Posted on 03/26/2024 9:41:15 AM PDT by nickcarraway
The neo-Nazi who inspired Edward Norton’s skinhead character in “American History X” has revealed he is now an observant Jew after turning his life around — and discovering his heritage through DNA testing.
Frank Meeink, 48, became a leader of a violent ultra-right group in the early 1990s, torturing enemies who stood in the way of his attempt to foment a race war.
Intensely anti-semitic and flaunting a flaming swastika tattooed on his neck, he railed against what he called the “Zionist occupation government” and believed the Jews were “the root of all evil.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The racist neo-nazis are leftist groups, not right.
Racism, tribalism, etc don’t belong to one side of political thought.
No one says that 100% of the racists are on the left. But of the political leaders, it's only the left that pushes it.
I agree with that. Right wingers are usually more individualistic and don’t care for orders or cult of personality.
As long as there are people willing to give something there will be people willing to take something.
The God of Abraham doesn't care about DNA, only that you believe in His Son.
Hmmm ..... doesn’t Pfizer have a shot that will turn him into a skinhead? Or a trans-gender?
They originally used it for ... can’t remember ... but it has some new off-label uses. Hahaha ho ho ho ha ha
Nazis are socialists, aka liberals, NOT conservatives
You tell ‘em, OD.
Goldberg’s book :
Jonah Goldberg
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change
...ripped the lid off of that issue for This Guy.
I quit too, after they threw in the “always on hand” blame the right.
From Nazi tattoos to wielding a tefillin - this is a guy who doesn’t believe in half measures.
It’s funny how in the photos of him, including the one where he’s showing “skin head” on his knuckles, he has hair.
Anyway, best wishes to him.
He and Salma Hayek were an item at one time. LOL!
2002-03, according to his Wikipedia bio.
In the area where he lived as a young teen, at that time, there was a lot of neo-nazi activity. It is a violent gang, like other gangs that teenage boys and young men get caught up in.
Correct. Back in the old days when I was a Leftie I and my crowd used to throw the word ‘’reactionary’’ around.
“Reactionary’’ is the word the Left used to use to mean conservatives.
In fact in the opening lines of “The Horst Wessel Song’’, the anthem of the Nazi Party sings of commrades being shot by “Die Rot Front und Reaktion’’, “The Red Front and Reaction’’.
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