Posted on 11/30/2024 12:11:25 PM PST by Diana in Wisconsin
Democratic political strategist James Carville called for an audit of Vice President Kamala Harris' 2024 campaign spending on his podcast Politics War Room on Thursday.
The Harris campaign, with the help of the Democratic Party, raised over $1 billion, during this year's election cycle, according to the Associated Press. Despite her remarkable financial backing, which was accumulated in a few short months after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race, Harris lost the November 5 election to President-elect Donald Trump. Groups affiliated with Trump and the Republican National Committee (RNC), meanwhile, raised just over $1.8 billion, according to the Financial Times.
Now, Carville wants to know: "Do you have any idea where the money went?"
Carville's question, which wasn't geared toward anyone in particular, was asked during the latest episode of his podcast which Carville hosts with renowned journalist Al Hunt.
Carville has been seen on multiple television networks, sharing his analysis as a notable figure in Democratic politics, and first rose to national prominence after he helped elect former President Bill Clinton in 1992.
During Thursday's episode of Politics War Room, Carville said that "the resistance," a political movement against Trump, will now have trouble fundraising, adding that "the damage that the 2024 campaign has doneโthe damage that this decade has done to a Democratic brand is almost unfathomable."
The political strategist called for an audit of "everything."
"We're going to audit the campaign. We're going to audit Future Forward. We're gonna audit the DNC [Democratic National Committee]," Carville said.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
He might be useful after all.....................
Carville: Audit her economy, stupid.
Wow...that’s a surprise...
What if it shows DEI did them in?
The political strategist called for an audit of “everything.”
>Good! I’d like to see where it all went, too!
Went to everybody who had their pockets open
(Democratic political strategist James Carville called for an audit of Vice President Kamala Harris’ 2024 campaign spending)
Why Snakehead / Serpenthead ๐๐ be hatin’??
C’mon man!!!
The “eating their own” phase has begun. The liberal dolt donor class is pi$$ed and likely demanding their pound of flesh, otherwise Dems will have no credibility with them, they need a scapegoat.
I hope Harris’s actions destroy any future funding to the ‘Rat Party.
Yep Willy-nilly spending was the coin of the day. 2B up in smoke. The advisors and their LLC companies made out but the average progressive and demo voter were taken. Let the buyer beware especially in politics.
James Carville is beginning to suspect that these Democrats are really just grifters.
Exactly. The skim must have been incredible.
Remember this, idiot Dem donors, in 2028. First you'll get the begging letters, then follow-up begging letters, all of them becoming more and more urgent and dire-filled. Try to resist them and remember just how badly you got ripped off the last time ... like, BIGLY.
after considering how important it is to know who, what and how much I realized it doesn’t matter. Harris has done more damage to the democrat party than even President Donald J Trump. what’s NOT to like?)
What chance does a billion dollars have when surrounded by people getting drunk off of stealing many more times that amount?
Wut? She just thought campaign spending was supposed to be as wasteful as government spending.
This satan serpent looking head kind of cracks me up sometimes. I mean He’s ugly and a fool, but he kind of cracks me up.
Hey Jimmy! How about auditing Act Blue while you are at it!
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