Posted on 07/16/2024 9:16:00 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle noted in a July 15 interview with ABC News that police were in the building from the top of which the would-be assassin fired at Donald Trump.
Cheatle told ABC News that the building on which the would-be assassin took his position was supposed to be secured by local law enforcement officers who were working with Secret Service for perimeter control.
ABC News reported “local authorities were tasked with securing the building where the alleged shooter fired the shots before being taken out by a Secret Service sniper.”
Cheatle also indicated that police were inside the building from which the would-be assassin fired at Donald Trump.
She said:
In this particular instance, we did share support for that particular site and that the Secret Service was responsible for the inner perimeter. And then we sought assistance from our local counterparts for the outer perimeter. There was local police in that building — there was local police in the area that were responsible for the outer perimeter of the building.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I guess she doesn’t have a problem with that.
This beetch can’t just do the right thing and step down in disgrace?
Plugs probably won’t let her... because he’s a disgrace!
Agent 1 inside building: “What’s that noise on the roof”
Agent 2 inside building: “I think it’s rain drops”
Agent 1: “But it’s a perfectly clear day, not a cloud in sight”
Agent 2: “OK, probably just rats. Nothing to worry about.”
Bang, bang, bang!
Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle has revealed the fateful reason why her agency failed to position an agent on top of the building...
She said the following:
‘That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,’ she told ABC News in an interview Tuesday.
So the police snipers are tougher than USSS snipers?
What an effin joke.
Snipers find themselves in all kinds of uncomfortable positions to accomplish their mission.
Why doesn’t she explain that “snipers are really very small men, Lilliputian types, and very afraid of heights. So, it’s not realistic to expect over watch protection”
Loathsome creature. The correct, and best, thing to do is quit. To recover from this travesty, actual leadership is essential. She doesn’t possess the character, as evidenced by her doubling-down and staying. Despicable, and these days, typical.
The donuts must have been pretty good.
With a metal roof, they should’ve heard somebody walking around.
So her position is the SS is not responsible for plain sight sniper perches.
She can’t be serious.
If (and that’s a big IF) she had any honor, she would have already resigned in disgrace. Damn commies.
I’ve just recently heard that the SS guy that shot Crooks has been fired.. Anyone know anything about this.??
It was HER job to secure that building, not turn it over to small local police with no experience at protecting someone. Her lack of judgement makes her unfit for the job.
That roof is as close to flat as you can reasonably come.
Obviously, that’s chaffe.
Who ordered the hit Cheetle?
did they come up on the roof after the shooter was dead or were they still drinking coffee thru the whole thing?
Safety factor? Their job is to put their lives on the line for the POTUS. It was not that steep a pitch to be too risky for the job. They had cops inside, but nobody watching the ladder that was on the backside of the building? Two cops on each of the 4 corners of the compound? That ground was flat as a crepe.
This was a total failure assuming nothing more nefarious. Clear line of sight less than 400 feet away. Inexcusable.
So let’s see. Police assigned to building outside the perimeter, but ordered to stay off the roof. CS team with USSS informed that local police would be occupying the building, led to believe police snipers would be on roof (but sighted in building anyway?) CS team must have smelled a rat nevertheless, as they were prepared to return effective fire in just seconds. Is this a cascade of improbable coincidences?
What was origin of order to stay off the roof?
What was said to the officer who spotted the shooter but backed down?
How did CS team come to be prepared to take their shot in just seconds, even though they had been led to believe site was occupied by local LEOs?
If these were State Police incompetents, stick a microphone in Shapiro's face.
Never noticed and guy with a 5 foot Extension Ladder and a rifle
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