pardon him too? And a few other sleaze-bag, money grubbing Biden family members.

12 posted on 12/03/2024 5:36:29 AM PST by dennisw
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To: george76

any chance cnn will play the 2018 clip from adam schiff announcing his bogus claim that Trump would be guilty of obstruction of justice if Trump pardoned any of his children?

13 posted on 12/03/2024 5:36:50 AM PST by catnipman ((A Vote For The Lesser Of Two Evils Still Counts As A Vote For Evil))
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; BraveMan; cardinal4; ...

14 posted on 12/03/2024 5:39:41 AM PST by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: dennisw

Absolutely he will pardon them all in the” spirit of ending the divisiveness “ in DC. Probably Dec 31 so all out of sight. Just like baby bidet’s on turkey day Sunday before he out of country on way to Africa.

15 posted on 12/03/2024 5:53:45 AM PST by Mouton (A 150MT hit may not solve our problems now but is a good start. )
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To: george76

Goldman seems always ready for something invisible to leap at him.

16 posted on 12/03/2024 6:09:47 AM PST by lurk (u)
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To: george76

I recall this POS say “Biden is the most pro Israel president..”

17 posted on 12/03/2024 6:21:41 AM PST by rrrod (6)
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To: george76

BLieden and Foilman typical DemoRats

18 posted on 12/03/2024 6:23:20 AM PST by tflabo (Truth or tyranny)
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To: Mouton

“Absolutely he will pardon them all in the” spirit of ending the divisiveness “ in DC. Probably Dec 31 so all out of sight. Just like baby bidet’s on turkey day Sunday before he out of country on way to Africa.”

Let him pardon all his thieving family. This will pave the way for Donald Trump’s rebound play, on January 21 when he pardons all J6 victims. His DOJ really should open up a legal process for J6 victims to sue for false imprisonment and lots lots more.

19 posted on 12/03/2024 7:47:04 AM PST by dennisw
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To: george76

JILL will write up the pardons.


20 posted on 12/03/2024 8:42:15 AM PST by ridesthemiles (not giving up on TRUMP---EVER)
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