Posted on 05/29/2024 5:15:18 AM PDT by xxqqzz
WINTERS – Gavin Newsom was asked to comment about Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction being overturned on Thursday, and the California governor didn't mince words.
"Harvey Weinstein is a stone-cold predator. He's a rapist, twice convicted. Not once, twice," Newsom said on Thursday.
New York's highest court overturned the disgraced Hollywood producer's rape conviction on Thursday and ordered a new trial. The New York Court of Appeals said the judge in the Weinstein case made several improper rulings, preventing the now 72-year-old from getting a fair trial.
Jennifer Siebel, Newsom's wife, testified in a different trial in Los Angeles in 2022 that Weinstein raped her in a hotel room in 2005. She was the fourth accuser to testify in that case.
Thursday's developments that saw the New York conviction overturned stemmed from the judge's decision to allow prosecutors to call witnesses whose accusations were not part of the charges against Weinstein, according to the appeals court.
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The guy was bad, but it seems like maybe a frame up. I don't see how they prosecute for something like that.
She went to private schools, Stanford, and has a Stanford MBA.
What did she think might happen by meeting a known abuser in a motel room?
These women were paid at levels way above high dollar escorts - with the opportunity to become major movie stars. If they were raped, all call girls should file rape charges. Their customers had a great deal of power over them - they had the money that these call girls needed to put food on the table.
>What did she think might happen by meeting a known abuser in a motel room?<
Twice. Once after she said he already raped her.
The show must go on.
His wife had sex with Harvey, so
Given the state of morals in our society (meaning sexual activity as well as rampant dishonesty about everything), I think no rape charge should ever be entertained by a court unless medical evidence has been obtained which proves Person A had sex with Person B. That’s just a starting point, and if you don’t have that, you have nothing. Dredging up claims from 2005 or 1993 or whatever is a waste of everyone’s time.
I think Weinstein is probably a pig. But as far as I know, the whole affair is He said-she said with no medical evidence.
1) Men should not rape women.
2) Women should not put themselves in situations where they can be raped.
Everyone should have some sense of personal accountability.
I did learn something from the Weinstein prosecution; actors don’t sleep with the director/producer to get a part. They sleep with them to be considered for a part. The ones who don’t get the parts get really mad, and the ones who do get the parts (Jennifer Lawrence and others) get really happy. The Eagles song “King of Hollywood” must have been written about Weinstein.
and Gavin’s wife gave it up for Stardom
They sleep with them to be considered for a part. The ones who don’t get the parts get really mad, and the ones who do get the parts (Jennifer Lawrence and others) get really happy.
That bitterness happens a LOT to those who sleep with people for personal ambition.
If you would have asked her before she even went there, why are you going? Do you know what kind of slime this guy is?
They would have replied that the pretty much have to go. It’s their only best shot and it’s worth the risks. Of course they go.
Then when they go, did they want to have sex? No.
Did they say no or stop? A lot of times they do not.
BUT... do they go to the police directly after?
Of course not. They are still hopeful they will get something out of it. They will get a part. There will be time later to play the victim if they have to.
And are they a victim?
Weinstein was a predator.
But you can see that there were two dark sides to the coin. These people gambled because they thought they could get ahead... Did they deserve what happened? No. But they went into the lion’s den anyway.
[And are they a victim?
“Harvey Weinstein is a stone-cold predator. He’s a rapist”
i don’t doubt that, but the NY court made the correct ruling: allowing testimony from a plethora of women whom no adjudication against Weinstein had been made was extremely prejudicial ... for decades, this kind of prejudicial testimony had been forbidden in all other criminal trials ... perhaps the judge in this case was paid off so Weinstein could eventually win an appeal ...
Too bad there isnt enough real shit g0ing on without the liberals dragging all this gaslit BS in the way to throw to the crowd.
“Harvey Weinstein is a stone-cold predator. He’s a rapist”
A real man would go looking for him.
His wife had sex with Harvey, so
And she went back for more.
Says a lot about her willing to sell her body off to get into show businesses.
Gavin would sell himself off too for political gain.
There might have been rape, but I believe most of the women who went to bed with Weinstein did so for career enhancement reasons and they knew it.
Like most of the others, Siebel slept with Weinstein in order to get ahead in Hollywood. That’s not rape, that’s just being a slut. 20 years later when it comes out that she boinked an unattractive man to further her career it’s embarrassing so suddenly it’s “he raped me”. Yeah right…
And are they a victim?
Weinstein was a predator.
Not so much “victims,” rather they’re very bad negotiators.
[Like most of the others, Siebel slept with Weinstein in order to get ahead in Hollywood. That’s not rape, that’s just being a slut.]
Sleeping with him gave them an entre into the rarefied world of A list directors and executive producers. The rest was up to them. Like talent, introductions are necessary, but not sufficient to make it in the business. Audiences have to like you. That they flamed out wasn’t Weinstein’s fault.
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