Posted on 10/14/2024 5:12:55 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
Speculation has built for weeks over the presence of North Korean soldiers fighting for Russia inside Ukraine, and now President Zelensky has acknowledged their presence for the first time.
North Korea, which on paper has one of the largest armies in the world and has been supplying munitions to Russia for months to feed what it calls its special military operation inside Ukraine for months may now be providing direct military aid, Kyiv states for the first time. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared to admit what has been discussed by other world leaders and Ukraine war watchers for weeks in his nightly address, reports German newspaper Die Welt, which translates his speech as stating ‘North Korean soldiers are fighting together with Russians’.
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It looks to me that Red China,North Korea and Russia are becoming friendlier with each other.If that’s true that’s not good *at all*.
Can Western forces joining Ukraine on the battlefield openly be far behind? War drums beating.
What about the SPACE ALIENS fighting for Russia? RUSSIA!, RUSSIA!, RUSSIA!
Demilitarizing Russia and now, as a bonus, North Korea. A BOGO free!
“ North Korea, which on paper has one of the largest armies in the world and has been supplying munitions to Russia for months to feed what it calls its special military operation inside Ukraine for months may now be providing direct military aid, Kyiv states for the first time.”
We have supplied Ukraine with $billions in arms for years now. Is it a surprise that Russia would accept the Norks support? Does anyone blame them? I don’t. Biden’s people will get us fully involved in WWIII before the election. Anyone who cheered on the arming of that faggot Zelensky can officially KMA.
Zelensky: Something changed, give me more money
Another reckless Putin escalation
More proof of how badly Russia is losing
Hey, Zelenskyy...where the hell is my check??? I requested a cashier’ check in the amount of $25,000 to cover the costs of essential items lost when our house collapsed into the river. You have 650 BILLION dollars of America money...pony up, you Ukrainian so and so.
The NORKS and Russians signed a mutual defense treaty in June. When I read it, I was struck by the similarities between Art. 4 of the pact and Art. 5 of the NATO Charter. I’ve been saying since June that the NORK million strong standing army should be considered by the Baltic lilliputians when they talk of broadening the war by attacking St. Petersburg.
Q2: What does the mutual assistance clause mean?
A2: According to Article 4 of the new comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Russia and North Korea, if either country “falls into a state of war,” the other shall “provide military and other assistance with all means . . . without delay.” This treaty text manifests that Moscow and Pyongyang are forging a full-fledged military alliance circa the Cold War; what is new and particularly notable is that this renewed North Korea-Russia alliance is based on their mutual opposition to the United States and the Western liberal order, rather than based on common ideology. Another key highlight is that this is not a short-term, tactical agreement. Countries do not sign a document like this unless it’s a long-term commitment.
I’d put that “on paper” qualifier aside. See post #11.
My favorite:
Does anyone actually listen to this town crier anymore? He is performing any duties beyond that of paid actor. This COWARD OF KIEV, no make that COWARD FROM KIEV, cannot even risk his life to live in his own country. He has spent more time overseas, away from Ukraine than he has in Ukraine.
We have seen evidence, not hear say/anything’s, of soldiers from NATO countries serving in Ukraine simply by signing an agreement that moves them from their DOD agency (this agreements states you give up the time {time in service, time towards retirement, accountable time for any future benefits}, in exchange for a USG contract transferring you to operations in Ukraine. I had essentially the same agreement offered to me while serving in the State Department when I wanted to do a one year tour with the Multinational Force Observers (MFO) duty assignment as one of the designated liasions from State to the MFO.
Winning for Ukraine is selling the future rights of all the national assets of a sovereign Ukriane to FOREIGN INTERESTS. Zelinski is the face man responsible for rape of Ukraine and the transfer of Ukraine’s ownership to foreign corporations, banks and governments.
Says the resident canuck_neocoservative... NATO-CONservative.
THERE’S one for the history books!
Next there will waves of Rice Munchers(got this from a Korean vet, sorry) attacking
President Zelensky has acknowledged their presence for the first time.
Biden’s pay puts just increased Zelensky looking for a bigger boat.
Find out where they are and drop leaflets encouraging defects. Somebody on our side can write it.
Zelinski is now essentially becoming aware that the generic makeup of the Russian Occupation Forces in Ukraine will be drawn from N.Korea, all the ‘stans, and even African nations who are friends of Russia. Zelinski has finally understood that defeat by Russia will look a lot like the US Occupation of South Korea under the auspice’s of the UN.
I remember this topic of mutual assistance coming up in the past and I spent some time trying to understand the military, diplomatic and political aspects of Russian Alliances.
The Russians and their partners hammered out the numbers of soldiers that could be sent. It was in the neighborhood of 4-5M soldiers - now the quality were basically cannon fodder.
But you put a couple million pacification police inside an occupied country and enjoy the peace if you are Russia - you let your allies get killed by the Ukrainians who continue to fight for the next couple of years in the resistance, until it is squashed.
Funny how the US has made a business model out of foreign conflicts and reaped huge rewards. Now the Russians are making similar arrangements for the end of the conflict.
There will never, in our lifetimes or those of our children, be a Ukraine free from foreign occupation - the US led occupation has been a debacle in blood, but a printing press for money.
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