Posted on 08/08/2024 11:44:36 AM PDT by DeweyCA
Matt Orfalea, who often works with Matt Taibbi, did a deep dive on Twitter on the Biden campaign's brainwashing operation to convince Americans that Biden was mentally fit.
By now it is obvious to even the meanest intelligence that Biden is gone, and once the scales have fallen from your eyes it's clear that he has been declining for about 5-7 years. He is worse now, but in 2019 and 2020 the Biden campaign had data showing that Americans had already noticed that he was no longer all there.
If you look at videos from his time as Vice President, you can clearly see that he was stupid but not senile. He was relatively quick with his attacks, nasty as always, and lied with fluidity. By 2019 he had lost a step or three, and that is why he ran his basement campaign.
The Biden operatives were deeply worried about the growing sense that Biden was a few cards short of a full deck, so they developed a strategy to counter this idea and worked hard to force Big Tech and the mainstream media to make it work.
They adapted strategies that had been developed by the intelligence community to brainwash--and yes, that is the right term--enough people into rejecting the evidence before their eyes. It was smart, sophisticated, and deeply disturbing.
It was a very successful strategy and one they carried into the administration to convince people of all sorts of falsehoods. Their contempt for Americans and willingness to lie to us in the same way the CIA and DIA lie to populations in hostile countries was breathtaking.
The most obvious example is of course, all the misinformation and disinformation they used during the COVID pandemic. They concocted false stories, worked hard to censor competing narratives, and threatened Big Tech with serious consequences if they did not comply with the demands of the regime.
All the "we didn't know" crap they put out was not only a lie, but even if you believed them, the case is made that the administration was flooding the zone with falsehoods. If there is ever a better case to be made AGAINST censorship of "misinformation," it is this: everything put out by the administration turned out to be false, and all the critics who were censored were right. Even if they had the best of intentions--and newsflash, they didn't--the Biden people were the spreaders of falsehoods and killed people because of it.
But of course it wasn't "misinformation;" it was "disinformation"--intentional lies, and they executed a strategy to brainwash people.
You and I may think we know the meaning of the words "Mis-" and "Dis-" information, but like all critical theorists, they hijack words, change their meanings, and weaponize our ability to think clearly against us. What they mean by these words is "anything inconvenient to us."
Biden's brain is pudding? That's inconvenient to us, so let's create a brainwashing campaign to wipe the truth off the map.
As you can see, their techniques are highly sophisticated. Using tech tools and brute force threats against Big Tech companies they were able to specifically target people they needed votes from and follow them across multiple platforms, feeding them disinformation to convince them of things that are clearly false.
As Biden faltered, they created an alternate reality in which he was spry and coherent. They created a Truman Show in which everything is manipulated to create a world that doesn't exist.
Americans are just waking up to the fact that they are fed a steady diet of lies. No matter what option on the menu they choose, with the exceptions of the special choices hidden by the proprietors of the information restaurant, they get the same toxic intellectual food. You have to know enough to seek out what is hidden by the establishment--sites like Hot Air, The Free Press, The Daily Wire, The Washington Free Beacon--or you will be fed lies like cattle are fed their corn.
The Establishment chooses your information diet, and they know how to manipulate people.
This is happening not just here but everywhere in the Western World. The Brits deployed their psychological warfare units against their own population during the pandemic, and it's likely they are doing the same thing right now as civil unrest escalates.
These people make no bones about suppressing the truth. In fact, "true" misinformation is the scariest "misinformation" because it is, well, true.
The truth has to be suppressed because people might start thinking the "wrong" things, so best to take control over the entire information infrastructure and feed the cattle their fortified corn. If you let people think for themselves they might act in their own interests, and not those of the Blob.
You and I may think that there is a conversation going on, but the fact is that with many people we can't even have one because we are not inhabiting the same reality as they. Until you break them out of the artificially created bubble there is no common set of facts upon which to build a discussion.
It's not that most people we are talking with are stupid; it's that they are brainwashed, and for the most part, it isn't even their fault. They think they are getting informed when they are, in fact, living in a virtual reality.
This is what a lot of us have been saying for a long time. This really isn’t about politics. It’s about people living in parallel universes so that there is no way to reason with anybody
It is far worse than brainwashing leftists to believe lies. The problem is they push leftists into anger and hostility. That is more evil.
Look at The View show, and the anger and hostility vented by Whoopi Goldberg and others. They are rabid in attacking others who dispute the leftist lies. They are willing to maim and destroy others who reject the leftist lies. It is as if the Devil was in them, guiding them along. These people, from Biden down to the lowest Democrats and other leftists, are purely evil.
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