Posted on 06/19/2023 6:43:28 AM PDT by george76
Bye-bye Bidens.
The Bidens are done.
I know, I know, we have reasonable suspicion to believe the Biden crime family will never be held accountable for the treasonous bribes Joe has accepted and passed through to his family of Delaware trash, but remember this:
Everyone knew Harvey Weinstein was a pig and no one said a word…
Until one person started talking about it…
Soon everyone was talking about it…
Then cops had no choice but to stop playing dumb and arrest him.
That is where the Bidens are now. We all know they took mad stacks to make decisions for Burisma — and God knows who else — but the cat is out of the bag. Too many people know the truth. Will the swamp-dwelling lizard people risk losing their pensions to protect him? Not for much longer.
The FBI now has a choice: step aside or go down with him.
Remember when we heard there are 15 tapes of Hunter Biden and two of Joe discussing bribes?
Joe Biden will not run in 2024 because too many people are waking up to his crimes. Even the Communist News Network (CNN) ..
The Biden family is a pile of buttered toast, and Joe knows it.
Biden’s arrogance is fleeting. He is scared. I see it in his dead, kiddie-groping eyes. He is beginning to panic, and his excuses smell worse than Lizzo’s yoga mat.
Biden isn’t afraid of jail. He fears something which — to him — is much worse. He knows he and his family will go down as the most corrupt presidential clan in American history unless the globalists win, in which case nothing will be written about it and I will end up in a gulag fighting rats for moldy cabbage.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
"The walls are closing in..."
The Biden Crime Family is part of The Democrat Party Organized Crime Syndicate.
I hope Biden goes to his reward down below branded forever as disgraced, morally bankrupt, traitorous president in US history but he’s escaped the political hangman so many times before thanks to the mind-numbed masses.
Where’s Hannity?
What a farce.
I know. Didn’t Hannity or Lindsay Grahamnesty say this about six years ago?
Still waiting …
Or, my new favorite catchphrase from J.D. Rucker, "It begins..."
It's all a big joke.
Bye-bye Bidens, and Gruesome Newsom keep singing that tune.
Hard to believe how sloppy the Bidens are. Should have taken lessons from Bill & Hill - exterminate any witnesses.
If FJB goes down, Obama goes down, and that ain’t gonna happen.
Where is Hannity? He is out there making lots of money while talking about his working days, installing drywall, working in a restaurant, and talking about his martial arts training and his guns.
He is unlistenable.
There is only one demented person pushing Joe for 2024. This is fake Doc Jill. Like most vain and ridiculous women, they bathe in the status.
ZERO burisma audio tapes to listen to ... NONE ... NADA ...
the bidens are not the only ones doing this
hunter wasnt the only politically connected person on the burisma board
it is the same reason epstein’s little black book is a state secret
if biden goes down
how many will he take down with him?
I thought the evidence was just waiting to be revealed and would be revealed by Jan or Feb. what happened?
“The walls are closing in!”
Explosive Girrrrl power. Who is the one on the left?
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