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Russia claims Ukraine is planning to detonate a "dirty nuclear bomb" targeting nuclear power plants in Russia.
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| BRICS News
Posted on 08/17/2024 6:19:19 AM PDT by hardspunned
Russia claims Ukraine is planning to detonate a "dirty nuclear bomb" targeting nuclear power plants in Russia.
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TOPICS: Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: apostontwitter; firehoseoffalsehood; killkillkillforpeace; mic; newsforumabuse; notanewsarticle; notanewssite; russianpropaganda; ukraine; welfarewar; zeepersoutraged
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Using a dirty bomb is no more dangerous to the people of Europe than the drones used to attack the nuclear plant last week would have been if successful. I don’t doubt that this is report is true. If NATO signed off on the numerous reckless attacks on the Zaporizhzhya plant and the failed Kursk dash for that nuclear plant, the NATO maniacs are capable of any fatally reckless plan. I assume if NATO manages to damage these plants, retaliation will be the attack on NATO nuclear plants possibly in France and Britain.
To: hardspunned
In other words, this is what Russia is planning
Since Russia always falsely accuses others of doing what it does, right?
posted on
08/17/2024 6:20:52 AM PDT
(NATO - now celebrating 75 successful years of keeping the Russian monsters out!!)
To: hardspunned
Wouldn’t the attack by a dirty bomb end up where the dirty bomb would be far less dangerous than the actual damage that could happen by attacking nuke plants?
Ukraine is like a loose cannon right now out of desperation.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:24:11 AM PDT
To: canuck_conservative
Russia isn’t going to attack their own nuke plant on their own soil genius.
You are hopeless.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:26:21 AM PDT
To: canuck_conservative
In other words, this is what Russia is planning Since Russia always falsely accuses others of doing what it does, right?
In other words, this is what the Ukraine is planning
Since the Ukraine always falsely accuses others of doing what it does, right?
fixed it for ya, Hunka.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:26:38 AM PDT
(FR Democrat Party operatives! Rally in defense of your Colombian cartel stooge Merchan!)
To: canuck_conservative
—> Since Russia always falsely accuses others of doing what it does, right?
Always nice to read thoughts from Northern Cuba
To: dforest
The Hunka NotSee from up north is a stone-cold liar and cheerleader for genocide & mass murder.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:27:34 AM PDT
(FR Democrat Party operatives! Rally in defense of your Colombian cartel stooge Merchan!)
To: aMorePerfectUnion; canuck_conservative
Always nice to read thoughts from Northern Cuba Perfect.
Chrystia Freeland's little FR puppet is probably burning incense on his bedroom altar to Princess Justine this morning.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:29:59 AM PDT
(FR Democrat Party operatives! Rally in defense of your Colombian cartel stooge Merchan!)
To: kiryandil
He’s still dumb as a stump after all these years.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:30:45 AM PDT
To: kiryandil
Hunka NotSee from up north 😂
posted on
08/17/2024 6:46:34 AM PDT
(aide toi et dieu t'aidera)
To: canuck_conservative
Since Russia always falsely accuses others of doing what it does, right?
Russia has never done that, nato on the other hand? One thing I've learned about canadians is they are the nicest people to your face. But behind your back, they are nasty, evil, two-faced monsters.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:51:17 AM PDT
(P.S. There’s a fed in that thread you’re in right now.)
To: JoSixChip
Canada ? Where they cheer WW2 Nazi’s , that Canada?
Castro’s lil’ bastard is running the place.
posted on
08/17/2024 6:57:20 AM PDT
(strained statutory arguments, appeals to inconsistent history, reliance on out-of-circuit authority)
To: canuck_conservative
In other words, this is what Russia is planning Since Russia always falsely accuses others of doing what it does, right?
Alinski 101: Accuse your enemy of what you plan on doing.
posted on
08/17/2024 7:07:07 AM PDT
null and void
(Don’t hallucinate and legislate)
To: hardspunned
Of course, Russia would bomb it’s own nuclear power plant just like they blew up their own petroleum pipeline!
Who doesn’t want another Chernobyl?
To: hardspunned
This would be a serious escalation and provocation that would demand a similar response... Bad idea.
posted on
08/17/2024 7:58:33 AM PDT
To: canuck_conservative
“In other words, this is what Russia is planning”
Like Russia blew up their own pipe line? You people never learn. Ukraine has been caught in lie after lie... Deception after deception. They are ultimately being run by the same deep state that has destroyed the entire western world. Lies and deception are part of the plan.
posted on
08/17/2024 9:15:47 AM PDT
To: hardspunned
If the Russians are claiming that the Ukrainians are going to do something you can bet that that is exactly what the Russians are planning to do.
Just remember that only the Ukrainians kept their word in the Bucharest Memorandums. They turned their ICBMs and nuclear weapons over to the Russians. The Russians promised not to invade Ukraine, they invaded. France, Britain and the USA promised to protect Ukraine if Russia invaded they didn’t.
posted on
08/17/2024 10:34:53 AM PDT
("As it was before Noah so shall it be again," )
To: fella
“Britain and the USA promised to protect Ukraine if Russia invaded they didn’t.”
One more time. The Budapest Memorandum was never presented to the US Senate for ratification. It has no force in US law. It was a Bill Clinton promise, as worthless as all his other promises. Shame on you and Ukraine for trusting him.
posted on
08/17/2024 11:09:50 AM PDT
( )
To: hardspunned
posted on
08/17/2024 11:11:13 AM PDT
(you may remember me as eeevil conservative. great to be back)
To: rxh4n1
What about France and Britain and our entangling alliances with them. Don’t need no stinking Senate approval for those to kick in. And you conveniently ignore the other 2 parts.
Only one nation kept their word.
posted on
08/17/2024 11:19:19 AM PDT
("As it was before Noah so shall it be again," )
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