Posted on 02/29/2024 10:13:05 AM PST by funwithfood
American journalist Tucker Carlson, in a podcast interview, criticized Putin's claim that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is necessary for "denazification". Carlson called it "the dumbest thing" he's ever heard and believes Putin uses the term "Nazi" simply to demonize Ukrainians.
Now let's see how many of the pro-Kremlin crowd around here now turn on Carlson.
I’d bet the Indians thought the term Manifest Destiny was pretty silly reason to stomp across the land.
Tucker is smart enough to realize he couldn’t say this while he was still in Russia, or he’d wind up like Navalny
President Zelensky is Jewish.
“Weapons of mass destruction” was the dumbest reason anyone ever used to justify the invasion of a sovereign country.
For all the people who prefer not living life with their heads stuck in the sand.
Does that include Tucker Carlson now?
I’m neither pro or anti Kremlin. Neither pro or anti Tucker.
But I will say this. Carlson flip flops more on an issue than most politicians.
Not raised Jewish. No bar mitzvah. Kids baptized, raised in UOC.
Tucker needs to defend himself from the useful idiot charge coming out of the MSM and others. The charge got to him.
Apparently. Facts are facts and logic is logic. I don’t need authorities to appeal to and console myself with. If all the mathematicians of the world say 2+2=5 I’ll stick to my guns.
Ukraine through its history had pro Czar/anti-Czar,pro Nazi/anti-Nazi, pro Stalin/ anti-Stalin and pro Russia/ anti-Russia. It’s very complex and an issue that the United States needs to stay out of. If NATO wants to be the European sheriff, they can send their men, women and treasure.
Without a doubt, there were many NAZI’s in those early areas, but do you invade over that?
“Reductio ad Hitlerum” is the most stupidly overused logical fallacy of the last 70 years.
Everyone I don’t like is Hitler!
Watched US MSM recently? It’s everywhere. I guess the Russians use it also.
Russia never tells the truth if a lie will serve. (with apologies to Doug MacArthur)
Tucker Carlson is probably as phony as Sean Hannity … though he has one extra digit in his IQ.
Few are "pro-Kremlin." We're only opposed to the U.S. funding foreign nations and foreign wars.
I admire Tucker for both praising and condemning Putin, however each situation merits. It's called being a rational human being rather than a blind partisan.
It’s like you think Nazis care?
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