Posted on 08/22/2022 6:32:23 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
The Democratic Party's midterm prospects have been hampered by President Joe Biden's low approval rating, high gas prices, and an unsteady economy, but the tables may be turning in a more favorable direction for the party just months before the heated 2022 midterm elections.
Political pundits have predicted a red wave, but the mood of the electorate may be shifting in the closing months before November. On Thursday, the Cook Political Report deemed Senate control this fall a "toss-up," following recent polls that suggested several Republican candidates are trailing behind their Democratic opponents in key races.
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That's rather surprising that the CPR would rate GOP chances that high.
LOL, spin MSM spin.
Ryano approves of this message.
“positive economic news”
WTH? The Murdoch kids have control.
Don’t trust summer polling.
Dems know they’re responsible for these prices...they better wise up.
I feel it ever single day. The mood out there is euphoria with dancing in the streets nightly. All hail Joe Biden….this is morning in America. Wowza….It seems all of the media feels it now….
Cook Political was pretty solid. Not sure what to think, other than it’s too early to really matter.
Oh yeah the euphoria in the country is ubiquitous.
Leave it to FOX. passing a bad destructive bill is a success and I am still missing the part of good economic news. Good news for who?
We can’t afford groceries and gasoline. Maybe FOX News employees are profiting for promoting bullchit but most people are now hurting.
Define legislative success here moron. You’re poorer now btw.
Springtime for Biden and the Deep State,
Winter for Trump and DeSant,
Springtime for Heelsup and Valjar’s mate:
Come on, Marxists, go into your dance!
The “dark money” is their biggest boost at this time. Many more billionaires have joined in the Deep State move to throw a bind into the America Firsters, with negative campaigning right down to the local level, school boards, municipal elections, and county officials, as well as the state level, trying to either sow doubt about the America First program, or to thoroughly foul up the actual ballot count with multiple frauds that worked so well in 2020, and is still not acknowledged in many quarters.
The economy goes into recession and that’s “positive economic news.”
The economy goes into recession and Biden and the Democrats improve their standing.
Just goes to show, folks, the power of the MSM to spin narratives and infect the public discourse still very much exists.
WTH? The Murdoch kids have control.
You and I know this business about "positive economic news" is at best a short term thing. Long term, the economic news is far from good and we all know it. The media knows this too but they also know that Americans, for the most part, are economically illiterate. (Present company on this board excluded) Their first duty is to elect democrats and that is why they promote and can get away with the BS
Fox the new CNN ,LOL
Seventy-four percent think the Country is on the wrong track. Eight months at over Seventy percent. A new record.
If they don’t lose both house and Senate we , as in God fearing, moral minded Americans can kiss this country good by. I really don’t think anyone has the stomach for a shootin civil war. Maybe I’m wrong. I hope,
and yet 75% think country is on wrong track. So apparently they want to stay on the wrong track??
Something don’t smell right
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