I admire his stance in vaccines. Otherwise he’s a lunatic and typical liberal.
How can government not be involved when we have ACA, and government owns out healthcare? And if government pays, they would be involved?
How about two weeks? Why not?
If Trump did debate this guy, I think it would be easy to tease out all of the radical positions Kennedy holds but hasn’t had to defend.
Yet they want government involved in every other healthcare procedure in the form of socialized medicine and regulations.
‘should be a decision made by the mother. ‘Maybe they should extend it to 2 years old, maybe three. You know how annoying those kids can be...///sarc///
He might take some of the whacko vote from Biden, with that kind of thinking.
The good news is that he won’t be taking any votes away from Trump now.
How about abortions 12 months after conception, are they ok Mr Kennedy ?
24 months after conception ?
9 months and the baby has just taken its first breath ?
Ok to bash its brains out?
Sick f&@kers.
There is no way I’ll ever vote for this sad little man:
I told people from day ONE that Robert Kennedy JR was Joe Biden without the vaccine love..he’s a far left libtard
OK. Then we shouldn't have child support payments, either. We should leave it to the man. We shouldn't have government involved.
How 'bout that, Bobby? Make sense? Eliminate double standards, right?
Or did the worm eat that part of your brain?
Agreed, this is NOT a "States Rights" issue at all.
How catholic.
....a lot of the same uber liberal/marxist/socialist/feminist WOMEN who seek societal ok to murder a 9 month old baby in their womb are one and the same women who now whine about MEN perverts sharing their locker rooms and kicking their asses in sport’s contests.
Some of us say.....”Karma Baby, embrace the suck”.
FTR, I’m equally mad at the pervert men and feel they should be segregated somehow from humanity. But, I especially tire of listening to never ending whining by democrat WOMEN feminists!
“[RFKJ]The presidential hopeful does not believe anyone should be able to step in and stop the murder of a full-term baby, making the remark during an interview with podcaster Sage Steele.”
This is excellent. More votes siphoned from the dementia-addled pedophile warmongering corruptocrat, and less, if any, from DJT.
No worse than the Republican women saying they would not sacrifice their life for their unborn baby. I can’t imagine how their kids felt when they heard their mom say there should be exceptions for the life of the mother.
What kind of man could even love a woman who would sacrifice their life for their child.
I guess their kids can just hope they never threaten their “mothers” life.
Evil, believe it when it speaks it’s name. Sometimes the devil looks & sounds human but then the mask slips.
“Full term abortion”...?...You mean infanticide don’t you, Bobby Jr. ?
Thank you, Bobby. Thank you for giving us a fresh look at what total scuzz bucket you are. Even a fair amount of people here were swooning over you lately.