1 posted on
08/31/2022 4:55:40 PM PDT by
To: aimhigh
The government is tyrannical
2 posted on
08/31/2022 4:59:09 PM PDT by
(I will not do business with fascists)
To: aimhigh
about time we had some rights too......
3 posted on
08/31/2022 5:02:32 PM PDT by
( )
To: aimhigh
To: aimhigh
SCOTUS ruled on this twice in the Colorado cases.
5 posted on
08/31/2022 5:04:51 PM PDT by
Deaf Smith
(When a Texan takes his chances, chances will be taken that's for sure.)
To: aimhigh
So, it looks like time for Louisville to judge-shop to counter this ruling. What are the justices in Hawaii doing these days?! :p
6 posted on
08/31/2022 5:05:02 PM PDT by
(Don't expect anyone, even conservatives, to have your back when the SHTF in 2021 and beyond.)
To: aimhigh
7 posted on
08/31/2022 5:06:51 PM PDT by
To: All
It shouldn’t have even gone to trial. Just go hire someone else.
To: aimhigh
Freedom of Association must include Freedom from Association or it's not a freedom at all.
What of you are not comfortable with, or outright scared of taking pictures or catering at a satanic wedding or a gangster family wedding?
The right to say "No!" is the basis for all other rights.
They can hire someone else.
9 posted on
08/31/2022 5:08:25 PM PDT by
(I'd rather have Unequal Wealth than Equal Poverty.)
To: aimhigh
His ordeal is just beginning. Appeals and the attendant expenses will drive him to bankruptcy. Then there’ll be mob action.
10 posted on
08/31/2022 5:12:06 PM PDT by
("Free country"? Good morning, Rip.)
To: aimhigh
Here's an interesting comment from a PetaPixel reader:
"Businesses should be able to choose their customers just as much as customers should be able to choose their businesses. If a business discriminates, they cut off their customer base, and if they do it enough then they go out of business and "the trash has taken itself out."
13 posted on
08/31/2022 5:17:11 PM PDT by
(THIS is His commandment . . . . 1 John 3:23)
To: aimhigh
Everyone that has queerdom forced on them like this should file lawsuits.
Same thing for libtard racism. File lawsuits
14 posted on
08/31/2022 5:23:02 PM PDT by
(Somebody has to say it 🤪)
To: aimhigh
Being able to force someone to do something against their values and against their will is slavery - this is not merely people seeking services but wanting someone to actively participate in their chosen lifestyle and go to venues she does not wish to attend or witness.
To: aimhigh
They can invite Alec Baldwin to sh00t their weddings.
17 posted on
08/31/2022 5:31:14 PM PDT by
(Comitia asinorum et rhinocerum delenda sunt.)
To: aimhigh
If a baker,a photographer or a florist is forced to do a pervert wedding there's an easy solution. Just do a horrible job,apologize humbly (which you don't really mean) and assure the perverts that they won't get a bill.
Word will spread among the pervert community too steer clear of that person.A cake that tastes,and looks,terrible...flowers that are all wilting...pictures that are poorly lit and out of focus will do the trick.
To: aimhigh
But can he shoot same sex couples?
22 posted on
08/31/2022 6:16:15 PM PDT by
(Trump accomplished more in one term than any other President in your lifetime.)
To: aimhigh
These inhabitants are delusional.
Why would you duress a service provider prior to services rendered.
Very counterproductive. Pathetic self centered money grubbing tactics that the left wants to foster against the right.”
25 posted on
08/31/2022 6:29:49 PM PDT by
(Don’t blame me my vote didn’t count so mee s)
To: aimhigh
The worm is beginning to turn ever so slowly. Whether this continues is anyone’s guess.
33 posted on
09/01/2022 4:35:48 AM PDT by
(Racism is not dead, but it is on life support - kept alive by politicians….” — Thomas Sowell)
To: aimhigh
From the article.
“Nelson filed the suit (against the government) preemptively, having never been approached by a same-sex couple for a wedding photography shoot. However, she claimed that her wedding photography business had suffered because of the Fairness Ordinance, saying she was afraid to market openly in case she was fined.”
She was afraid to market openly. That’s exactly the goal of this tactic (sue people for not performing services for your personals perversion ceremony) is to make every business scared to death to refuse any pervert anything for fear of being sued into bankruptcy.
Everyone knows that even if you successfully defend your business, the legal cost will destroy you.
This is terrorism using our screwed up legal system that allows and even encourages this.
36 posted on
09/01/2022 7:04:28 AM PDT by
(Whoever said, "The pen is mightier than the sword." has clearly never been stabbed to death.)
To: aimhigh
For government to force craftspeople go against their religious beliefs is like forcing the Amish to buy cars, gasoline and car insurance.
37 posted on
09/01/2022 7:19:35 AM PDT by
Albion Wilde
(Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free... Galatians 5:1 )
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