Posted on 08/22/2023 2:30:02 PM PDT by Auntie Mame
Just over fifty-five years ago, on June 5, 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy was gunned down in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, shortly after triumphing in the California and South Dakota Presidential primaries.
“Sirhan confessed to the murder,” denoted Kennedy. “He pled guilty. His story is that he has no memory of it, and he stuck with that story for 60 years. But there was a man standing, one of my father’s best friends, standing beside him when my father was shot. And his name is Paul Schrade.”
“And the first shot that Sirhan fired hit Paul in the head,” Kennedy detailed. “Paul survived, and he just died less than a year ago. And he spent the last 20 years of his life trying to get Sirhan out of jail because he did not believe that Sirhan killed my father.”
Kennedy shared that Allard Lowenstein, a former US Congressman (D-NY) and “great friend” of Robert F. Kennedy, also believed the same thing — that Sirhan Sirhan did not kill the Presidential hopeful in 1968. “He fought for many years to get Sirhan out [of prison] and get the case reopened because he did not believe that my father was killed by Sirhan.”
Kennedy previously believed that the 77 eyewitnesses at the Ambassador Hotel shooting must have seen things right — that Sirhan Sirhan killed his father.
“Paul Schrade made me come over to his house one day and read the autopsy report,” recalled Kennedy. “How did he make me? He told me, you have to do this. And because he was such a close friend of my father’s and because he himself had been shot, I felt like I couldn’t say no to him. When I sat down and read the autopsy report, it became clear to me, as it would to anybody who read that report, that Sirhan could not have killed my father, which is what Thomas Noguchi, the coroner, the most important coroner probably in American history also concluded and said in his autobiography.”
Good. Now maybe RFK Jr. can help OJ find Nicole’s real killer.
Just as a very general statement — Most of what we have been told since at least 1960 has been a lie. Western Civilization has become a house of lies. In so many ways.
Who can you trust? It’s really just Jesus.
All it will take is a mirror
Sounds interesting. Thanx for the info
There’s also a lot of talk that the CIA killed JFK as well.
What I don’t get is what the vendetta was all about.
What would be better find Obama’s chef!!!
Oswald and Sirhan killed the Kennedy’s. Oswald was a Castro sympathizer and Sirhan was an anti Semite. JFK with the Bay of Pigs failed invasion and RFK with his pro-Israel support. Those were the motives as I see it.
***There’s also a lot of talk that the CIA killed JFK as well.***
Far easier to hit both Kennedy brothers in the head with a blackjack and claim they tripped and fell down a flight of stairs.
I remember the crowd there to see him would not clear the room. It was infuriating. Even the media.
This is a clear case of " I REALLY BELIEVE THIS" (by RFK Jr . . . very much like President Trump)
“What I don’t get is what the vendetta was all about.”
Bobby Kennedy was against the Vietnam War and publicly stated it could not be won militarily before he was killed. Bobby Kennedy was also against J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI. The CIA was obviously fully invested in perpetuating the Vietnam War.
Eisenhower warned the nation about the military industrial complex just as George Washington warned the nation about foreign alliances and entanglements in his Farewell address. Like his brother John, Robert Kennedy represented a threat to the military industrial complex.
You should read THIS article . . . No one’s refuting what RFK Jr is saying.
Same place I have landed. This country is thoroughly corrupt via the uniparty.
Oswald and Sirhan killed the Kennedy’s. Oswald was a Castro sympathizer and Sirhan was an anti Semite. JFK with the Bay of Pigs failed invasion and RFK with his pro-Israel support. Those were the motives as I see it.>>> True somewhat. JFK was accidentally killed with the head wound by a SS driver turned guard after all the SS were hungover from drinking and f**** all night. The rifle was stored below the seat in the following car. The inexperienced guard/driver pulled the trigger and hit him in the head. No way Oswald could pull off a second deadly shot after missing the first. Some brit did a documentary that sounds plausable. but what the hey.
Just, WOW!
If true, yet another CIA operation of treason against the US.
SNOPEs can’t tell you the time of day without lying.
Robert Kennedy Jr. Blames Reagan For 9/11 [for rolling back CAFE standards in 1986]
RFK, Jr. wants me jailed … as a war criminal
RFK, Jr.: Climate Skeptics ‘Should Be at the Hague with All the Other War Criminals’
RFK Jr.: Hog farmers bigger threat than Osama
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants To Jail His Political Opponents
Lessons in civility from RFK, Jr.
RFK Jr. spreads blame for environmental woes in New Bedford speech
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Blames Fairness Doctrine Abolishment for Conservatism Popularity
RFK, Jr: ‘We have so much to learn from Cuba’
Watch RFK, Jr. lose it at climate change march when confronted about his hypocrisy
Andrea Mitchell Applauds RFK Jr.’s ‘Impassioned Plea’ for Obama to Stop Keystone Pipeline by Fiat
RFK Jr. Slams “Right-Wing Control of American Media”
RFK Jr: Right-Wing Controls American Media, Fox News Has Divided US to a Point not Seen Since Civil War
RFK jr: Sen. Inhofe is a “Call Girl” for Big Oil (But it’s OK to say it, he’s a Democrat after all)
Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout
RFK Jr. Claims Air America Was More Popular Than Conservative Radio
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Endorses Charlie Crist, Attacks Tea Party (Video)
RFK, Jr. 15 months ago: Global warming means no snow or cold in DC
Robert Kennedy Jr.: right-wing hosts spread hate
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: Innocent ACORN Defrauded by ACORN Workers
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: ‘There Is No Liberal Media’(video barf!)
Kennedy Calls Skeptical Politicians ‘Traitors’ and ‘Corporate Toadies’
RFK Jr. Says AGW Skeptics Should Be Silenced
Video: Stossel Takes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. On For Traitor Remark
RFK Jr. Calls Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck Lying ‘Flat Earthers’
RFK (Robberbaron F. Kennedy) Jr. vs. Mike Gallagher on Energy Independence
The Incredible Shrinking Credibility of RFK, Jr.
RFK Jr.: Bush, Barbour to Blame for Katrina
*** RFK Jr: You know, my uncle was also shot amid a climate of right-wing hate ***
Flashback - Palin’s Big Oil infatuation [End of snow forever in DC]
RFK Jr says Donald Trump has ‘discredited the American experiment’
For sure.
Why any Freeper would go to SNOPES is beyond my understanding.
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